* Posts by arachnoid2

263 publicly visible posts • joined 17 Nov 2018


DeepSeek limits new accounts amid cyberattack


AI will learn

How to stop cyber attacks against it and "Colossus: The Forbin Project" will take over the worlds economy.

FBI wipes Chinese PlugX malware from thousands of Windows PCs in America


USB infection is just a vector if that is blocked another will be used, it solves nothing .

A New Year's gift from Microsoft: Surprise, your scanners don't work



A similar issue was flagged recently on social media and it came down to an SMB v 1 (if memory serves) being disabled on the windows update which the printer required for communication.

Jimmy Carter set the solar, space, and environmental pace


Re: A loss no doubt

It seems a Republican down voted me because as usual they dont like to face the fact they elected a racist, criminal and fully sexual predator into the Whitehouse. Never mind four more years of grifting by the man will soon show his true colours and those of the radicals behind him.


Re: A loss no doubt

How to historical lambast a former president , if only he had precognition like the next president seems to have. I wonder what history will say about the next criminally convicted felon to enter the Whitehouse and carry on grifting from his supporters who are already regretting their choice.

One third of adults can't delete device data


Recycled parts

There is also the issue of recycled parts from broken hardware sold on, I purchased a used card to repair my 50" TV and found several app accounts were still able to log into the relevant services i.e. Disney+, Amazon, email etc.

China's Salt Typhoon recorded top American officials' calls, says White House


But whose secure phones , you wouldnt expect world politicians to buy American Shirley?


Spy movies

Didnt they hear the crackle on the line as they picked up the receiver?

Badass Russian techie outsmarts FSB, flees Putinland all while being tracked with spyware


Re: "Always keep a second passport"

A second passport was the go to for many a reporter as some countries would not let you in if certain other countries had stamped the passport.

Broadcom makes U-turn on plan to serve top 2,000 VMware customers itself


Re: unhappy partners?

Akin to Nvidia in their treatment of "partners" then.

Windows 95 setup was three programs in a trench coat, Microsoft vet reveals


There were several versions of windows 95 spanning I think up to around 22(?) floppies depending on the software it came with. I made the mistake one time of installing it without using the 3 DOS disks first and had to redo the installation alll over again.


MS DOS and Windows 95

Were written to 1.7MB formatted floppies at the factory to try and prevent copying , as the standard format tool provided by Microsoft made all disks 1.4MB. Of course there were several 3rd party tools that happily made your floppies 1.7MB if you so wished to make........ er back ups.

Remember the song "Dont copy that Floppy!".

UK councils bat away DDoS barrage from pro-Russia keyboard warriors


the queues were nuts

Thats more to a lack of proper facilities dont you think.


Booking to remove garbage

Is getting as bad as making a doctors appointment

Fired Disney staffer accused of hacking menu to add profanity, wingdings, removes allergen info


I guess the Americans found Whalley after all


Urban Dictionary

A term used to describe a vile piece of shit person that has no purpose in life and was most likely a failed abortion. Most "whalley's" grow up to marry washed up, cracked head strippers and have imaginary children

The billionaire behind Trump's 'unhackable' phone is on a mission to fight Tesla's FSD


Hackers be like

(Cracks knuckles): "Right lets avit"

Linux admin asked savvy scientist for IT help and the boffin blew it


The warning was well annouced

In the film my fair lady about picking a packet or two

Yes, your network is down – you annoyed us so much we crashed it


Re: Important word

What if you a a Freeman of the LAN

Intel lets go of 2,000 staff at Oregon R&D site, offices in Texas, Arizona, California


Re: Cutting R&D

More grey beard lay offs for short term gains only harm the company in the end.

Opening up the WinAmp source to all goes badly as owners delete entire repo


The live Cat popped its head out of the box but was put back in, naughty moggy.

RAC duo busted for stealing and selling crash victims' data


What about the end user

What about the people whos data was shared are they to get compensation and advice from the RAC or is this just media marketing ?

Microsoft admits Outlook crashes, says impact 'mitigated'


"Its not use"

"There have been no changes to the environment and no updates to the Windows desktops that are having this issue." 5,4,3,2,1,......................... BANG!

AI chatbot gets green light to hallucinate your investment portfolio


Re: @Dr. G. Freeman

Thats how many pensions work these days.


Im sorry I cant take those options Dave

This uni thought it would be a good idea to do a phishing test with a fake Ebola scare


Re: Charity work

Still unpaid , so you made my point.


Charity work

"We're all busy and some of us bother to concentrate or actually get in a few minutes earlier each day and have a bit of extra quiet time to attend to any email backlog."

So you compensate for a works problem by doing unpaid time, how charitable.

Ransomware scum who hit Indonesian government apologizes, hands over encryption key


hospitals and so on are all the victims when this stuff happens when it was preventable.

