What Factors/Vectors Distinguish and Define a Confidential Collaboration from a Criminal Conspiracy?
“The best way to predict the future, is to create it” - Abraham Lincoln
246 publicly visible posts • joined 2 Nov 2018
Heres hoping that the new POTUS will put right the wrongs, and take accountability for the wrongs and actions.
Seems like a world away when great gamesplay was the daily development does it not?, talks of tempestuous trips to Sir Richard Branson’s island wouldn’t be Adam and Eve’d and dismissed as buried treasure.
One things for sure, justice must be done, and evidence always opens the door to new adventures.
Good great game analogies once again amFM.
And take it from someone who can completely sympathise with said frog, having spent a decade of exponential learning, only to be stung by said ̶N̶S̶A̶ ̶&̶ ̶G̶C̶H̶Q̶ Scorpion.
In hindsight I often wonder why one would subject themselves to such, or whether there was any choice given the psychological operational ordeals, but without a doubt it has to be questioned what the point of such implausible undeniable events.
Likewise and likeminded thinking amFM, and applauding newly formed alliances, and reminding such of promises once made -
Quote -
Lets hope that President Biden will fulfil President Obama’s promise to resolve a certain homegrown issue Mr Johnson, and ensure restitution for human rights abuse spanning nearly a decade now.
One simply cannot sit silently forever.
They’re definitely good at covering up.
But not that good ;0)
Perfect timing to break out the newly acquired laptop and plentiful backups to present a myriad of information to a new President with presentation of human rights abuses procured via psychological operations by his precarious predecessor and next chapter great gamesplaying for premium presentation :0) ....
Its the same stumbling block type question like those who believe that Fishing Rights relate to marine based life, rather than catches what caught the cookie crumbling in other types of net.
Who knows amFM, they want the prize, the real McCoy, the Coca Cola, but fail to know how to scriptwrite the righteous and capitalise accordingly.
Probably an appropriate time of year to consider if there was a second coming, they’d be more intent on Jesus Christ Superpopstar than humble reality.
Democratic decency, rather than rabid republican direction should improve the show should it not? :0)
Lets not forget the manic MK Ultra delivered daily to programme the organic robot consumers driven everything and everywhere to one and all.
Take it from a survivor of the extreme exponential experimental great games playing antics of the DOD and MOD’s blockbuster black budget pirate show, a right royal Fox Hunt for Her Majesty’s Pleasure.
And quite right in what you say there amFM, the future is already written, with daily drama, and shocking shenanigans sculpted by scriptwriters behind the scenes in secret locations defying the boundaries of what one ever should, could or would believe.
Merry Christmas to one and all El Reger’s and watch this space for future great games play, and revealing rolesplaying coming soon :0)
and who may be more than just a chosen few amongst many, and Strictly NOFORN Need to Know MkUltra COSMIC TS/SCI .......
The same chosen few who know that Brexit stumbling blocks over fishing relates in no actual way to aquatic marine life, and more akin to pirate digital bounties on the digital domain ...
I remain confident that justice will be done amFM, especially with the changing of the guard, persistent gaslighting for a significant number of years cannot change a mind armed with physical proof to remind a mind clouded by targeted propaganda.
After all, three things cannot be hidden, the sun, moon and the truth.
Certainly a lot more to the ‘Hacking Britons’ than meets the eye in this story, obviously the psychological torture of Britons in the name of ‘The Great Game’ psy-ops multi corporation funded experimentation sp00ky projects will also be omitted in a ‘nothing to see here’ everything and everywhere manner will IT not?
What a catch 22 conundrum that is indeed amFM.
And you are right on the money when tasked with entering the great game arena for one last swing at goliath, rather than forever live in doubt, after all we only forget the things we never did ...
Amazing really how good Racehorse becomes Swine, all due to resistence and resilience to a populist propaganda agenda.
“Man will destroy himself through greed, not my greed”, a message from the gods, perhaps a stalk warning to a road to nowhere but certain inevitable failure based on a compulsive capitalist struggling structure in East vs West, which is best ongoing societal new world disorder.
Any winners in such well prophesied great game?
AI could always/already has been both tested and utilised as a hound hunting both for spread betting, elite great gamesplaying running man style antics running the course over GBNI as a anything goes playground could IT not?
