* Posts by jason_derp

413 publicly visible posts • joined 13 Nov 2018


Has Apple abandoned CUPS, the Linux's world's widely used open-source printing system? Seems so


Maybe a controversial opinion, but CUPS has always been an enormous nightmare for me anyways. The one thing I hate about any project is the "fiddly" bits, and CUPS is 100% fiddling. The UK had to make it a member of parliament to keep it from being locked away for all the fiddling its involved in. Maybe now it can be turned into something that doesn't require a degree to get it to work (in practice, not in theory, there's a large difference there), or it can be abandoned entirely and something functional can be made?

On the other hand, it might not matter in the next five years or so once Windows officially reveals that (to the surprise of nobody) they're just going to become another distro of Linux, so there's that.

LibreOffice rains on OpenOffice's 20th anniversary parade, tells rival project to 'do the right thing' and die


Well, what options were there?

"There are numerous ways for TDF to contact the AOO project and, from what we can see, none of those were used instead of the somewhat impersonal and semi-confrontational method of an 'Open Letter.'"

How else would they get a response? It's pretty common now to release stuff into the wild in order to provoke meaninful responses. Sent in a bug to a company that said it was out of scope for a bounty project? Release into the wild after a time and let natural selection sort it out. That's the way things are done now you silly person.

Elizabeth Holmes' plan to avoid her Theranos fraud trial worked out about as well as her useless blood-testing machines


"...face up to 20 years in prison each if convicted"

So time served and a hundred dollar fine. Sounds good.

Nominet refuses to consider complaint about its own behaviour, claims CEO didn’t mean what he said on camera


Re: At what point do you pull the plug?

"At what point does the government freeze the personal assetts of all the C-level execs, issue warrants for their arrests, & haul them in on charges of criminal acts?"

I thought I was the only guy who posted while high. People have been asking that for decades now. If past performance is an indicator of future results, never.

US-China trade war worse for tech business than COVID-19, says VMware's Asia boss


Re: Perspective

"...this trade "war" might eventually deprive you of your livelihood but it does not generally kill outright."

My understanding of the US was that poverty was a death sentence paid in installments anyways, so maybe not too different on their side.


The Upsides

So, this is a bit selfish, but in Canada I've noticed that since the trade war has begun, shipping time from China has dropped drastically. Like, two weeks with free shipping sometimes to the middle of nowhere Canada.

.uk registry operator Nominet responds to renewed criticism – by silencing its critics


Re: "legally, a member-based non-profit organisation"

"There is only one problem with .gb - and that is Northern Ireland..."

Why are they a problem? Do they not know what island they're on? .ie already exists for the WHOLE island of Ireland, does it not?

Your latest security headache? Ed from accounting using his kid as an unpaid helpdesk


"this month kids will, on average, do about £4,200 a year in IT work"

It's a capitalist wet dream. Employees have children that aren't the companies responsibility, then those children do unpaid work. If we can get drug dealers to become the replacement for health care, we'll have solved most of those pesky costs of doing business!

USA still hasn’t figured out details of WeChat ban but promises users won't be punished


"Many theories refer to the time people on TikTok bought all the Trump rally tickets and didn’t turn up."

Man I don't care what political stance a person has, that is objectively hilarious.


But there's a problem...

"... that would target persons or groups whose only connection with WeChat is their use or downloading of the app to convey personal or business information between users, or otherwise define the relevant transactions in such a way that would impose criminal or civil liability on such users.”

The thing is, with an organization that is staffed by serial liars and is alleged to do stuff like forced hysterectomies in detainment centers (which is literally "eugenics" as defined by the Geneva Convention), why the fuck would you ever believe that? It's like a known arsonist showing up at your house with a gasoline can and a handful of lighters and saying "Don't worry." Like, no, why the fuck would I believe you? I wouldn't believe it if you wrote the goddamn words down and sent it to my lawyer.

Woman dies after hospital is unable to treat her during crippling ransomware infection, cops launch probe


Re: Why?

"...has anyone thought that if an ER can go offline, that ER isn't a ER?"

Yeah I'm not willing to let the hospital off so easy either. Seems a lot like passing all the blame off onto some equally guilty party.

Mate, it's the '90s. You don't need to be reachable every minute of every hour. Your operating system can't cope


Re: Perhaps

"Don't stress. Sometimes life and happiness is much more important."

Definitely retired.

