* Posts by jason_derp

413 publicly visible posts • joined 13 Nov 2018


The unanswered question at CentOS community Q&A: How can we trust you now?


So, it has to be good

"The board and Red Hat want Stream to succeed. If we make it terrible, it will not."

Mmhmm. That's certainly true of every product squeezed out of a corporate orifice. No bad leakages have ever managed to stain the drawers of anyone unfortunate enough to get too near. It's all good and logical. Yes.

Facebook finally finds something it thinks is truly objectionable and needs to be taken offline: Apple


Re: Amazing

"It's about time that they face consequences for their despicable behavior..."

We're already as rich as we can manage to be! What more could we do to pay for our sins!? *Sob*

Cisco intros desktop switches, one with USB-C to power your laptop


Re: Future-proofing needs a better crystal ball

"we had Gbit/s Ethernet over cat 6e to the desktops"

Did you mean 6a? Because one of the two is a meaningful distinction, and the other is bait in a rube-snare.

Five years after US promised crackdown on ticket-snaffling bots, the first prosecutions are in... and are a slap on the wrist


Re: Hope?

It really should not come down to a committee or board voting on whether to comply with government policy or not.

Careful. One must not assume logic and sensibility are variables in the equation of operating an America.

Must 'completely free' mean 'hard to install'? Newbie gripe sparks some soul-searching among Debian community


Re: Tell Dan…

It'd be funny (though cruel) to throw the poor bastards in the Gentoo tank.


Re: I love the way developers...

...the principles behind shoving their vision of what Free Software means down our throats.

It's not like the philosophy police are going to throw you in a Chinese gulag for re-education if you don't agree dude. I'm almost certain that a distro that jives with your core beliefs on FOSS (or lack thereof) exists, and whole boards exist to help you find it.


Re: My usual advice

Windows is only fit for...games...

My Windows partition labels are "Game_OS_7/10“.



This is very true of Debian. This has been my experience installing it on a laptop. HOWEVER, this has also been my experience installing with Windows.

It is very infreient (read: never) that I haven't had to hunt down Realtek or Atheros WiFi (and sometimes ethernet!) drivers for Windows after a clean install.

I suppose it's worth mentioning that this is when I install Windows using my own media and not the manufacturer-provided version that requires hours of updating, contains tankers of bloat, and seems to work slightly worse each time a "fresh" install is done.

Maybe that is not a universal experience though? If the idea of "install it and it just works" is the expectation of the user, they can always use Mint. Debian is not a distro to ease one into Linux in my amateurish opinion. I spend (literally) almost the whole day on a computer, with work, schoo, entertainment, and some home projects from the same Pop!OS desktop. I sometimes move to a Debian laptop, and occasionally a Ubuntu or Fedora tower serving arcane purposes unknown to even myself at other places in the house. However, I needed a true and pure wrath towards Windows and a lot of patience and beating my head against the wall to reach this point.

Top engineer who stole trade secrets from Google's self-driving division pardoned on Trump's last day as president


Stealing Trade Secrets, Hey?

Well, I guess the horse the US likes to ride whenever they talk about China stealing their trade secrets and violating things like patents and copyright just a got a huge bit shorter. It's not only condoned, it's endoresed! By their executive branch! That they voted for! Democracy+Capitalism=bffs [caveat: you have to do them both "correctly"].

Back to the office with you: 'Perhaps 5 days is too much family time' – Workday CEO


"When you operating in the territory of things that are harder to write down than explain in person..."

Take a typing course? I don't know. I tend to use the same words with my mouth-hole as I do with my tappy-hands, but maybe I'm part of some elite group I didn't know about.

Why make games for Linux if they don't sell? Because the nerds are just grateful to get something that works


"Gordon Bell and he visited me in my office once."

That is the longest name drop I've ever read.

A pub denied: One man's tale of festive frolics postponed by the curse of the On Call phone


Re: Boxing Day

"We're all foreigners somewhere."

I couldn't agree more. I have a huge problem with foreigners, so it puts me in an awkward position...

Well, on the bright side, the SolarWinds Sunburst attack will spur the cybersecurity field to evolve all over again


Re: The security climate has to change

There's plenty of places you can go for that confirmation. Alex Jones comes to mind. PragerU as well.

Taiwanese manufacturer Wistron pegs damage from iPhone factory riot at $7m


Re: Should we care ?

"What we are seeing is a bad player, playing badly."

