* Posts by jason_derp

413 publicly visible posts • joined 13 Nov 2018


Firefox 89: Can this redesign stem browser's decline?


Re: What sort of interface would you like?

Im using Firefox RIGHT NOW, and I have all of those functioning just fine, with the exception of Android. Browsing the internet on a phone is like a heroin addict saying "I love methadone!" when it's just nowehere near as good. Browsers come customizable, you can customize Firefox from the menus the browser ships with to have or not have all those things. I'm so confused. It's like yelling at a running tap for not being wet.


Re: How about some functionality Mozilla?

What sort of interface would you like? Is there all that much to be done with buttons for clicking and bars you type stuff in? Do you want a MSOffice-style ribbon? I'm sure there's a theme somewhere that will sufficiently purge the browser of practicality and ease of use for you.

Too easy. Microsoft introduces moderation for Winget package repo after spike in bad submissions


Breaking New Ground is Hard!

Sucks that there's no prior work in this area to build operation strategies around. Oh well.

Check the TUPE: Facebook's hire of Bloomsbury AI founders wasn't 'traditional' acquisition - so sacked bod can't claim law was broken


Re: "each cofounder had been hired individually – and therefore TUPE didn’t apply"

."...the law is there for everyone"

I agree with the sentiment, but it really isn't. It's mostly there for the rich. Though, since that's the case, the law really is there for this guy! Problem was it's also there for Facebook, and so, he wasn't rich enough to win. Oh well.

Microsoft releases command-line package manager for Windows (there are snags)


Windows Store?

"A nice feature of Winget is that it can manage existing applications installed via the Windows Store or visible in Add/Remove Programs in Control Panel."

I know what one of those last two are.

The Audacity: Audio tool finds new and exciting ways to annoy contributors with a Contributor License Agreement


For real?

"policies or technical processes that make it difficult or impossible for Audacity to exist on them while it is licensed solely under the GPL (v2 or v3)."

Okay. Oh wait, that's it?! Who the hell uses Audacity on an iPad?! "I'm really into mixing my audio and stuff. Lot's of satisfaction in it. Come over and I'll show you my elegant and understated teak tablet stand that holds the tablet that I do all my work on. Unparalleled experience."

Apple's iPad Pro on a stick, um, we mean M1 iMac scores 2 out of 10 for repairability


Re: Thickness

That all follows. Now we just need to compare it to the box it comes in and see if packaging is minimal. Aaaaaaannnnd it looks the same if google images is too be believed.

Help wanted, work from anywhere ... except if you're located in Colorado


My confusion knows no ceiling

"Legal experts anticipated that the Equal Pay for Equal Work Act would prompt employers to find workarounds to avoid complying with the law."

Now why would that be the case?!

Cloudflare stops offering to block LGBTQ webpages


Difficult stuff

Filtering anything at all starts to get tricky, even with what might seem obvious. Say you wanted to filter pornography. Does that include sex education? What about certain objective medical information and statistics? Are there specific points where you can draw a line? What about feet, or furries? It's all nuanced and, frankly, not worth the trouble.

Don't click on things you don't want to. I know nobody sympathizes with the difficulties I face when trying to find incredibly obscure infirmation in a see of detritus duckduckgo decided was "close enough" to count. Put in the effort.

Lessons have not been learned: Microsoft's Modern Comments leave users reaching for the rollback button


If you don't make a mark you have job prospects when you bail later. Shareholders don't care as long as money rolls in, and Microsoft has a practical monopoly, so the money won't stop rolling. C-levels and shareholders are the only things that provoke change in any company given a long enough timespan, and nobody seems keen to spend money elsewhere to force their hand. We can all complain but it's like pissing in the ocean, there's nothing to be done.

