* Posts by Mat

5 publicly visible posts • joined 31 Aug 2007

Pirate Bay guilty verdict: Now what?

Dead Vulture

Off topic but please...

Will someone tell Kelly Fiveash that this is a .co.uk site and therefore we'd like our currency conversions in sterling thank you very much. Yes, do tell us how many kronor or whatever the originating currency is, but then give us the amount in pounds (or you know what, I'm happy to accept Euros). But dollars? Beggars belief. Oh and kronor please - not Swedish Crowns!

Not just a moan about this story but this one:


and this one:


all by the same author. Have I missed something? As they are all pirate-related stories why not gives us the amount in Doubloons? Just as meaningful as dollars in this case.

PS3 sale price spurs costs Sony dear


@ A Baird

Sorry to disagree with you - but I was a lifelong PC Gamer - and now I'm a PS3 convert. It just works - bung in a game and it plays. No choosing graphics settings to get the best out of my system, no faffing about with updates. No issue with getting the latest drivers. I imagine the same is true for Xbox (no fanboiz here).

And then I use mine as a networked media player. And of course, a Bluray player. And if I felt like it, I could install linux on it. Yes you can do all that with a PC, but frankly I just can't be arsed.

And all with GTA IV for about £300. Compared with the cost of a PC, I think that's a pretty good deal.

Top judge: put everyone in UK on the DNA database


Nothing to hide either

But I'll never agree to having my DNA extracted and recorded on a DB.

A) I don't trust them not to cock it up - and then I find myself in a completely indefensible position of having 'my' DNA found at a crime scene, hauled down the cop shop and accused of being a serial killer.

B) It's *my* dna - not yours, not the police's, not the govenment's etc.

C) It won't impact crime levels at all. Crime has bever diminished related to the likelihood of being caught - ciminals merely alter their behaviour accordingly.


Racist Reg hacks slammed for 'vitriolic hatred'


@Adrian Jones

I think Big Tim's point was that there's no such person as Owen Glyndwyr. He was actually Owain Glyndŵr.




Nice try but...

It's iechyd da - not lechyd da. I know the Reg tries hard and changes the banner on St. David's day - but sadly your welsh credentials have taken a knock.

The flame is well over the top but I didn't find the article funny either. Ooh, sheep shagging and Wales. Hilarious. You must be up for that Perrier award thing.

Mind you, it was probably enough to make an Englishman laugh...