Re: This is fine
Never let the opportunity for a Question Hound reference go unexploited.
413 publicly visible posts • joined 13 Nov 2018
How does contracting work exactly, in the UK? In Canada, "contractor" is a way of getting somebody to do the same job as an employee, only they don't need a reason to be fired, don't get sick days, don't get benefits at all really, including employment protections of any sort, and they get paid a lot less. Is it similar over there?
Oh man, audio on Windows is such a shitshow. I had this problem where the audio would fall out of sync with anything on the internet, but nowhere else on the computer. Any and all settings were examined and changed, all browser options were explored, nothing ever fixed it. At the same time, video games would have stuttering sound issues as well. Sound card removed, different sound cards tried, no sound card at all, different speaker setups, different drivers.
One of the ways to fix it was to do a completely clean install. It would work for a few weeks and then start again. After a few updates, the window where the audio would work shrunk more and more, until it would happen on even a brand new install. This was with literally NO other software installed other than Firefox and Morrowind, and I also took the liberty of writing over the drive with 0s 1s and random bits several times, to try and burn any of the f*ckwittery remaining off of the SSD.
Finally I talked to their support, and I went through a multi-hour process of doing everything I could. Finally I got to somebody high enough to give a solid answer. "Hardware incompatability". Okay, which part? "Can't tell, too many vairables." Well, all the hardware seems to be working as well as it once did, and the sound worked well a year ago before a few of your sh*tcrafted updates, so I'd kind of like to know. Radio silence.
Spent money to change the MOBO, switched from an Intel to an AMD, switched the RAM completely, switched to a new SSD, new video card, removed any sound boards, even changed the effing PSU because what the hell, I'm basically making a new computer anyways. Installed 10. SAME. THING. AS. BE. FORE.
I use Linux now. In my opinion, Windows 10 is the greatest advertisement for Linux that could ever exist.
I've had this wracking, awful chest cough accompanied by blood and mucus. I've been seeing the same doctor for years, but all he's done recently is prescribe leaches and essential mint oil. As a result, I no longer see that doctor.
Ipso facto, my chest problem must have improved.
Pretty rare that a cop gets in trouble for actually USING a body cam. The justification given for its use makes sense, if only to help separate unnecessary and frivolous complaints about the police from the ones that REALLY need to be looked into and addressed. That being said, if it was that much of a concern to the officer, I feel like it would have been appropriate to mention at the outset that he was recording the interaction.
I'm a bit confused about the reasoning behind forcing password changes leading to weaker passwords. If it's only x number of users doing so and making garbage passwords/not using password managers (or company or whatever not providing them), isn't only that single user being effected, or does that become other people's issue as well? If you change out the locks on a door every month, and the person with the key keeps taping it to the same door that's locked, is it the locks fault the door got open by somebody who shouldn't have opened it? If I sell really sharp utility knives to people, do I have to hire people to go and put helmets on users before they start trying to hold the knives with their mouths? I think it's fair to allow for the assumption of a bit of responsibility to the user.