* Posts by jason_derp

413 publicly visible posts • joined 13 Nov 2018


Google: Linux kernel and its toolchains are underinvested by at least 100 engineers


Re: Fool

..."failure to understand that 'value' is not necessarily based on money."

You're missing the point. Just because things have value besides money, doesn't mean it doesn't have a monetary value. Pumpkins don't quit being squash just because they're also orange. The point was that things if consequence are never without a dollar value. You can't put a price in the love from your family, but nobody wants to buy that. At least not specifically. I know for a fact that you can pay a fake family to hang around you.


Re: Fool

"Not everything in life is valued in 'money', and not all valuable things have a monetary value."

Well, most companies have a value placed on each employee's head, and insurance companies only exist because somebody's existance has value. Citizens have an associated GDP, cattle have a cost to farming corps and slaughterhouses, etc. Everything is in fact valued in money, and all valuable things have a monetary value. To suggest otherwise is ludicrous.

Statements like that are just people burying their heads in the sand because it turns out capitalism, a system that incentivizes the accumulation of as much wealth as possible for the minimum amount of effort, shockingly(!) comes with some downsides. Collectively, as a world, we've accepted those downsides as worth it, and pretending that human lives are somehow not appraisable is just cognitive dissonance. It literally cannot jive with the basic economic gears of the world.

SolarWinds urges US judge to toss out crap infosec sueball: We got pwned by actual Russia, give us a break


To be expected

Welcome to capitalism, f*ckos. Just settle and move on, I don't want to have to read about such an uninteresting case for too long a time.

Microsoft to require proof of vaccination from on-site staff, pushes back full reopening


Maybe they're God should have to write a note if their doctors have to. You need an appointment to see a mortal doctor, but this should be trivial for an omnipotent alien.

Blizzard president, HR chief exit games giant in wake of sexual harassment uproar


A wild jackass BK appears

"Bobby Kotick last Tuesday to send a letter..."

Now, I can't confirm this is 100% true, but I Bobby Kotick has never actually apologized for anything ever before, and doesn't actually know what one is. As a result, while he confirmed that he sent an apology letter, what actually occured was him sending clay jars, sealed with pitch, and holding hundreds of angry bees and an aerosolized insect analog to methamphetamine, to every single person who complained to the HR department ever. Even if it isn't true, I believe it, because knowing him and the universe I live in, it makes the most sense.

Right to repair shouldn't exist – not because it's wrong but because it's so obviously right


Re: Spot-on analysis

"I managed about 2½ before giving up."

What a thorough and productive lad, you are!

Dell won't ship energy-hungry PCs to California and five other US states due to power regulations


"Failure to limit consumption in all areas will quite literally bring about the end of a human habitable world."

People need to stop saying that like it's a bad thing!


"It seems like we are not far from having a requirement to install something like Tachograph in the power supplies with power budgeting and so on, so that if you exceed your daily allowance you won't be able to use your computer fully."

Either you have far greater faith than a reasonable person should in the capabilities and competencies of governments and their cooperation with technology manufacturers, or there's some law or statute that I don't know about that could reasonably pave the way for such requirements (without applying a slippery slope argument).


Re: Responsibility

"It's interesting that consumers are not allowed to have powerful computers, but at the same time companies that are pushing adverts online are not required to deliver it in a such way to minimise power consumption?"

If you were rich enough to be a shareholder of one of those companies, you'd understand.

What is your greatest weakness? The definitive list of the many kinds of interviewer you will meet in Hell


Only hiring the best

So if you take only the top 10% of any field, and every company does this, you end up with 90% if a field unemployed. Sounds like the employment rate of a field I'd like to enter, where 9 out of 10 have wasted potentially 4 years of time.

so they move into another field. Then what? They make 10% of their expected salary out of school, have no money to spend, and suffer crippling student debt? Sounds like a healthy economy.

How about every company does this and now only 10% of anyone skilled is employed, and the rest are in service, hospitality, and unskilled labor

That sounds like a tenable economy, too! I'm sure those neighbourhoods (that house 90% of the population) will be crime free and safe. No wasted taxes going there for sure.

Subcontractors working on CityFibre's £45m Derby rollout threaten to 'rip up tarmac' in dispute over payments


Re: What!

In my town (different country from yours), this is the first year ever where construction crews for the government actualy seem to be getting shit done. Holes appear over lunch time and the work is completed by next morning. It's bizarre, we're lucky to see a project get rolling on the way to "started" most years. Maybe we bought all the stuff everybody else needs and we need to use it to keep it?