They could replace all the current workers with new ones and continuing being the cheapest option for Apple to choose. They could mandate practices that would prevent news of things like this from leaving their factory or the mouths of their workers. Both the government and the factory owners know the best way to deal with this situation is to shut everybody the hell up as quick as possible, not to spend time and money on legislating humane conditions. "Lax legislation" is equivelant to passively endorsing the actions of the factory owners. Of pretty much all Indian factory owners. Politicians like money too.

Even if some politicians wanted to improve things for the people (they don't), they would almost certainly not be allowed to by the business owners who have sway with them, especially when the government knows how much money Apple is throwing their way.


Re: Should we care ?

"I think that we should care...Concern for other humans must not stop at national borders."

What that person said was uncomfortable, not incorrect. That is capitalism. It's not some magic perpetual motion machine that never needs input. The system isn't broken, the system is behaving as intended.

If profit is the incentive, and people need to die to make more profit, and the majority thinks that profit incentive is the only thing that keeps things running, people need to die. They need to be hurt, brutalized, bled, and punished for insubordinance. Uncomfortable and true.

The best players get to make the rules, and they became the best players by having what you need to survive. This is reality. Uncomfortable, but not incorrect. That doesn't make it "good" or "bad." Nobody gets points for realizing it's all very fucked up when it's objectively laid out. It just is. Changing it means work, and evolution doesn't favor species that choose the more difficult way of doing things. That's how we got here. Try to sleep better than I'm able to and have a happy holiday(s)!

Tim Cook 'killed' TV project about the one website Apple hates more than The Register


Tim Cook isn't gay

There's way too much social credit with the Apple demographic and free publicity in Tim Cook being gay for it not to be exploited into the stratosphere if it were true. And after the initial reveal he'd pull a Dave Rubin and spin it so that the right could call him "one of the good ones." Not buying it Gawker.

Pure frustration: What happens when someone uses your email address to sign up for PayPal, car hire, doctors, security systems and more


Re: Netflix

"Well cut and paste would leave the first field blank - so that would fail the validation no?"

Ah, but you see, it is "cut once, paste many!" It goes: shift+home, ctrl+x, ctrl+v, tab, ctrl+v, tab, enter

Boffins from China push quantum computing envelope for 'supremacy' in emerging photon field


" why does it still not have decent roads"

Almost half of the major roads in the US don't meet the international standard for maximum tolerable roughness of roads.


5.5% of US bridges are classified as being in poor condition. Which isn't many, until you realize that every time you cross your 20th bridge, one of the ones you've crossed has been classified as poor.


Kool-Aid is a proper noun, has a hyphen, and starts with a "k."

Uncle Sam sues Facebook for allegedly discriminating against US workers in favor of foreigners on H-1B visas


Re: This court case is so un-american

"In the US these days, frequent manipulations of the playing field are performed, and sold to us as being a leveling of the field, but are almost always for the benefit of the monopolists."

That's just being better at capitalism, as I understand it. I'm pretty sure most people are impressed by Kirk's explanation of how he beat the Kobayashi Maru exercise.


"The US educational system is very good but emphasizes passing tests by knowing answers, not knowing how to do things."

That all checks out. No contradictions there.


Re: This court case is so un-american

"Don't the DOJ understand capitalism?"

Indeed. It's difficult to understand how a system can shovel shit onto your plate each meal then complain your breath smells.

I suspect it might be the classic "Capitalism is only correct when it's done my way with my standards and exceptions." Which is pretty American now that I think about it, so maybe your title is wrong?

Supreme Court mulls whether a cop looking up a license plate for cash is equivalent to watching Instagram at work


This is dumb

I'd rather let Van Buren go and send the message that the law needs to be turfed and rewritten. The CFAA is the nightmare that nightmares have, and people in countries with extradition treaties to the country that miscarried it into existence have to deal with it as well. Burn it down.

TikTok given another week to sort out how to sell itself


Re: Why

"It'll be gone in 5yr and in the pile of old shit with MySpace, Bebo and Vine"

CEO of WalMart here, I just got learned how to to use internet with my sun1 :)

How many quarters are in 5yr? Not heard of yrs before, only do quarters :(


NEC to sell the accelerator cards it puts into supercomputers – for about $11,000 a pop


Re: You know Apple will offer them

"You will soon be able to spend $50k on a PC."

And it'll still run like crap.


Re: Pi??

"You can add a PCIe bus to a Pi but you need to solder stuff the the main board."

Thank you for your serious reply. Although knowing this will require soldering, I find the project a little more intimidating than before when I thought I was just buying a $15k card.

