* Posts by de-em

6 publicly visible posts • joined 5 Oct 2018

It is 20 years since the last commercial flight of Concorde


The shame of it all is that leading up to the withdrawal being announced, there were already advanced plans in place to apply upgrades to the Concorde fleet with improved interior, and most importantly modifications to the engines to make them a lot quieter. These would have brought the Concorde experience right into modern standards (of the time), and opened up new routes, but sadly they never got to see the light of day.

I noticed in a previous comment BA were blamed for Concorde's demise. Whilst there may have been some elements within BA who weren't supportive, I think it's Air France with the most blood on their hands. See Mike Bannister's excellent 'Concorde' book for the full background.

HCL proves Lotus Notes will never die by showing off beta of lucky Domino 14.0


Re: And integration...

"I can certainly make an argument that the day to day TCO of Exchange Server is lower than Lotus Notes"

Maybe - but only in the context of an email platform. Messaging is only one of the services it provides - at a high level, it's also is an authentication server, application server and web server. Yes I know you can probably get the equivalents for free if needed, but they will never work as well together as Notes/Domino, with everything under the same hood, and all connected by the same coding frameworks.

Furthermore, when you get into the details, if you were to replicate the functionality of a Notes/Domino setup with MS equivalents, you'd be looking at AD, Exchange, Sharepoint, Teams, Power Apps, Power Automate, IIS... the list goes on. Not sure if the TCO of that lot would be lower than Notes/Domino!

In fact these days, the messaging component is rarely used now - Domino's mainly used is as an application/web server.

Vinyl sales top CDs for the first time in decades in America, streaming rules


The main reason I still buy CDs is just so I can rip them to FLAC on my NAS drive - after that they just sit on an ever-increasing pile waiting to be listed on eBay.

Personally speaking I like to own my own music and not be at the mercy of whatever licensing deal your streamer of choice has with the various record companies.

Yes I know I can buy FLACs of albums online, which I'd rather do and cut out the ripping process, yet for some reason it's still cheaper to buy them as CD! No, I don't understand why either.

AppSheet. Gesundheit! Oh, we see – it's Google pulling no-code development into a cloudy embrace


How is this different to Google's App Maker....?


Google: I don't know why you say Allo, I say goodbye


...unless you're running a business that relies on the existence of said product.

Not sure how can you have a long-term IT strategy based on Google products with your feet on constantly shifting sand?

(this is more a comment on the size of Google's ever-expanding graveyard of discarded products rather than Allo specifically though)

The secret history of Apple's Stacks


Like Windows 3.1 program groups then? (albeit without the 'smart' aspect)