* Posts by drewzilla79

11 publicly visible posts • joined 14 Sep 2018

Whoa, whoa... Tesla slams brakes on allegations of 'unintended acceleration' bug: 'Completely false and was brought by a short-seller'


Tesla says in its clap-back

Please tell me you are using this ironically. Being American I can't tell when or how much dry British wit is inferred in these articles.

If down-voted be assured I will issue no clap backs, back claps, or black caps of my own.

Huawei goes all Art of War on us: Switches on 'battle mode' and vows to 'dominate the world'


Explosively Formed Penetrator

"FWIW, I believe the only combat loss of an M1 to date has been a massive IED in Iraq."

Shaped charges made from composite explosive and usually copper. They were in Iraq and likely what you are thinking of. Pretty low tech to manufacture which made them all the more terrifying.

Must watch: GE's smart light bulb reset process is a masterpiece... of modern techno-insanity


"For more smart tips on our smart products..."

As a former cog in the GE machine I am not surprised that they have taken the foundation of their company (the lowly incandescent bulb), turned it into this contraption and further insulted Thomas Alva Edison's legacy by declaring it smart.

US Air Force probes targeted malware attack, blames... er, the US Navy? What?


Re: Well...

In World War II it was United States Army Air Force, so technically the United States Army gets credit for those heavy-handed bombing tactics. Our beloved Chair Force was not the "USAF" until 1947.

The more you know!

Bombs Huawei... Smartphone exploded in my daughter's pocket, seriously burning her, claims dad in lawsuit


C'mon y'all...

Another less tinfoil-hatted explanation of this story is that it is literally the only thing happening in Cape Girardeau, MO that doesn't involve banjos or pickup trucks. The "Bootheel" is not an area know for its newsworthiness.

US man and Brit teen convict indicted over school bomb threat spree


He met his Waterloo

Came here for quick-witted references to lackluster late 80's Bond films, leaving disappointed.

Not surprised...In my business you prepare for the unexpected.

Core-blimey! Riddle of Earth's mysterious center finally 'solved' by smarty seismologists


Re: So it's...

"I fear the potential of this being politicized some day."

I'm a hard core-er and love freedom, but that liberal idiot over there is a soft core-er.

A slippery slope indeed...

It's the end of 2018, and this is your year in security


Was I the only one...

Who read the phrase "diplomatic immunity" in Joss Ackland's thick-as-mud South African accent from Lethal Weapon 2?

Brazil bested by hackers, Virgin plugs hub bugs, and France surrenders… records


Not only by surprise, but totally alarmed!

The line "IT security staff sacré bleu it" made my Monday morning tolerable, thank you for that.

LG's beer-making bot singlehandedly sucks all fun, boffinry from home brewing

Thumb Up

RE Best bit was the label

A co-workers label for his home brewed Admiral Akbar It's A Trappist read "Your taste buds can't repel flavor of this magnitude".

The Trappist tasted like it was filtered through a dirty sock but the style points awarded for his Star Wars punnery made drinking it slightly less painful.

You'll never guess what you can do once you steal a laptop, reflash the BIOS, and reboot it


The Cold Shoulder?

Came for Mr. Freeze puns. Leaving disappointed.