* Posts by jason_derp

413 publicly visible posts • joined 13 Nov 2018


Computer scientists at University of Edinburgh contemplate courses without 'Alice' and 'Bob'


Re: Poor little Alice.

Better she found out early, eh?



a lot of angry people.

Instagram is testing feature that tells panicking users the service is broken again


Re: What is wrong with a 404?

I'm not sure what your point is actually. Jobs don't count unless you're underpaid and overworked? My point is just that jobs are jobs. There's not some magical Scotsman job somewhere to aspire to, if you get paid for work, it is a job.


Re: What is wrong with a 404?

Scarecrows are scarecrows.


Re: What is wrong with a 404?

if you're getting paid for it, its a job. "IT people don't really work. They just sit in front of machines moving electrical charges around all day. They're not saving lives like nurses and doctors. Besides, it's all so frivolous. Nobody dead cares if the internet works, and we're all going to die. A solar storm could wipe it all out in an instant one day anyways."

It's an easy (and sad) game to play, belittling the jobs of others.


Re: What is wrong with a 404?

If Instagram is your job, it's important. You don't just sit in front of a workless laptop screen when you can't connect to your work VPN. At least, if your boss asked if that's what you'd do, you'd lie and say "no". If you're your own boss, it's a bit harder to not deal with that sort of thing.

How Windows NTFS finally made it into Linux


Re: I can only warn

Wait, the solution you had to them typing in a long login name was them legally changing their name?

I'm diabetic. I'd rather risk my shared health data being stolen than a double amputation


If a cure for our diabetes comes from sharing our data, we went be able to afford it, and we'll never get health coverage. We can enjoy those amputations early by not being able to convince an insurance company to help pay for our insulin, I guess

Reason 3,995 to hold off on that Windows 11 upgrade: Iffy performance on AMD silicon


Re: Deferring Upgrades

Ha, given the hardware requirements and integrated-circuit-deficit, you might not have any damn choice but to wait until support terminates!


What's the bad news?

Seeing as how news about anything from M$ comes out as "good news stuff, bad news stuff", and we're still in the good news phase of Win11, what's next? Does this mean that when the bad news hits we find out the OS nukes all your AMD silicon into sand and the EULA you agreed to means you owe M$ themselves money for lost telemetry data? Only hyperbole until it isn't.

Windows what? PC makers have bigger things on their minds


"A typical pc which is used for writing documents, email and web browsing could be any machine made in the last 5 years (at least)."

I strongly beg to disagree. Running a single YouTube tab while having ~5 documents and spreadsheets open, doing database entries, working with some online applications, etc. can seriously bog a computer down. It's worse in Windows than it is in Linux, but I've got a fairly good ~5yo CPU and 32GB of RAM, and I can chew through it all like nobodies' business. I can watch all of my cores ramp up to 100% and stay there doing complex calculations in LibreOffice Calc.

PCIe 6.0 spec just months away from completion, doubles max data transfer rate


Re: Sorry for my ignorance but...

You might be thinking of regular old cars. It's AI-assisted "self-driving"+ cars that care about bandwidth, I believe.

IKEA: Cameras were hidden in the ceiling above warehouse toilets for 'health and safety'


Re: Excuses, excuses

"...only to record people in the roof space and corridor."

Mmhm, yes. Where all the little people do their cocaine, from what I understand. They don't have offices, you see. Any further questions?

Tobacco giants don't get to decide who does research on smoking. Why does Facebook get to dictate studies?


Re: Transparency is the first, unescapable step toward holding social media platforms accountable

"Letting people become unaccountable because of their wealth and power is never a good idea."

I don't want to spoil anything for you, but if you look outside, or turn on the tv, or read a book relating to any of that, that shit is going to blow the brains out of your ears so quick your eyes are going to pop backwards into your skull from the pressure difference. /s


Re: Oh Really?


Huawei CFO Meng Wanzhou admits lying about Iran deal, gets to go home


Re: Concerning

"In other words they're learning to act like the USA."

The problem is that the playbook to study is so goddamned long.


Re: Concerning

"China (and all other regimes that suppress human rights) should be isolated, blockaded and shunned internationally until they adopt proper laws with incorruptible courts."

The majority of countries have to trade with the US though. ZING

One-size-fits-all chargers? What a great idea! Of course Apple would hate it


Re: Apple don't like it?

What if I'm Catholic?!


Re: Apple don't like it?

Has anyone costed the carbon footprint of inductive charging vs cabled?"

Unless technology (or maybe even physics?) has drastically changed over the past few years, the inefficiency in inductive charging alone should increase the footprint by just requiring so much power. I imagine for transportation costs, an inductive charger must be the same amount of mass to ship as several decent usb cables and warts.

