AI will learn
How to stop cyber attacks against it and "Colossus: The Forbin Project" will take over the worlds economy.
263 publicly visible posts • joined 17 Nov 2018
It seems a Republican down voted me because as usual they dont like to face the fact they elected a racist, criminal and fully sexual predator into the Whitehouse. Never mind four more years of grifting by the man will soon show his true colours and those of the radicals behind him.
How to historical lambast a former president , if only he had precognition like the next president seems to have. I wonder what history will say about the next criminally convicted felon to enter the Whitehouse and carry on grifting from his supporters who are already regretting their choice.
Were written to 1.7MB formatted floppies at the factory to try and prevent copying , as the standard format tool provided by Microsoft made all disks 1.4MB. Of course there were several 3rd party tools that happily made your floppies 1.7MB if you so wished to make........ er back ups.
Remember the song "Dont copy that Floppy!".
You obviously have no concept of security especially on unmonitored broadcasts and receptions. This unregulated and uncertified system in a state of combat, could have severely compromised both the crew and the ship to the point of it being easily targetted by a ner do well.
Its akin to standing of the fore desk waving a light at an enemy plane.
Its not like this is the first year there have been problems highlighted with electric vehicles of all makes being unable to charge because the batteries are too cold, or that the range falls dramatically in the cold weather. Electric vehicles are not the answer to general road use and its just the blinkered greenies pushing sales and highlighting glorified figures that gets media attention.
I had a conversation with GPT the other day, and I ended up me asking if it were able to correct itself and learn if errors were pointed out to its responses by users or if it would still keep making the same mistakes. The response was a resounding yes it can't learn, it can only respond referring to the database already programmed into it even if it contained errors. Only the programmers could update its responses and database.
We have a new personal development plan that reads like its written by a dodgy marketing man trying to sell you snake oil
"We connect across borders and break down silos to leverage the strength of our internal and external network. We don’t agree with the ‘not invented here’ syndrome. We embrace opportunities to replicate and apply the great work of others. "
Really......... Are you really expecting some low profit energy company to actually pay for the wear and tear of all these battery packs?
An energy system thats reliant on an unpaid individuals battery pack to work efficiently and effectively is doomed to failure.
Its a damn nuisance, I must have the number Spartacus owned as I keep getting angry messages from Roman descendants.
Getting calls from strangers after moving to a new area has been happening ever since bell made more than two phones. It just shows that media providers care little about security and more about making excuses.