Simply Reds pulling the strings in a CO V ID 19 ‘Moneys too tight to mention’ cant get another Brexit extension bus hurtling at Speed over the proberbial Cliff Thorburn well and truly snookered cliffs of DO V ER and everyone everywhere blissfully behind the masks of optimism populism and patriotism sadly the aforementioned offering little protection from the V ir us of a failed capitalist impractical ponzi scheme hidden beneath the ever decreasing Russian Dolls whenever unearthed in a whack a mole fashion to oversaturated exchange traded funds?
What promises on the side of that bus will arrive at the destination, or be exposed as catastrophic floundering lies will create the latest multimedia press propaganda in the latest and greatest hoodwink cloak and dagger danesgold future dramatics without a doubt ...
I wonder if the Hermes service is as capable at packet loss as its parcel delivery service?
Or perhaps the cat stroking Gates chosen government actor with the illusionary halo is diverting said packets via the Redmond slurping data stream washing whatever slush funding in a nothing to s ee here manner past the talons of the SEC and other normally attentive authorities?
Enlightening post response previously amFM, there is no threat by the way, just a desire for restitution after many years, even a decade of APT ening behaviour leading to catastrophic derailment and loss of chance whilst at the test pilot tentacles of shady secret spread betting, and stalking, in a daily Clockwork O ran ge repetition.
Lesser, less evolved, none forced evolutionary individuals in none Sol circles would have surely ended up in padded cells and possibly worse, so for such, in itself proves success outside the expectations of popstar puppeteer MK Ultra end goals.
Fait accompli?, did Adams fate end so differently avoiding rather than defending the poison Apple?, thinking differently was indeed the end goal was IT not? ...
What a shock it would be to joe public that their illusionary taxpayer pounds/dollars are spent in Nazi originated spooky psychological operations torturing innocent British Citizens, with ping pong antics of advanced technological Neoconopticon mass media puppets with 5ghz wireless strings, shown both everything and everywhere, for all and everyone.
The end result for the vegetated test pilot, be rich and famous or poor and floundering.
Plausable deniability has passed the rubicon with mountains of evidence, and two books ready for refinement.
With the threat of yet more accountability for yet more misdemeanours, good old ministry of magic seeks rapid exit from the long arms of the ECJ and other regulatory authorities, to become the above the law banana republic, sailing the high seas in ships of the East India Trading company resurrected with long lost pirate treasure.
Wild, wacky, insane?, or wholly accurate, and exact?, you decide, and remember the truth is certainly stranger than fiction in this, past, present and future alien experiences and experimentations ....
The supply of such 4G mandarin import ended as abruptly once future communication infrastructure began the next generational stages of stealthy supply.
It kinda makes for interesting moves does it not, now that the US has played its Trump card?, ready for a shuffle of the deck ready to begin the unearthing of yet another Russian Doll, revealing tantalising tactics of the next stages of red corner global Red and Mandarin alliance, against a change of guard in the motherland.
I guess the question, will the words “Back of the Queue” resonate a resurrection of promises of presidents past weakening further an already brittle Special Relationship?, with tension in a Union where all corners seek sanctuary in sanity of something that provides stability?
All to play for and interesting spectation in a great game coming soon/already here ‘the future is now’ kinda way :O)
Do you think Cummings may be turning his attention on the MOD’s leaky co intel pro MK Ultra authorised secret pirate ship playground budget?
Or is such stinking shenanigans permitted in the great skunkworks game?
FSB or Facebook? ... who pulls the tentacles in the tantalising next round of presidential precedental polls?, with plentiful pandemic pantomime this Christmas?, all here and now on the wild and wacky completely staged world illusion illustrated by illumunating incumbents is it not? ...
Oh do come on amFM, the narrators of the program are literally tugging on the chain like rabid dogs to turn the program against the East, throwing a niblet to both blue corners followed up by yet another Salisbury pantomime to herd the immunity.
Heck, I was even asked many years ago if I could write better, then suggestions on a postcard.
I’m shuffling my deck of illuminati playing cards as we speak, and with both outbreak and pandemic cards clearly on the table, the answer to the question asked nearly a decade ago “where do we go from here” seems to have raised the stakes in the great game quite substantially does it not?
Interesting alliances, and twists and turns galore to come, yet the corporations still have the sights set at the eastern alliances sipping replica starbucks on replica rolexes, wearing naughty nike’s on their great walled fake iphones, and the salavation of the vast markets untapped with little room to progress beyond their already stretched skins do they not? ...