Electron-to-joule conversion formulae? Cute. Welcome to the school of hard knocks


Re: "a multitude of fresh qualifications counted for naught"

Ha, okay, I'll bite. Why did THEY give you what seems like a much more expensive and complicated pipe than necessary? Why are THEY so determined to fritter money away?


Re: "a multitude of fresh qualifications counted for naught"

Why would you use a pipe like that?


Re: Fluke logging multimeters

"I'll see your Fluke multimeter and raise you a Rohde+Schwarz protocol analyser...."

Those don't seem that overpriced given what they do and what goes into making them...

Bepanted shovel-toting farmer wins privacy payout from France TV


Re: I wouldn't have gotten into a fight...

You people waste petrol and meat with those backhoes.

Australia rules Facebook page operators are legally liable for user comments under posts


Re: Innocent until proven guilty

Buddy, you're sounding like you support the stuff Voller was convicted of. You don't get a pass for being abused your whole life, you get it for being rich.

I didn't put any commentary on treatment of aboriginal people, because it wasn't necessary. Indigenous people get treated like shit by white people everywhere in the world, it's not a secret or some clever commentary if you don't or do mention it. Jesus.


Re: Innocent until proven guilty

The other side of the story is that he's a victim of systemic abuse and a grade-A jerkoff because of it, and he's done stuff that warrants him being removed from the public. Doesn't really have a bearing on the comment above.

Though I'd add that any sympathy felt towards Voller doesn't justify the decision made by the courts.

When ERP migrations go bad: Games Workshop says project issues are delaying refresh of 'dated' online store


I mean, its GW

Can't they just steal the new site from somebody?

South Korea fines Google ₩207 billion for forking up attempts at creating Android variants


Re: Too little

"Not coming out of the corporate bottom line, directly out of the CEO's personal finances, as that would make the captain of the ship getting paid to steer reconsider steering the corporation in that same direction ever again."

Not likely to change anything. CEOs just do what the shareholders want up until they jump ship or the shareholders don't want them. You'd create a situation where CEOs cycle in and out so quickly there'd be no way to decide who to blame, or they'd get rid of the position and create a special committee or something like that to diffuse the blame.

I imagine whatever it cost those people "steering" would be equivalent to a portion of their yearly bonus, graciously awared by the directors. Just another cost of doing business with a few extra steps in getting the money where it needs to be.

UK.gov is launching an anti-Facebook encryption push. Don't think of the children: Think of the nuances and edge cases instead


Re: Guilty until proven innocent

I do have things to hide. I wear clothes in public, keep blinds on windows, and don't say everything that pops into my head. Hiding things is literally the most socially normative thing, and it's universal across all cultures and time periods. Pretending otherwise is absurd. It begins to sound like ducks <=> witches if you actually talk through the "...if you have nothing to hide..." logic that governments use.

Fujitsu wins £5m contract to support the UK's troubled Border Crossing system


How many

How many people working at the border crossing are going to have step in front of a moving vehicle after they get ground into paste for letting three people on the watch-list per day in for the past five years?

Confessions of a ransomware negotiator: Well, somebody's got to talk to the criminals holding data hostage


Word choice

Isn't it:

fissure - fissuring - fission


fuse - fusing - fusion


Lenovo pops up tips on its tablets. And by tips, Lenovo means: Unacceptable ads


That is all

"Our goal is clear: to become the leader in providing cleaner, safer PCs."

"Lenovo Tips is a system app which allows users to discover features that we believe are useful & meaningful and is designed to be unobtrusive."

Get f*cked. It's like somebody trying to convince me the secret GHB they might be slipping in my drink is actually a good thing, if you think about it. Just do it if you're going to do it. Don't feed me your corporate falsespeak.

IBM sued again by its own sales staff: IT giant accused of going back on commission payments promise


This won't end

Something tells me IBM will manage not to pay anybody in sales anything they were promised, right up until they quit existing because shareholders realize they do nothing and make nothing that anybody is needing or using.

Former Cisco exec jailed for fraud, dodging taxes


How to know you're truly unimportant

You're an executive of a multibillion-dollar international company who got jailed for tax evasion! I'd be depressed if I was him.

Chinese developers protested insanely long work hours. Now the nation's courts agree


"They've got all the components, official discrimination against ethnic minorities, concentration camps, slave labor, government in bed with big business, nationalist propaganda everywhere, arbitrary changes of laws coming from a dictator at the top, military buildup, the whole thing."

So do a lot of countries not normally considered "fascist". China's not special unique in that regard. Either many modern countries are fascist, or it's a meaningless word.


Re: Long hours <> productivity

"...I would argue that any business that relies on it's staff doing that day to day isn't being run efficiently, because those staff probably aren't working to the best of their abilities."

If you don't have to stack up bodies for daily removal and the shareholders are happy, why bother changing anything? Do 996 and die at age 40 of a heartattack in an apartment with a spouse who hates you and child you'll never see. Cattle are cattle regardless of the style of their mouth noises.