Ransomware victim Colonial Pipeline paid $5m to get oil pumping again, restored from backups anyway – report


It will likely be considered an act of war on the insurance end so that insurance wouldn't cover the losses, and it will be considered an act of cybercrime by the government so that nobody in the DoD has to get involved, and the evidence will have needed to be wiped because there was no extra storage for imaging the infected servers, so the NSA and FBI will never be able to analyze it. The IT department will also likely get destroyed for allowing this to happen. In the end, we'll never really know who did it, and somebody is $5M richer. Not bad.

China sprayed space with 3,000 pieces of junk. US military officials want rules to stop that sort of thing


Re: F-15 Eagle shoots down satellite in 1985

"Could they use a large, strong net to snag the satellite and just affect the orbit so that they fall out of the sky and burn up 'harmlessly' in the atmosphere instead?

They'll have to do something eventually. There's always going to be some level of debris created by satellites and rockets going into orbit, even when you DO care about what you're leaving behind. Even if very strict rules and regulations were put into place and followed now, it's kind of like giving yourself a pat on the back and saying its all good because you put up a sign that said "No smearing crap on the walls". Meanwhile, that room still has crap smeared all over the walls. It's an existing problem that still needs solving in addition to the preventative measures.

Audacity 'scared and excited' to be bought and brought under Muse Group's roof, promises to stay free and open source


"Its new management has pledged to keep the platform free and open source."

Then why did you buy it?

Apple vs Epic Games trial kicks off featuring the same old arguments, hundreds of angry Zoombombing tweens



"...deprived the company of "millions" in revenue which it could have reinvested in the business, and resulted in higher costs for users."

Ho ho my! Oh dear, that's charming. Look, we're all having fun, but let's move this along, Epic. Save your amateur-hour trash-brain standup for a group too drunk to become a victim of your mass-murdering of neurons. Ho boy. Did have a chuckle though.

48 ways you can avoid file-scrambling, data-stealing miscreants – or so says the Ransomware Task Force


Re: RTF?

"For millenials we'd have to backronym to JFGI before they get that one."

You believe that people aged 40 to 20 have never purchased something like a set of speakers or a small appliance that contains a paper manual? Why?



...tax breaks for organizations as an incentive for adopting secure IT practices...

Oh yeah, that ought to work. Maybe make it even easier and just pass a law that gives ALL these companies tax money? Then when they inevitably don't do it the money they get will be there in fewer steps! God, it's like they don't even realize the farce they live in day to day.

Brit MPs and campaigners come together to oppose COVID status certificates as 'divisive and discriminatory'



This is about GDPR and legalities right? That's the concern? Some people don't seem convinced that that was the concern. Have you lead me astray, article?!

Harassers and bullies succeed in tech because silence is encouraged


Re: I presume your comments are specific to the UK?

"Because in the U.S., no contract provisions that are prohibited by law can be enforced."

Not many people are wealthy enough to go to court and convince somebody that that's the case. The law doesn't step in to stop unlawful things from happening or continue to happen just because it happens to be unlawful.

Age discrimination class-action against HP and HPE gets green light to proceed


Seems stock standard

The worth of a company is determined by perception, not profitability. If older people cost more, it makes more sense to get rid of them first, then work your way down. By the time perception catches up with the realities of revenue, it doesn't matter. A company dissolving rarely hurts the employment prospects of the people making those decisions. Probably the last guy's fault anyways, and he could be making $0.5b by that point. It might seem harsh or short sighted, but I don't want somebody who is worried about great products and treating workers right running my publically traded company. I want the person who cuts costs and improves stock outlooks.

If trees weren't so good at holding still you'd see a bunch of disembodied feet leading up to every bridge. Had to cross the river somehow. If they didn't like it, why were they just standing around letting it happen? Their fault, really.

FSF doubles down on Richard Stallman's return: Sure, he is 'troubling for some' but we need him, says org


The internet doesn't really allow people to be silenced...


"Is this another one of those twitter storms in a tea cup where the professionally offended get...well....offended"

Maybe, although you might want to look into why people are upset before sounding like you're tacitly supporting something....unsavory.