UK celebrates 25 years of wasteful, 'underperforming' government IT projects


Re: The apple doesn't fall far from the tree

Agility! Synergy! Step function! Realignment! Outsource! Rightsize! Competencies! Paradigm shift!

Rackspace literally decimates workforce: One in ten staffers let go this week


Somebody should be getting excited!

A 140% increase in losses in comparison to a 11% increase in revenue, and a 10% reduction in workforce? Sounds like Mr. Jones deserves a bit of a yearly bonus! That's how that works, right?

Apologetic Audacity rewrites privacy policy after 'significant lapse in communication'


Re: The new normal

"In general though, the big problem is consulting corporate lawyers when creating a privacy "policy". The function of the corporate lawyer is to protect the company. The purpose of data protection law is to protect the data subject. There's a bit of a conflict of interest there."

I'm sure that's just an oversight that will be remedied promptly. Yep.

UK and chums call out Chinese Ministry of State Security for Hafnium Microsoft Exchange Server attacks


Re: How's this...

"Since China built a physical wall to keep out the rest of the world, why not enforce it to keep them inside it?"

Because the goal is to punish China, and the people who care most about what enters and leave China aren't the chinese. They're fine without us in comparison to everybody else without them.


"The CPP is power hungry, unapologetic and oppression personified. They should not be encouraged or coddled. Every free nation on Earth needs to say "No, stop." and turn off the economic pipeline to the Chinese economy until they play fairly. "

Look, I don't want to be 'that guy', buuuut, swap out China in this paragraph for another certain country, and it sounds pretty much the same. Hell, if you swapped in that same country for the stuff China did, nobody would be surprised.

Unless we hold ALL countries economically responsible, it doesn't really matter what people do to China. It's just weird red-scare craziness, a handy target to make everybody feel better because there's an easy target.

It'd be a lot healthier if we all just accept that China, Russia, Israel, the USA, Australia, et al will be doing this always and for forever and we all just have to get used to that.

Teen turned away from roller rink after AI wrongly identifies her as banned troublemaker


Re: Using it wrongly

"In a once quaint English seaside town..."

So, this girl should hang out at biker bars instead of roller rinks? I'm not sure I understand the parable. Is it a parable? Seems like it is.

Huh, it's as if something happened that made people not like CentOS so much


Re: Too much choice?

"...there's just too much choice out there in the Linux world?"

See also: shoes, restaurants, films, serialized shows, clothing, music, languages, car models, currencies, cities, etc. etc. etc.

Audacity users stick the knife – and fork – in to strip audio editor of unwanted features


Re: Certainly, it can't be called "Audacity"

"Forky McForkface"

Watch out! Maintaining a fork can get you knifed!


Re: Certainly, it can't be called "Audacity"


Emoticons are a little early oughts...

Audacity fork maintainer quits after alleged harassment by 4chan losers who took issue with 'Tenacity' name


"As far as I am aware, this is as far as 4chan went in terms of "harassment"."

That sounds more believable. After a while you get a sort of 'feel' who for how 4channers operate, and this story seems slightly bullshit.

It sounds like how my grandpa would describe "surfing the web" in the 90s, imagining a photorealistic avatar of me with mirrorshades on a hover board, surfing my way to AltaVista. Like, in the sense of "it's 4chan! That's how those psychos work! Go ahead, look it up! I understand 4chan!" In reality, you have to really screw up to provoke random channers to come and TRY TO STAB YOU.

It's all a bit suspect it's what I'm saying. Assuming he's not lying is the correct course of action until proven otherwise, obviously. It very well could have all happened, telcos don't ask for a psych evaluation before you sign a service contract. However, I am not going to be surprised if we find out this is a shitpost gone too far in a week or so.


A bizarre target

It must be a slow week for news. The 4chan peeps normally pick something a bit bigger to care about, and the escalation seems wildly disproportionate for them.

Linux Foundation celebrates 30 years of Torvalds' kernel with a dry T-shirt contest


I just want to say

I bloody love the picture of a penguin the article used as a thumbnail. He seems so proud of...whatever he's doing. I feel proud vicariously and I don't even know what's going on.


Re: My submission...

You glorious bastard, you've won. If not officially, then at least in my heart.

11-year-old graduate announces plans to achieve immortality by 'replacing body parts with mechanical parts'


Re: I for one

Most "wisdom" I've ever been given seems to be firsthand accounts of horrible things happening, or why everything was better before I was born. (I've come to the conclusion that perhaps the best time to be born was ~5000 BCE given that this trend seems to crop up in ancient times as well. The phrase "misplaced nostalgia for an imagined past" comes to mind.)