Cyberup campaign: 80% of infosec pros fear they might fall foul of UK's outdated Computer Misuse Act


Re: Those laws are still perfectly good

"then we'd all live in fear of buying a kitchen knife from a supermarket and taking it home."

I've interacted with the police before. If buying a knife doesn't set your asshole hairs on end from thinking about potential unforeseen legal implicatons, you might be the crazy one.

Linux Foundation, IBM, Cisco and others back ‘Inclusive Naming Initiative’ to change nasty tech terms


Re: So basically we're going to have to re-name everything.

"someone thought the message "process aborted" was insensitive as they apparently couldn't tell the difference between a computer systems process and a foetus.

In fairness, I've never seen either of them stand up to one of my dropkicks.

Uncle Sam passes comms act that sets aside $750m for the development of OpenRAN


Throwing money at a connectivity problems has worked wonders for the US in the past. That's why they all have a fully rolled out fiber network that provides 100Mb/s to the most remote of Midwestern places. Oh no, did I quantum leap to the evil timeline?!

China compromised F-35 subcontractor and forced expensive software system rewrite, academic tells MPs


Re: How fortuitous..

"(this post may contain sarcasm)"

I would just like to point out, on the record, that this post may have contained sarcasm, as admitted by the poster. The people in charge of postings have taken this into account and mitigated whatever factors might have led to compromization by sarcastic posting. We cannot reproduce the sarcasm or describe it specifically, either in public or in private to those with appropriate clearence, but rest assure it has been mitigated and postings will be back on track now. It was so expensive though. So much money.

No, your software ideas aren't copyrightable, US judge tells SAS amid its long-running feud with Brit outfit


Re: I wonder how this will affect Oracle vs Google?

"If software is not copyrightable"

That seems like a very reductionist and dishonest portrayal of the actual verdict.

X.Org is now pretty much an ex-org: Maintainer declares the open-source windowing system largely abandoned


Re: Re:multiuser

"we're willing to push Linux on her because it's such a great OS that, never mind the inherent complexity, it'll work great!"

I use Linux because it became too hard to use Windows actually.

Trump administration proposes H-1B visas go to highest-paid workers first



"“Democrats oppose President Trump’s illegal, chaotic, and reckless changes to the legal immigration system..."

Well you had a whole impeachment thing going that could have stopped ALL the illegal stuff he was doing but you managed to drop that ball so hard you beaned somebody in Mongolia with it and then declared victory for yourselves, so yeah. Not really buying that you actually care all that much about what illegal stuff goes on.

Big Tech's Section 230 Senate hearing was like Jack Dorsey’s beard: An inexplicable mess that needed a serious trim


Just tell them to get stuffed

I don't understand why these CEOs don't just tell congresspeople to go find a belt-sander to copulate with. What would they do, stare angrily while they prepare to shout about what they "should have said" to their hapless aids after the hearing? They have no real power in their country when compared to tech CEOs, and those CEOs are too powerful to bother caring what congresspeople have to say anyways. They can break laws all they want and they'll never get called on it because nobody in any branch of their government is mentally equipped to actual fathom what's going on in the world of tech. At the very least, it would be an easily digestible gesture to the population that their legislature is weak and ineffective, which, while a little disheartening, is a lesson those citizens should really start learning already.

FCC puts final nails into net neutrality coffin. In a week, America will vote on whether to bury or open it up again


"Comcast's customers expect that to work because they're paying Comcast $$ for 4K UHD."

I have to call "shenanigans" there because you're implying some sort of science-fiction world where people willingly want to pay Comcast for a product or service.


"Is there any serious definition of net neutrality?"

It just means that traffic can't be prioritized in a way that artificially and commercially favors certain traffic over others. Normally that means that, since the US loves monopolies, somebody like Comcast can't prioritize Comcast-provided content on your Comcast-provided internet acces. That becomes an even bigger issue because Comcast might be the only possible internet provider for an area thanks to very anti-competetive practifces. It'd be like somebody owning a private bridge over a river and then roadblocking the other bridges with rubble so that you have no option but to use theirs.

Sometimes it's brought up that Comcast and other companies should be allowed to do that because they own the physical cabling required to provide internet access, but that's also false because even people in Idaho who've never directly connected to cables in New York have actually paid for both of them through their taxes, per the Telecommunications Act of 1996.

This is like, some of the most simple of stuff to look up. Comically easy in fact.


"antifa and blm could be (correction, are and have been) out stabbing, shooting, murdering, burning down businesses and you support it."

