My exact thought the second I saw the word "subscription"
Posts by idoxde
22 publicly visible posts • joined 17 Nov 2018
Broadcom to divest VMware's end-user computing and Carbon Black units
Linux Foundation spends 20% more in 2021, highlights new LFX platform
Shocked I am. Shocked to find that underground bank-card-trading forums are full of liars, cheats, small-time grifters
TeamViewer is going to turn around and ignore what you're doing with its freebie licence to help new remote workers
Advertisers want exemption from web privacy rules that, you know, enforce privacy
In a world of infosec rockstars, shutting down sexual harassment is hard work for victims
Fitbit fitness fans furious following flummoxing flawed firmware float, fleeting feedback, failed fixes
I had my Charge 2 for a few years now. It's been working perfectly with a number of phones (including my current device) but hey - nothing lasts forever. Right after I got the "new, sleek" app update my fitbit won't sync. I'd gone through various steps of troubleshooting, got a completely useless reply from their "support" but it's obvious that the only thing that's changed is the Fitbit app on my phone. At the moment my tracker is completely useless and even if they fix the problem I will never go near them again.
Trump continues on the warpath: Now US tariffs cover nearly everything arriving from China
Hip and modern IBM can't beat legacy kit and services IBM: That's four consecutive quarters of revenue decline now
What do we want? Decentralised, non-siloed social media with open standards! When do we want it? Soon!
Accenture sued over website redesign so bad it Hertz: Car hire biz demands $32m+ for 'defective' cyber-revamp
Re: Accenture to the left of me. Wipro to the right
Wipro... A few years ago my department (IT in finance/banking) was outsourced to Wipro. I waited 3 months in hope that their employee payroll website will be working at least 8 out of 10 times when accessed. 3 months in hope that they make it look like a professional intranet page and not an IT assignment for secondary school students. Big words, promises of great future, thousands of managers from Bangalore delivering beautiful speeches. Bored and disgusted with all this crap I abandoned ship, never looked back and lived happily ever after.
NPM is Not Particularly Magnanimous? Staff fired after trying to unionize – complaints
Back in the day
I miss the good old days, when it was about passion, technology, best people in the field. No one asked questions what's your colour or whether you prefer boys to ladies - if you were good at what you were doing - you were a hero and you were rewarded as such. I seriously can't stand these constant problems: white, black, man, woman, hetero, homo, unicorn, politics. This plague of idiocy, quotas, entitlement and pleasing everyone is eating the industry from the inside, there is no to little focus on progress other than "new minimalistic design with black and white tiles". The end of many in the industry is nigh. I consider myself lucky to have witnessed a revolution, played games born of passion before it was all about political correctness, political agendas and money.
YouTube's pedo problem is so bad, it just switched off comments on millions of vids of small kids to stem the tide of vileness
Foldables herald the beginning of the end of the smartphone fetish
Meanwhile in a happy-land...
My 199£ Xiaomi A2 Lite does it's job perfectly, I have to say. I use bluetooth earphones most of the time but when the battery drains I switch to my standard earphones with an audio jack. I can listen to FM radio when I feel like it. I check emails, WhatsApp messages, texts, do a bit of an odd reddit-reading and some news. Now, hold your breath: it can even display weather forecast! AIMP is great for music, Antenna for podcasts. Front camera is useless since I don't take selfies, rear camera is good enough to capture a moment - if I'm to do some proper shooting session I grab my trusted Nikon gear. I added 128G SD card to expand the existing 64G for my music. And while travelling abroad, I simply add a second SIM card of the country I am visiting, to get most of the data/voice/text services. I charge my phone ever 3 days or so, thanks to the 4000mAh battery - and I honestly couldn't be happier. I don't give half a toss about AMOLED, foldables, curved screen, glass/ceramic back, USB C or it being 2mm thin. If it works solid and isn't a nuisance (careful not to shatter the glass back, charge every 8 hours, no jack, no FM, difficult to hold, etc) it makes me a happier man, which I certainly am.
As netizens, devs scream bloody murder over Chrome ad-block block, Googlers insist: It's not set in stone (yet)
OnePlus 6T: Tasteful, powerful – and much cheaper than a flagship
Re: I don't know phones anymore
"Does anyone know a phone that meets the following extremely long list of requirements:"
Mi A2 Lite I just bought from (thank you for bloody 3 week delivery!)
- 159-189£ depending on where you buy it
- 4000mAh battery (the wife has it and with her, rather heavy use, lasts for 2 days on a single charge)
- Stock Android One
- dual SIM and SD card slot
- headphone jack
I just ordered Xiaomi A2 Lite for 180£ since I can't justify spending over 500£ on a phone. Specially that whatever the differences are, those differences are not worth hundreds of £/€ - in my opinion. But hey, I am cheap. I have learned it the hard way though, after my Nexus 5X bricked (and so my wife's), iPhone 5S slowed down to the point it was a real pain to use it. I thought at the time that I'm buying a premium quality devices from trusted vendors, but I feel cheated and never going that route again. Cheap I am and so be it.