The atrocity angle might be worth exploring though. Maybe stick him in a room with some modern French horror movies and give him a week at a slaughterhouse. Maybe a Dachau tour and a combat medic tent. Let's accelerate this "wizening" and see what happens. Not like he could do any more damage then the other 7 billion of us. A kid this smart might be capable of ending suffering for all humans if properly prepared.

After 15 years and $500m, the US Navy decides it doesn't need shipboard railguns after all


Re: A cunning plan

My guess, if we're reading about them, all of them.

Age discrimination case against IBM leaks emails, docs via bad redaction


Re: I wonder how many email system old-hands were in the discard bucket?

Hmm. It's not "human people", it's "human resources". If it was that big of deal to treat meatspace occupiers as mere resources, I think workers would have said or done something about it by now. Right?

Either that or there's some kind of systemic oppression of the rights and freedoms of workers in North Ameri. I've been told many times that capitalism makes that impossible. Soooooo.. . . . .


Re: The old tricks

"One day you'll be older and wiser and you'll realise I was right.“

Very helpful, lots of applicable stuff hidden away in there.

My adage has always been" When I was younger I used to think everybody who was older was an idiot. Now that I'm older, I think I'm an idiot, too."

Not for children: Audacity fans drop the f-bomb after privacy agreement changes


Re: Depressing

"If you release software that crashes and you feel you can’t do any better then find another line of work."

*Everybody does just that*

Three years in the future, all computer conferences are just Rich screaming that they're the only one there.


Re: Depressing

"Audacity could easily go the same way as OpenOffice or XFree86."

I'd argue that it should go that way. Companies buying up open source tools with a large community in order to monetize it for their own purposes are certainly allowed to do that. It's legal and there's nothing wrong with it philosophically, imo.

However, it's often also in the best interests of the community to fork off that development and make the purchase a loss for that company. It's not very often that the capitalistic interference of a tech business has improved open source projects after buying them. If the free market is, in fact, free, then the users should cease using the projects that've been bought and fork them into projects they want to use, which also acts as a disincentive for purchases like that in the future.


"...all these faux outrage..."

Do you honestly believe that both the users of Audacity and open-source developers just happened to all independently pretend to be upset about something that often leads to people getting upset (due to historical precedence), or do you thinik they collaborated on pretending to be upset?

They're both absurd options, I'm just curious. A lot of people on these boards seem to think that "fake" and "unwarranted" are synonyms, so I suspect this might be your problem. [It's not unwarranted either, though...]

IBM's 18-month company-wide email system migration has been a disaster, sources say


Re: just curious

"Do you choose all your employers based on their email systems?"

Not necessarily. Imagine this: you walk into work and none if the work vehicles are ready for use. They all require work. No big deal. Oh no, wait, i work for a lawn & garden care +landscaping company. Confidence soon drops hard.

What is it that IBM works with?


"Why are you still at IBM? They can't even get email straight."

These guys were important once, right? I don't think I'm old enough to remember such a time. I thought they were a law firm for a while because they only seemed to be mentioned in court cases.

The M in M1 is for moans: How do you turn a new MacBook Pro into a desktop workhorse?


"The first colleague is no use to man nor beast."

You're just lining them up to be knocked down, aren't you?

Fine, the MacBook Pro is the first guy. There. /s


"If you're tethered to a desk, then buy a Mac mini. Half the price, better performance."

That reductionist logic isn't very helpful to the case. Observe:

"If you have a Mac mini and you want to be portable, buy a five-year-old laptop of any other brand. It's more powerful, it's portable, and docks are cheap."

Pretty soon you realize all the problems with MacBook Pro aren't solved by buying a Mac Mini, they're solved by buying almost anything other than Apple.

Wish you could play tabletop Dungeons & Dragons but have no friends? Solasta: Crown of the Magister offers a solution



"Not everything is Windows' fault."


What you need to know about Microsoft Windows 11: It will run Android apps


Jumping the gun, and the hand, and the arm, the person...

"...due be officially released around November or December this year..."

The lone man in a booth ordering three pies before his appetizer has even arrived.

The overweight guy walks into the gym for the first time and asks his PT if he can run a marathon next week.

A guy orders some krill eggs online and begins looking into registering as a zoo.

I've got a million metaphors. You can't just drop the cack-smelling heap of Win10 that you made on our shoes and then tell us the next one is worth buying, @holes.

Debian's Cinnamon desktop maintainer quits because he thinks KDE is better now


"...pleased a minority but held linux adoption back for the majority..."

If pleasing the majority was the point, they've certainly cocked it up good.

Totally unrelated: I take personal pleasure in yelling at fish for not caring about arch support in shoe insoles. The bastards.