Chinese prof sent down for 18 months for stealing semiconductor secrets, trying to patent them to cover tracks


Re: Oh I see

"Considering that almost every state in existence has done Bad Things at some point, why bother trying to make anything better and just let the citizens of the world run rampant?"

I'm not against making things better. I am against self-righteous bullshittery from mealy-mouthed cogs that only pop their heads up like a whack-a-mole game for the sake propagandistic "do-as-I-say..." platitudes.


Oh I see

“Theft is not innovation. By combating theft, we protect innovation and freedom.”

Those equestrian lessons are paying off, I see.

What legacy is IBM really shooting for? Cheating its own salespeople out of millions? Here we go again, allegedly


Re: The same IBM

"...Ford, GM, Coca Cola, Porche... "

The way the world is now, if i was Ford or Coke I'd be more worried about being associated with IBM than with Nazis.

Former HP CEO and Republican Meg Whitman – who split HP with mixed success – says Donald Trump can't run a business


Re: the Democrats should have won easily

"Calling half the electorate stupid is a major reason why Trump is likely to win."

For the average American: The electorate is the name given to the population able to vote.

I'm going to argue that's worth an hour of community service to my parole officer. And somebody owes me a tax receipt.

Trump administration reportedly offers Oracle cheap end to $400m wage discrimination case


"I hope they're proud of themselves..."

"You don't watch the news much, do you?"

No need to hope, they are.

Apple's at it again: Things go pear-shaped for meal planner app after iGiant opposes logo


So this leaf..

I just want to double check, but the leaves are both at right angles, but not in regards to the fruit, right? Like, there's a hypothetical oblique line that intersects the leaf and then forms the right angle they're talking about? Because I double checked what a right angle is, and unless they mean it in a way where all othe angles are wrong angles, that's the only reasonable option.

I got 99 problems, and all of them are your fault


To be fair

That user is a jerk, and the logic is unfounded. But i literally blame myself this way when i work on computers. I fixed X but broke Y. Shit.

Geneticists throw hands in the air, change gene naming rules to finally stop Microsoft Excel eating their data


Re: How?

"...it is clearly micro aggression... "

Did something happen at work? This topic line is like your whole identity in the comments.

Microsoft forked out $13.7m in bug bounties. The reward program's architect thinks the money could be better spent


Ah yes

"Most security programs can find many more efficient uses for $14m in vulnerability prevention and detection in-house."

Sure but like, isn't that effective? We're Microsoft. We'll do not that. Let's not that that really hard until we don't know what thating that even is. That's the one. Let's do that.

VMware to stop describing hardware as ‘male’ and ‘female’ in new terminology guide


Re: Last time I checked ...

"No doubt I'll get ostracized and banned from ever being hired by VMware."

Definitely the only reason though.


Re: While we're on the subject…

"… what does one call the part of the internet with the drug dealers and bomb manuals in now? The lowlit web?"

I call it home.

Congrats, First American Title Insurance, you've made technology history. For all the wrong reasons


Well then

"First American strongly disagrees with the New York Department of Financial Services’ charges relating to a limited cybersecurity incident from May 2019."

Well, the two stances are mutually exclusive. Provided the DFS is correct, I'm assuming that means we get to play that classic game called "Liar or Dipshit". (Protip: the answer is always 'C', both of them.)

UK.gov admits it has not performed legally required data protection checks for COVID-19 tracing system


Re: There we go again

"What would be the consequences for the ICO being seen to be taking away from PHE the budget given to them to deal with a national public health crisis?"

I would hope that it would be seen taking away money away from the PHE budget. Doing a job isn't always going to be easy, but if you only do the job when it is easy, it might be a sign that the job was never all that necessary to begin with. If they can't enforce rules then the message is that there's no need for enforcers or rules. The alternative is that the rules are necessary, and so somebody who will actually do their job needs to step in.

Hot, synchronous DRAM: Next-gen memory tech spec DDR5 lands


I wonder

Is there ever going to be a time like the past where RAM gets cheap? When DDR4 came out i expected 3 to drop in price like 2 once did, but instead the new stuff was expensive because it was new and the old stuff stayed expensive because everyone quit making it nobody wanted to splurge on the new stuff, and that was before any of the chip shortage shenanigans.