What's this about a muon experiment potentially upending Standard Model of physics? We speak to one of the scientists involved


Re: Why not...


A floppy filled with software worth thousands of francs: Techie can't take it, customs won't keep it. What to do?


Re: re: Welcome to the information age!

Been that way for a while now.

South Korean regulator recommends Apple be prosecuted for hampering fair trade probe


Re: Absolutely

So somebody calls you up, says that they're going to stop by and look at some stuff, you tell them it's no problem and you'll be ready for it all, then you make them sit in a lobby and don't provide them coffee? Which car of your logic train convinced you that you would look like a resonable human?

Wi-Fi devices set to become object sensors by 2024 under planned 802.11bf standard


Obligatory movie quote

"Like a submarine, Mr. Wayne."

US watchdog kills off four-year antitrust complaint against Qualcomm, still insists it was right anyway



If you just wanted to cost them money before you let them keep acting improperly just ask for a f*cking bribe. You'll save the taxpayers some money and provide some relief to the court system (that way parties naive enough to think they can change things can have their spirits broken quicker). Frustrating.

Sadly, the catastrophic impact with Apophis asteroid isn't going to happen in 2068


Re: Wish upon a star

"it should be calculated precisely how the probe will change the location of Apophis in centuries so that the orbiting probe doesn't make a collision with Earth more likely..."

Bananas should be avoided because they're both a yellow and white food.

Gimme your reasons, dammit!

Mysterious case of Arizona state senators skipping a vote on tackling Apple and Google's app commissions


Overly Optimistic Developers

When will all these silly people learn that their government is beholden to only specific people. Corporate people. The rest of them have no place in the system, they don't belong there. They'd be happier someplace else

Bringing gigabit internet to Rural America requires equitable spectrum access, claims industry body


Sorry WISPA, but you're asking for fairly sane stuff, and that won't fly. Come back to the FCC when you've convinced congress to pay you to put access to a robust wireless system to every home across America two times over and haven't done any of the promised work, then maybe they'll have serious talks with you.

Free Software Foundation urged to free itself of Richard Stallman by hundreds of developers and techies


Everyone independently decided to be on one of two sides?


This comment section is weird and full of bizarre ideas.

Big problem: Nominet members won't know how many votes they're casting in decision to oust CEO, chair


Host your own E3

Does Blackler have access to the list of Nominet members? Perhaps he should host his own little event outlying his position so people can ask questions. Invite the executives obviously, but only as a formality. Make it very clear why the event needs to held that way, too.

Point out that the boards inability to operate the technology required to perform administrative functions as further evidence they need replacing, along with their unwillingness to cede even the most pedestrian QOL requests from its members.

Texas blacks out, freezes, and even stops sending juice to semiconductor plants. During a global silicon shortage


Re: Priorities

Well investors don't care about dead people in families that can be replaced through the long-honoured technique of reproduction. If the dead people are so upset they should have tried being richer?


So now a multi-billion-dollar intenational corporation won't select your state to, what, not pay taxes? Create jobs that are primarily construction that will disappear once the plant is built and not paying taxes?

IBM's CEO and outgoing exec chairman take home $38m in total for 2020 despite revenue shrinking by billions


Re: Obscene

This person gets it!


Re: Obscene

"...if you believe that people should be paid for performance..."

This is capitalism, friend. Nobody believes that.

License to thrill: Ahead of v13.0, the FreeBSD team talks about Linux and the completed toolchain project that changes everything


Re: Thanks

I'm giving this a try. Appreciated.

Prime suspect: Amazon India apologises for offensive scenes in political thriller


Re: Bad news

"Which are you calling "abhorrent"? The religions themselves or criticism of them?"

The religions.

"...I will absolutely not defend is what some members of various religious groups see as their "right" to dictate to others who do not share their beliefs, how to live their lives or to victimise them because they view that lifestyle as "evil/sick/abhorrent" just because they don't like it."

