When Twitter and Facebook first hit the mainstream, I was very surprised how the media and the public sector took to it without their usual ' Other social Media establishments are available' that they usually brush private enterprise with.
A decade later, and we are at the turning point where having a Mastodon server to manage your social media is just hitting the thought processes of the mainstream.
Obviously, if Musk had a brain, he would have already worked out what was needed was a Twitter server app (think Azure Stack etc) that various industry organisations managed, and worked as a Twitter federation - he would earn for more than he will for blue ticks in licensing.
You could then have different rules for what was acceptable on each Twitter server, yet, people could still share the news, and find each other for trending.
The main issue with Mastodon is its a bit complex to set up properly, and that is the reason people use Twitter - any fool can set up an account, and most of them have!
As it is, Musk is having a public nervous breakdown and Twitter will end up as a lesson in not letting money go to your head!