Prevention costs money and managers and the general public , would rather spend the money on services that make peoples lives better.

Payoff from AI projects is 'dismal', biz leaders complain


The King has no cloths

Has the little boy shouted up about AI yet?

Command senior chief busted for secretly setting up Wi-Fi on US Navy combat ship


Its a war ship not a ferry boat.

You obviously have no concept of security especially on unmonitored broadcasts and receptions. This unregulated and uncertified system in a state of combat, could have severely compromised both the crew and the ship to the point of it being easily targetted by a ner do well.

Its akin to standing of the fore desk waving a light at an enemy plane.

China shows off machine-gun-toting robot dog and its AI-powered puppy


I see spot is unable to reload the rifle ,so after 30 rounds advancing its nothing more than any annoying mechanical toy.

NASA lost contact with Mars helicopter Ingenuity, then managed to find it again


Nukle the alien beaches

Im sure a tactical nuke or two would uncover the ice and its not like they are doing anything sat in their silos for years just being proded now and again by the techs..

Tesla owners in deep freeze discover the cold, hard truth about EVs


Wash,rinse, repeat

Its not like this is the first year there have been problems highlighted with electric vehicles of all makes being unable to charge because the batteries are too cold, or that the range falls dramatically in the cold weather. Electric vehicles are not the answer to general road use and its just the blinkered greenies pushing sales and highlighting glorified figures that gets media attention.

Bricking it: Do you actually own anything digital?


Re: At which point....

The same for painting nes paux?


Re: Just imagine

But the clothes are designed in the same way music is. So that infers a designer could ask for more money if you sold it on to another person to wear.


Just imagine

If clothes stores implemented DRM on products they "sold" you and required you had to stop using them if and when the vendor decided to remove you right to wear them,

Tech support done bad sure makes it hard to do tech support good


Re: The easiest way to make a small fortune on the Stock Market .....

Much like selling shovels and tents

Elon is the bakery owner swearing in the street about Yelp critics canceling him


Poor Rocket man

Spewing his version of truth on Twitter as if hes a wise man handing out candy to an adoring crowd.

Microsoft seeks EU Digital Market Acts exemption for underdog apps like Edge


History repeats itself

(Microsoft) windows wont run without internet explorer, its an integrated part of the system

(Concerned Citizen) Removes Internet explorer and windows still works

95% of NFTs now totally worthless, say researchers


Snake Oil has never been more popular.

The internet was supposed to make people smarter, well that certainly didnt work did it DOH!

Microsoft to kill off third-party printer drivers in Windows


It just sounds like more unnecessary land fill as older functional hardware gets cut off in its prime .Just like when MS changed the driver model which prevented older drivers loading unless they were signed and manufacturers refused to pay to update older drivers.

AI is going to eat itself: Experiment shows people training bots are using bots


GPT cant correct itself

I had a conversation with GPT the other day, and I ended up me asking if it were able to correct itself and learn if errors were pointed out to its responses by users or if it would still keep making the same mistakes. The response was a resounding yes it can't learn, it can only respond referring to the database already programmed into it even if it contained errors. Only the programmers could update its responses and database.

Gen Z and Millennials don't know what their colleagues are talking about half the time


Breaking down silos

We have a new personal development plan that reads like its written by a dodgy marketing man trying to sell you snake oil

"We connect across borders and break down silos to leverage the strength of our internal and external network. We don’t agree with the ‘not invented here’ syndrome. We embrace opportunities to replicate and apply the great work of others. "

Pixies keep switching off my morning alarm, says Google Pixel owner


Re: I don't use any voice commands...

No hence why it’s a bad idea to have a smart door lock attached to a smart speaker. It’s not unknown for some nee do well to shout through the letter box” Alexa open the front door”.


It just needs someone to make a malicious song with all smart device naming features in the lyrics and the world will come to an end.

Boffins claim to create the world's first wooden transistor


Natural PC

A bit of gene editing and one could grow a 100% fibre system.

Duelling techies debugged printer by testing the strength of electric shocks


Re: Reminds me...

(Sucks teeth) Not our department but is sounds expensive to fix

Atomic energy body proposes fusion framework to manage British energy grids


when people's EV batteries are used to service the typical household's peak energy usage

Really......... Are you really expecting some low profit energy company to actually pay for the wear and tear of all these battery packs?

An energy system thats reliant on an unpaid individuals battery pack to work efficiently and effectively is doomed to failure.

'Thousands' at Meta face layoffs this week


Re: Is there a Facebook group

Its hosted on Twitter

Accidental WhatsApp account takeovers? It's a thing



Its a damn nuisance, I must have the number Spartacus owned as I keep getting angry messages from Roman descendants.

Getting calls from strangers after moving to a new area has been happening ever since bell made more than two phones. It just shows that media providers care little about security and more about making excuses.


Re: Been there, done that

Give them a fake new number that you are changing to..........