Well, that's going to be a problem them, because both their books are pretty clear on that being exactly what they're supposed to do. I can't tell which parts of the koran or bible that a person is deciding to follow, so the safest bet is to always assume they're the murderous monster their book says they should be until proven otherwise. Good luck proving that negative, guys.


Re: Bad news

"...you cannot discuss it because to do to is considered "racist"..."

Usually the issue is that those problems are being phrased racistly. Criticizing Christianity in the west is easy because there are so many Christians it can't be easily considered abusing a minority. Criticizing Islam is equally as easy (and they're both abhorrent IMO), but the loudest people who are doing it often seem to slip in a few words that hint towards something else being a real motivation. Like putting words like "inferior" in quotes and using an "I'm just asking questions!" tone.

There's also the fact that cutting deeply into a religion like Islam and using sources like the Koran to criticize the religion is hard to do when people make sweeping generalizations like all members of a religion "kill[ing] people". You have no idea how many leftists would love to tear into Islam, but all the brave souls who step up to the plate first seem to have an open can of leftover half-baked beans for a processor, and so the cycle continues and nothing is solved because now they have to worry about problems produced by poorly thought-out arguments and generalizations.

You're helping though. Real proud of you.

Apple's latest macOS Big Sur update stops cheapo USB-C hubs bricking your machine


Re: This is why I had to swap.

Bless that man, he does reveal the shocking innards of many a charger. I still love the lamp with a chassis that references the mains when it plugs in.


Re: This is why I had to swap.

"I did the same with my 2009 iMac last year, Mint runs flawlessly on it."

My eyes watered at the thought of spending that much money to run Mint, but then I realized it was "09" and not "19" and felt better.

'Meritless': Exam software maker under fire for suing teacher who tweeted links to biz's unlisted YouTube vids


I'd fail every time then. I was occasionally made to do tests alone in a room thanks to my wandering eyes. I get so bored during tests I look around for any mental stimulation besides the game "look at all the items in a room and conceive of a way to kill yourself with them". I'm not even saying I'm particularly good at tests, I just find them so boring I get exhausted and go searching for anything slightly interesting to keep me going. I've fallen asleep during tests too, which is why they started sticking a teacher in the room with me.

With computer brains in short supply, President Biden orders 100-day probe into semiconductor drought



...top brass urged the White House to pump cash into building fabs in the United States...

It must be nice to know you're an industry that gets paid by a government to just do your job. Shouldn't demand make it so that fabs pop up themselves? Is there no demand? Are chip manufacturers so f*cking inept that they don't understand basic economics? Then they're non-competitive. They will fail and they deserve to. Is it to keep demand high? Then somebody else should step in and take their place, be a "disruptor". Captialism + caveats, truly the American way.

Microsoft unveils swappable SSDs for Surface Pro 7+ but 'strongly discourages' users from upping their capacity


Soldered in storage is not so very different from a printer which can’t have its ink cartridges replaced at all.

Watch what you say! If they hear that we're going to start having to pay the full price for printers and the ink will be unreplacable! No more workaround of throwing out the printer each time you don't have any more black.


Re: Presumably each SSD has a unique hardware ID

"lsblk -o MODEL,SERIAL" suggests otherwise.


I guess they're only technically computers because I find it far too frustrating to do any real "computing" on them in practice.

New FCC boss leaps into action by… creating three committees to look at longstanding problems and come back at some point


Oh my God, how many times is the US going to pay for fibre lines and connectivity before somebody just puts the damn stuff in the ground and hooks it up?! The US gets its ass kicked by Romania in this department!!

Bill Gates on climate change: Planting trees is not the answer, emissions need to be zeroed out to avoid disaster


I meant what I said. Holes in the brain of every man, woman, and child. Thoroughness is necessary.


Every man, woman, and child on this planet has contributed to a pattern of unethical behavior to the point that it can't be stopped without mass extinction events or a purposeful removal of our species. The only why to stop people opposing population control is to perforate the brain.