Dependable Debian is like a rock in a swirling gyre of 'move fast and break things', and version 11 is no different


Re: Desktop is boring?

Progress is a necessary in any field. The acknowledgement that some people will want to try new and unstable environments that could lead to stable and productivity-increasing features, while others will prefer old and stable (but possibly outdated) enviornments is just a part of healthy evolution in any evolving process.

Remember that there was a time when people were VERY much against using punch cards to count a census. They were considered "unnecessary" and "unreliable". Now you're able to carry around a supercomputer from the 70s in your pocket.

"Bleeding edge" shouldn't be considered scary or frivolous, it's just a part of progress you happen to not want to participate in.

UK tells UN that nation-states should retaliate against cyber badness with no warning


Were people giving warning before?

What does this actually change? States are engaged in cyber espionage and warfare pretty much constantly. It's like telling a jogger you ran into on the street to wait for the starter pistol. What the hell is any of this even about?

EA Games looted by intruders: Publisher says 'no player data accessed' after reported theft of FIFA 21, Frostbite source



"Game source code is valuable because makers of big-ticket titles go to some lengths to obfuscate their code in order to deter cheaters from giving themselves an unfair advantage in online multiplayer sessions."

It's a FIFA game. Surely somebody already dumped the code from FIFA 14 BCE that could serve the same purpose as far as advantages go. It's not like Electronic Arts has done any updating to the game since then.

Would-be AWS bomber pleads guilty, faces 5 to 20 years behind bars for plot to take out government servers


This is why we're not allowed to have cyberpunk

This is why you can't make modern pieces of art that actually adhere to the cyberpunk aesthetic and philosophy. We've already entered the future the 80s warned us about, but no awesome finger blades to go with it.

Modern cyberpunk would just be this guy. The books would be uncomfortable for most people to read, basically slash fiction about terrorists blowing up government and corporation internet infrastructure and private property.

Google's diversity strat lead who said Jews have 'insatiable appetite for war' is no longer diversity strat lead


Re: Out of context

"I knew a girl like that once. She'd be beautiful whatever her skin colour but hated getting even the slightest tan. She married a black man.."

We all just stood up and clapped.


Re: Out of context

"...that whole article has a homophobic under current..."

I'm not gay, so I don't know, but I am very confused. I don't even really know what the article is about, and I've read it twice. He has a lesbian friend I guess, and so he doesn't hate gay people or hate homesexuality logically, just emotionally? He's working on tolerance of different sexual orientations? I really don't know. The whole thing sounds like somebody staring at a car accident and going "really makes you think."

You can tell there's a lot of effort put into his words to seem like he put a lot of thought into whatever the hell he was thinking of, but I cannot tell what he was thinking of. Or at least, I do not know why the thoughts he had seemed like something I would ever say out loud or write down for the public to see. It's like the first draft of an unqualified and unresearched opinion on a complex topic that got run through grammarly and posted.


Re: Still there?

His problem was that he didn't commit sex-pest behaviors. Could have maybe got a promotion or a raise. Never settle for underachievemers! You could have hired and trained up a real HR nightmare in the time you kept this guy around, Google!

FBI drops subpoena to identify readers of USA Today article about shootout with agents


"...two agents were shot and killed and three other agents were wounded while serving a warrant in a child exploitation investigation."

And we're supposed to allow backdoors to encryption methods so that you can stop child pornography and sex trafficking operations? What would be the point? You're just going to kill off the agents our taxpayer money pumped into training when you go to stop them!

Apple settles with student after authorized repair workers leaked her naked pics to her Facebook page


Re: How to tell if you're stupid.

I told my kids never to possess or create ANYTHING that they wouldn't want anyone to look at or think of. It's why Tuesdays are "flay off the skin" days. They complain now, but if they live to the age of majority, I'm sure they'll have enough function to create a noise that sounds like a "thank you".

Supreme Court narrows Computer Fraud and Abuse Act: Misusing access not quite the same as breaking in


Hear me out...

So this might sound super messed up, but I have an idea.

Premise the first: it takes a cop doing something wrong and going all the way to the Supreme Court to get logical cybercrime laws.

Premise the second: cops do super illegal stuff on the regular, and they often get caught on cell phones doing it.

Why don't we take some cops that do crimes, teach them to hack, get them to break the law by hacking in very specific ways in exchange for dropping the other investigation into them (because you can apparently just do that), and eventually there will be a robust and detailed set of laws dealing with cybercrime?

This benefits the world because it means people in countries with extradition treaties with the US don't have to worry about being wrung through a court system with one monolithic computer crime law with judges that think pdfs are a type of ammunition they've never heard of!