As some have already pointed out, the only consistent part of using Chrome is that it will eat every available gig not wearing a chastity belt and locked in a cell the moment you give it the chance. I remember being so excited the day i upgraded to 64GB and thought i could finally surf unmolested by slowdown for a while (this didn't happen, but because of a Windows 10 issue, because of course). 32GB still seems low-middle to me in the range of personal requirements for that reason. Ugh. I'm just whining now.

It's handbags at dawn: America to hit France with 25% tariffs on luxuries over digital tax on US tech titans


Re: They're tariffs

"...voting for a moron who sadly doensn't have a clue what year it is..."

A broken clock...


Re: They're tariffs

"So the can sneak their commie cronies in after he suddenly dies (i.e. gets arkencided), just after the election. Yes lets listion to what those Bollywood Bolsovick Pedos have to say...."

Are you okay, sir? Should we call somebody? Can you feel both sides of your body?


Isn't that how they normally work?

"Revenue thresholds mean that the tax almost exclusively applies only to the largest US companies."

Isn't that the same concept of a tax bracket, except smaller companies pay zero instead of less? I live in a county where if you make under a certain amount you're basically guaranteed to get money back on tax day. This doesn't seem unusual honestly.

FYI Russia is totally hacking the West's labs in search of COVID-19 vaccine files, say UK, US, Canada cyber-spies



"It is completely unacceptable that the Russian Intelligence Services are targeting those working to combat the coronavirus pandemic."

People in glass ships...

Trump gloats, telcos weep, and China is furious: How things stand following UK's decision to rip out Huawei


Re: NSA Backdoors in Cisco and Juniper kit?

"What idiotic moronic statements you come out with, really..."

Being calm and civil is rarely seen as inappropriate. If your goal was to antagonize everybody in eyes' reach, however, you've done well.


Re: NSA Backdoors in Cisco and Juniper kit?

"...........but when those upstart Chinese might be doing the EXACT SAME THING....absolutely not OK."

Sounds like you get it. Welcome to being involved with America. Show up with a sore arsehole so that it's not as much of a shock to the system once you're done.

The Devil's in the details: Church of Satan forced to clarify that no unholy rituals taking place in SoCal forest


Not How Satanism Works

There's an actual name for people who worship Satan: Christian heretics. Satan-worshippers are by their natur Christian because they need to acknowledge the existence of the trinity in order to be properly worshipping the opposite on the spectrum.

By definition, heresy is, generally, a doctrine held by a member of a religion at variance with established religious beliefs; more specifically, the veneration and supplication of a/the maleficent deity within a religious framework, while simultaneously acknowledge the deit(y’s)/(ies’) maleficence.

All of that is very vague and generalized, but it is fundamentally correct. Satanists rarely portray themselves as heretics outright from my knowledge and interactions with them.

Another anti-immigrant rant goes viral in America – and this time it's by a British, er, immigrant tech CEO


Re: We hear these stories all the time

"I've been alive a long time, and most of my social network are not racist."

Eh. I don't know. I'm pretty sure most of the people I know are racist, but they're pretty sure that they're not. It's not really a binary thing. Everybody is racist to some extent. Some people just also happen to be c#$ts. It's not very helpful to for people to think they can go their whole life being comfortable being on one side of the imaginary line of "is/isn't racist". I think it'd be more useful to realize that every person has prejudices and biases, and you should never be complacent with yourself. Be constantly challenging and dissecting your own thoughts and behaviors to find flaws and turn them into improvements.

Goes along with the whole idea that people find it much easier to be lazy and become complacent with their social standing, the healthiness of the democracy where they (maybe) live, security of food and water supplies, etc. Or I'm a needy libtard who reads philosophy books. Whatever works.

Detroit cops employed facial recognition algos that only misidentifies suspects 96 per cent of the time


"So for minorities it's wrong around 99.99999% of the time, give or take a 9.


Yeah but it's in the US. Depending on the area, that might be a significant increase in the probability of minorities being falsely identified as potential suspects.

After huffing and puffing for years, US senators unveil law to blow the encryption house down with police backdoors


Re: stupidity out of ignorance or avarice

"Yes, I'm quite proud of what I am, thank you. What is it you think I shouldn't be?"

Immune to humor?


Re: stupidity out of ignorance or avarice

"You must hate posts by AManfromMars1 ... "

What the hell, man? AManfromMars1 is ESP (Earth as a Second Planet), and he still does better than most Congresspeople. Way to punch down, I hope you're proud of what you are.