Kind of reminds me of the scenario of being in bed with the mistress and the husband walks in.
Again, Blighty being the proverbial pork chop man in the middle, lining its nest from both east and west, unable to decide which is best, alas the one to tries to please everyone pleases no one at all ...
“is it easily quite permanently fixed with such a lost supply line securely and stealthily restored through a vast array with any number of protective obfuscating proxy server agents”
Will wait for that rapid and rabid resolution to take place amFM, although after a dire decade of deliberation, one cannot help to feel nothing but frustration for past and present fumbling, and poor exponential learnings led at arms length direction.
In the same way, being the target practice MK Ultra pirate puppet for the aforementioned tech giants, NSA, GCHQ et al, if the end product is not a mind controlled populist brexit supporting Nigel Farage, its straight to the special projects reject bin is it not?
And they said the UK Arts industry is dead, certainly not the UK Dark Arts industry!
Good old Christopher St ee le, they wheel out this bad actor when the great game requires yet another sock puppet, what next?, Edward Snowden?, or another Salisbury fiasco?, pantomime poison perfume bottles?, or pandemic
pièce de résistance?.
The scriptwriters really must come up with something innovative, as even natives are beginning to smell a RAT ‘remote access trojan‘ running firmly in what doesn’t read well in the pages of stagnant modern history, where do we go from here? ....
New ambitius direction, not cataclysmic, revolution as opposed to lennon on sale again ...
And they just can't help themselves from taking and using future generations wealth to pay for present situations which are predicated upon past gross practices.
Amen to that AMFM, in addition they certainly cant help foray into veritable Vatican exploits of exponential learnings lurking in live operational virtual environments, invoking torture and torment and taking innocent individuals on battalion spread betting human fox hunts for estranged entertainment.
Just as well we dont have the Church Comittee in blighty to hold those ultimately accountable with mass MK Ultra experiences and experimentation so blatantly wielded is it not?
“This public service message is brought to you in support of your mental health.”
Take it from a former/current great games play player/guinea pig, where such mental health was and is tried to the very outer limits, and agree and acknowledge in entirety the truth in such observation.
What's not to like for a real long time?
If I had a promissory note for every time i’ve heard that, I wouldn’t need to utilise prime prior art in pirate prime intellectual property to hit the launch button on hyper neuklear intellectual alien intellectual property tied and defied in Live Operational Virtual Environments, part V ....
More sagas than Star Wars, more great gaming than Sega’s, more frustrating than frustration, more costly than pandemics, and more secretive than the da vinci code :0)
Powerful Energy to have Ready to Hand, In House and Safely Stored Securely for Future ...
One has to also confess to securely stored in house Pirates bounty, ready for future ‘neaukl ee er’ great game expeditions, and perilous post pandemic future exponential learning expeditions :O)
To quote -
Three things cannot be long hidden: the sun, the moon, and the truth.
“Oh and ..... can you break the Official Secrets Act if whenever you haven't signed it? :-) Just asking for a friend :-)“
If even a minuscule amount of Joe Public knew what great game, backroom, boardroom shenanigans and wagers on sp00ky spread betting, and taxpayer funded eerie exponential learnings on great games-playing antics, CO V ID 19 would be the least shocking revelation in the world domination playbook would IT not?
I have to ask the same question as your friend btw, not that many would/could comprehend such even if one had the will, or patience to explain such exploits ....
Who's leading things in your world and where's your life headed?
Now that is the almighty question amFM, and more to the point with the current state of state affairs it makes one hell of a conundrum for the present instrumental instructions in live operational virtual environments with simple plays in SIMply mixed media vehicular messages.
Of course one is always prepared to mount the horse and ride along on such journeys after a decade of great gamesmanship and game thoery turned principle into live practice, and who could deny such unplausable undeniable experiences, after all one cannot deny such destiny’s?
Yeee indeed :-)
Have to ponder what actions should the recipient and unwilling test subject on the receiving end of such state secret great games playing exploits choose for future paths, having trodden a decade of east and western tug of wars, and left wondering if the future can ever be bright again? ...
Interesting article in the Guardian recently along similar lines ....
All very interesting, and quite true, take it from such a cybertortured individual.
Kinda makes me want to return to more normal times where the rule of law applied, and no one was above such, instead we live in times of great games player crazy big banker bonafide great games with complete disregard for destroying lives, and virtual violations of privacy and political puppetry, sad sad times indeed...