The problem with your country has never been that there was too much violence against the established system.



Every time I read an article on the Register about the USA, a tiny voice behind me starts whispering "failed state" over and over. It's very uncanny.

'This was bigger than GNOME and bigger than just this case.' GNOME Foundation exec director talks patent trolls and much, much more

Thumb Up

Re: Certainly alarmed

"...you sound like a Japanese soldier still fighting WW2 in 1960."

Hirō Onoda came out against M$ and has been a staunch supporter of Linux since 1975 and was recently quoted as continuing to hold these convictions in 2017. Argument from authority, prove me wrong!


Re: Certainly alarmed

"...they're a business..."

Yeah that's like the whole reason people who remember longer than 20 months ago don't trust their mealy-mouthed tiny-blue-pill-requisite statements about their support of open-source stuff.


"Its the reason why the only winners in these cases are the lawyers."

I'm of a firm belief that most frivolous and bs lawsuits in the US could be solved quicker if somebody just spent some time to get familiar with their pole-saw and made a few impromtptu late-night visits.


Re: Irrational fear of upgrades?

"...it's not so much the ease or otherwise of upgrading. It's that I have a stable system I'm using to do useful work and then a major system upgrade breaks something...."

In all the iterations of Fedora I've used (as one of several distros in my various desktops), Fedora either makes everything work or nothing works when you update it. I've never had an issue where I got to the login screen and then something after that point didn't function properly, it's more of a thermonuclear situation where all of the sudden it fails to boot and I need to fiddle for a bit. It keeps a copy of the old version anyways so it's never a real hassle.

As far as my main system (PopOS!/Ubunutu) goes, I find that as long as you stay on the LTS releases that basically never happens.

5 months later, 37.7% of Windows 10 PCs are running the May 2020 Update... Wait, people are still on 1809?


Re: No choice but to remain out of date

"Perhaps that'll give me the necessary motivation to switch to Linux...."

There's no better time than the present. However, if you're saying that the state of a Windows update in 2020 (current year argument) is the reason to switch to Linux you might not want to bother. If all the garbage they shoveled out prior to their more recent and (arguably) usable products and services hadn't changed your mind by now you're probably immune to whatever situation or inconvenience they can toss at you.

Facebook tells academics to stop monitoring its political ads for any rule-breaking.... on privacy grounds


“Scraping tools, no matter how well-intentioned, are not a permissible means of collecting information from us,”

Ah yes. Well, you can have a hefty, hearty, "go get f*cked by a bulldozer" from me Facebook. And when you're done with that, go do it again, for good measure.

Let’s check in with that 30,000-job $10bn Trump-Foxconn Wisconsin plant. Wow, way worse than we'd imagined



“one of the most incredible plants I’ve ever seen"

Really? In comparison to, like, a tree? I looked at a picture of that plant. I live in a town of less than 20k and I've worked in facilities that dwarf thing. They're also built in the middle of nowhere, get no infrastructure money put into them, and still manage to look far healthier. I guess maybe I'm just harder to impress with all the experience I've gotten from what I'd call "going outside once".

When you tell Chrome to wipe private data about you, it spares two websites from the purge: Google.com, YouTube


Oh, "bug" is synonymous with "getting caught"!

It all makes sense now! Back to drinking draino and running headfirst into pitching machines for this user!

Has Apple abandoned CUPS, the Linux's world's widely used open-source printing system? Seems so


Re: why do I have to lock my printer up behind a L2 switch...?

Yeah it's an HP Laserjet. Doesn't matter what I do it will always dial out to the internet regardless. Locked it away in it's own little pocket for its own good. A wise man named Wendel said: "Don't put your printers on the internet, people!"


Re: IPP.

"It's also not driverless. You've just moved the driver to the printer and rebadged it as "firmware"...where it's very unlikely to ever be updated."

But...but why do I have to lock my printer up behind a L2 switch with port isolation to keep it from dialing into the internet every couple of days?

Top doctors slam Google for not backing up incredible claims of super-human cancer-spotting AI


Re: Unicorns

So it's just classic corporate science then? "We have this cool thing, trust us, it's soooo cool. No you can't see, but it's super cool. Trust us. Changes everything. Nothing will ever be the same."

[Product immediately ceases development once no profit is identified; never mentioned in public again.]

To stop web giants abusing privacy, they must be prevented from respawning. Ever


Re: Not going to happen

"And YOUR point is lost on me (and a lot of other people) as I have no idea what you're talking about."

How...how did you get here to comment then?
