Unlike the author ...
... here's a link to the whole list of fifteen, from "2023", https://www.cisa.gov/news-events/cybersecurity-advisories/aa24-317a , Ooooh looky there, it's got a link to each CVE, with name, and affected software by title !!
Realizing by the second paragraph I'd have to wade through it blow by blow, to obtain the content of said list I stopped reading. All your style achieved was devaluation of your content, and wasting your readers time.
For context I would have appreciated the actual list, and, probably like many other readers here, insightful commentary on the list as a whole, That is a poor effort, while some hacks here may enjoy self servicing word games, I'd rather assess the list directly, and would have appreciated that more.
Pity the editor's correction, didn't stretch to an apology for the wasting of readers time.