A picture worthy of replacing "girl on a beach with the ee PC"
Please Reg can we think of some suprious reasons to keep reposting it?
33 publicly visible posts • joined 31 Aug 2007
Missed out the LG phenom and the cadre of Windows CE machines!
I had a phenom in 1998/99 and amazed colleagues that I could connect to the net over IrDA to my nokia 6510 and download content at a blistering 14,400 baud (I think data was a flat £5/month unlimited at the time).
The touchscreen and built in word, excel etc were actaully pretty useful for working on short docs on the train and the outlook client was.. OK. IE was fine for basic sites.
It now lives in my son's toy box and though it doesn't switch on anymore the casing has survided many a fall down the stairs.
Sorry Rota, it's you that is wrong.
Yes, your friend recorded the Freeview HD transmissions a year or 2 ago but these were done on DVB-T. That solution was discarded and they went (with Ofcom's heavy hand) to DVB-T2 instead. As has been accurately reported, you cannot buy any DVB-T2 equipment at the moment, not even a usb tuner.
Also the EBU description in the article is incorrect. The EBU uses a / in the notion so "1080i/25" Still a misleading notation, of course as this can refer to a transmission standard of 50 fields not 25 interlaced frames (yes, there is a n important difference).
Sorry that's just total BS unless said contractor is using some kind of phoney company on the isle of Man or somesuch (these schemes are being shut down now and quite right too).
Contractors' companies pay corp tax on their income and then they pay income tax on the dividend (0% for basic rate and 22.5% on higher rate) meaning the marginal rate is higher than income tax (because corp tax rate is now higher than basic rate income tax) They also pay NI on any salary or benefits in kind they get from their co.
They are not tax dodgers, they typically pay more in tax than someone on permanent salary. Yes this is to compensate for the inherent risk of their position, the travelling to jobs away from home, sick time, long periods between contracts. This is what they accept when they decide to go contract.
If they winge about it, then, just like a permie who's complaining that the other side of the fence has the greener grass then they should simply jump and shut up. Can't have it both ways.
You get a much, much, bigger image sensor and this has 2 effects:
1. Much, much less noise in pictures, especially low light ones as the pixel density on the sensor is much lower (each gets moire light)
2. Control over depth of field. high quality pics often have focus on a subject within the frame, portraits are a good example, with the rest of the iamge being a nice smooth blur of soft focus. This is easy to achieve on a DSLR by just opening up the aperture, compacts and bridge cameras weith compact sensors struggle to achieve any meaningful DOF effects. So, for e.g. if you take picture of someone in the crown, the entire crowd is in sharp focus not jsut your subject, the image is flat and boring.
3. Ability to use different lenses for different effects, filters, high quality raw images.
The list goes on but 1 and 2 alone will mean that pics on a base model DSLR with kit lens (like a D40) will easily best those on a high end bridge cam.
I think you di it a deservice especially as you focus on the vertical resolution.
SD is 720*576i at best. A good few freeview or SKY channels are transmitted as 544*576i.
Compare that to HD which is 1280*720p at worst. That's a near or better than doubling of horizontal resolution, and a near tripling of vertical resolution for movement (because 576i it 288 ilnes every second whilst 720p is 720 lines every second).
It looks dramatically different and is much better when scaled up to 1366*768 than SD is, if only for the fact no deinterlacing has to take place with the compromises that can entail (especially with anything other than film sourced content).
Sure, if you have a 26inch set and sit 10 feet away you may not see the benefit. But, as people buy into HD, they almost always go up a screen size or 2 (I went from 28inch to 40inch and that's common with others I've spoken to). Bigger the screen, the more apparent the benefit of HD whether it be 1080i or 720p
'course the boradacasters are doiong their best to ruin it with crappy bit rates) those planned for freeview are super crap). But there you go.
Sorry Mike, you will need a new box,
There are _no_ TVs on the market that wil be able to receive this new HD service.
As someone has already posted, it's slated to use the DVB-T2 standard. This is not ratified yet and there are no commericially available DVB-T2 tuners.
So, a new box for you and, perhaps, some tellies with this built in out in a year's time.
Doesn't it? Sure I've heard of people plugging them in to find them recognised (as data drives but no installed software to play the movie).
Frankly though the 5Mbs 720p video with 5.1 of the Apple TV downloads doesn't compare to the 20Mbs (or higher) 1080p with HD sound encoding on the discs you can rent for a similar amount or buy for a few quid more.
It picks up the completely different Japanese terrestrial mpeg2 HD broadcasts.
The London trial was h264 and ended months ago in any case.
This thing must be heavily compressing the HD to get 2 hours on a DVD the max bitrate on a DVD is something like 10Mbit (equating to an hour for single sided DVD) meaning this must be encoded at a rate of circa 5Mbit whereas the BBC HD channel on the freeview trial and on satellite used 18Mbit.
Pretty pointless squishing a good HD single up that much?
You seem to have missed the point.
" *Owain* Glyndŵr" was the person you describe.
Still no idea why he'd have a beer named after him in Olde Enlgishe language or what "Lechyd da" is supposed to mean.
I didn't find the original article offensive, D-Bevan was way overracting.
The stupid jibes afterwards were just that and made the Reg look stupid and ignorant (as do many of the comments that have followed e.g. : "gutteral language").
with further ignorant jibes has made the Reg writer look the stupid one
Who was "Owen Glyndwr"? Why does he have an Olde Englishe titled beer named after him and what on earth is "Lechyd da" supposed to mean?
I suppose the basis of most predjudice is ignorance.
Cymru am byth.