Wow.... know a product is bad when pirates and hackers even stay away!
I gotta say, my brother runs Vista and says it's great, so long as you stay away from Aero. LOL. Isn't that half the reason that everyone gets it? Oh wait, its security!
C'mon, lets be serious. Anyone who knows anything about computer security knows that it only takes a couple of steps to control any computer security issue at home. A good virus checker and a hardware firewall (like one found in any good home router). Ok, so then, business can use it right?
There aren't very many WELL RUN IT departments that will upgrade to Vista before all the bugs are worked out.
Vista needs to get better before any serious users or admins will use it. Just like XP. Just like 98. Just like 2k. MS has always been guilty of releasing a new OS 2 years too early. Just wait for it and everything will come together.