The girl with the dragnet tattoo: How a TV news clip, Insta snaps, a glimpse of a tat and a T-shirt sold on Etsy led FBI to alleged cop car arsonist


Re: Police cars rest easier

"Who pays for those police cars?"

The people did. Erego, they belong to the people, I guess? Doesn't even seem like a crime was committed in that case. Cops don't bust down my door when I break a glass in my own house.


Re: Police cars rest easier

"What I'm wondering is why the three letter agencies can't use investigation techniques like this to find terrorists"

This is not meant to be some political screed or left-winged rant, but more as a utilitarian approach to the "problem" you're trying to solve. It is NOT in any government's best interests to remove foreign terrorists. Terrorists are expensive and difficult to remove because of their decentralized nature. They are often idealogically motivated, and so are generally more convinced in their mission than any paid member of a standing army would be, and you will therefore not see very great rates of desertion regardless of how succesful your campaigns against them are. Their leaders are ones of convenience, and so removing the head just means more will crop up in their place. On the other hand, they provide distractions from current domestic problems, they provide an external threat with which to unite the citizenry around, they provide a smoke screen for passing legislation that would otherwise be seen as contrary to the views of the majority while creating tools to control the lessers and entrench the greaters, they create numerous publicity opportunities to keep officials in the minds of the public and seem sympathetic to their fears. What you're asking is akin to: "Why don't we remove the prostates and cervixes of all babies at birth given the rate at which those cancers develop?" It is of less use to remove something that is so otherwise useful.


Re: Police cars rest easier

"We will go to any lengths to protect what is truly important: our own property."

Whatsapp blamed own users for failure to keep phone number repo off Google searches


Re: It's an unknown

Signal just let's me text to anybody whether they have it or not, and I've literally never cared what apps somebody I know uses unless they've expressed an interest in privacy. And you do not seem like a reasonable human I'd like to talk to. The implied ideal world you're describing is literally the one we live in.


Re: It's an unknown

"If your friends and family all voted Nazi and explained to you how to do so would you join them?

I mean, that's an enormous false equivelancy. Regardless, if voting Nazi got you free cell phone bills you'd see a ton of red armbands pop up. Sorry.

Microsoft disbands three-ring Windows Insider circus and replaces it with 'channels'


"Rearranging the deck chairs on the Titanic. Again. Except Win10 doesn't appear to be sinking. Damn."

That's kind of the rub, isn't it. Nobody moving those deck chairs felt too stupid pre-iceburg, that was just their job.

Remember that backdoor in Juniper gear? Congress sure does – even if networking biz wishes it would all go away


Re: Peace and Quiet

"I thought this was a democracy, where the electorate or their appointed representatives have final word on everything that occurs."

You must be American. You guys have been redefining democracy for over a century now. If you thought that was how your country worked, you need to get out more.

Brit MP demands answers from Fujitsu about Horizon IT system after Post Office staff jailed over accounting errors


Re: WTF?

@Colin Miller @tony2heads

Holy crap I just waded through ALL of that. The British certainly don't do things half assed, do they? When you guys have some sort of secret scandal you make sure it is either as wide-reaching or as time-spanning as possible, at least from what I've seen. Crazy.

Snapping at Canonical's Snap: Linux Mint team says no to Ubuntu store 'backdoor'


"...Lenovo has said that it will support "Linux" on all its Thinkpads...

I don't want to sound dumb, but how do they do that exactly? Can't you just plug in a USB stick and like, install Linux on anything? I've been doing that to all my laptops for quite some time now. Have I just lucked out and had nothing but supported laptops?


Re: Pop!_OS

I did the same thing. Another big advantage with Pop! is that it comes ready to deal with modern graphics cards. I coulg get my card working on Ubuntu sometimes, but it had to be done just so, and the phase of the moon needed to be right, or else you had to start the whole process over again. Canonical is free to do whatever they want I guess, but their recent shifts in priorities are a little weird to me.

As anti-brutality protests fill streets of American cities, netizens cram police app with K-Pop, airwaves with NWA


Good Stuff

There is rarely a time where messing with the police can be considered an overall negative. Good on these guys.

Remember when Republicans said Dems hacked voting systems to rig Georgia's election? There were no hacks


Re: Coup

"You will never see another election again."

In Georgia!? Say it is not so! How could they have let this occur?! /s