Eight-year-old bug in Microsoft's 64-bit VBA prompts complaints of neglect


Re: "[Microsoft felt] the 32-bit version a safer choice for most users"

"But shouldn't they both just work properly?"

What?! Are you insane?! /s

Debian 11 formally debuts and hits the Bullseye


Most desktop users will never have a problem with systemd, but it has issues. The creep and resource hunger are very unpromising, and it's likely beyond salvage. That being said, sysvinit has been outdated for some time, and nobody has produced alternatives seeing the adoption levels of either yet. Until that happens, it doesn't matter what side of the divide you're on, it's a pretty shit place to be once you look past the "my 15 year old computer can still run it!" and "it's what I'm used to!" argumentd the louder side often brings out.

Amazon Game Studios to its own devs: All your codebase doesn't belong to us


Re: Greed

"We are just a cattle, commodity now."

I assume you're time travelling from the distant past a dealing with some chronodisplatial jetlag?


Playing pretend

"If FTC does so..."

"If my dead grandmother regrows her teeth and rises from the grave with an insatiable lust for crunchy carrots..."

Scientists reckon eliminating COVID-19 will be easier than polio, harder than smallpox – just buckle in for a wait


Re: Meaning what exactly?

"...using numbers to make it seem more mathematical..."

Run, mathematicians! They're on to you!


Re: What do you mean no Apocalypse?

"If you could hide your FACE I'd also appreciate it..."

I'm never not wearing a mask again. I'm that one guy in pictures from Chinese transit now. The masks also, coincidentally I'm sure, make me "deaf". My biggest problem is I need more baseball caps and differeent colored masks so I don't become easily identifiable to people I haven't scheduled an interaction with.


@ Chris G

Get the hell out of here, crazy person! Everything was fine, and it went fine, it's still going fine, and it'll end up fine! We're going to look back at this and go "We were crazy! This was all fine!" Garbagarba blarg blarg blarg! /s


What does this translate to the average mind?

Oh COVID is going to go away eventually? Fuck yeah, time to do nothing about it.

Firefox 91 introduces cookie clearing, clutter-free printing, Microsoft single sign-on... so where are all the users?


Re: That's not a very useful option

I think firefox has a mobile solution that does that, actually. I agree though, this should be a standard thing now, even though I believe it should be opt-in.


Re: Cookie clearing

"Ah, well. A touch of inconvenience for greater privacy seems a step too far for a good number of people."

And thank the stars for that! I don't want to have to learn whole new methods of blocking my government and corporate overlords from tracking me on the internet. If most people block the methods of tracking, and there's no legislation to stop corpos and govs from tracking, they're going to invent new tracking methods. It's another arms race to have to contend with on the front I'm not paid to manage: my home devices.

The moment the plebs start figuring out tracking and doing something about it, the quicker I have to start worrying about the newest methods of hunting down my info. I just learned about having to sanitize hyperlinks (thanks el Reg), and that was astounding to me. I can't imagine what new and insidious bullshit Google and Comcast would begin planning if people learned half of what they should.

And we all know that we'll never get adequate legislation to protect something valuable once it's begun being exploited for profit, so that's out the window.

Perl's Community Affairs Team chair quits as org put on ice by code language's foundation


Re: Software Communism

"Not that I'd be welcome anyway, because I refuse to pander to this woke, communist duma-style 'committee led' wankery."

Definitely the reason you wouldn't be welcome.

Google: Linux kernel and its toolchains are underinvested by at least 100 engineers


Re: Fool

"Ahah! Somebody who knows the price of everything and the value of nothing."

My original point was saying anything with a value has a monetary cost. An understaning of value is kind of a prerequisite to my statement.


Re: Fool

"We too easily become obsessed/distracted by monetary value, as though it is the most important thing..."

All meaningful decisions made by wealthy individuals, governments, and corporations (i.e., the only peopel with decision making power of any note) are based on money. Since those decisions have the greatest effects on the greatest number of human and animal lives, and on the environemnt itself, it means that money is, in fact, the most important thing. You don't have to like it or agree with it (I don't), but it is the state of affairs, and there is little chance of that changing peacefully or quietly.


Re: Fool

"Hopefully one day you'll understand why that's wrong, and you'll be happier."

Perhaps. Ignorance does bring a certain happiness. I know I'm a lot happier realizing that to the only things in the world with any influence (corporations and governments) place a dollar value on my life. I like knowing that daddy Amazon or PM in no way has my back when I'm in trouble, and that they'd recycle me for feed if given the chance. It's a lot safer.

84-year-old fined €250,000 for keeping Nazi war machines – including tank – in basement


Classified Ad: Need Collector for My Weapons Collection

"...ordered to sell or donate the tank and flak cannon to a museum or collector within two years."

It seems like the stuff already had a collector...
