Re: Why?
Because paying in cows and making change with sheep and chickens is difficult... they don't fit in your pocket.
88 publicly visible posts • joined 24 Aug 2018
A LONG time ago (80's) - when wireless keyboards & mice first appeared - I was called up to the army reserves... When I arrived in station, I noticed that everyone in the office were happily tapping away on their shiny brand-new wireless kit! I went berserk and started yanking away these keyboards with the resulting screams of anguish - until I saw the unit commander, a Brigadier (1 star General) with his. As I pulled it out from his hands I "politely" explained that everyone outside the fence (next to his office) could be reading everything he was typing... he was quick to comprehend and commenced yelling at everyone else while sheepishly asking me to get him a cabled keyboard so he could finish up his writing.
I discovered TR-069 by accident when the ISP had removed the WiFi password on my box. Took hours of yelling and escalations to have them restore the greyed-out option. Two weeks later they did it again. Dumped that ISP and now only use my personally owned hardware. In retrospect I guess they did me a favor.
The US election cycle has kicked into high gear heading towards November. Having a renewed pandemic break out in time to justify having everyone mail in their ballots instead of voting in-person is a repeat of 2020. My parents were Republican voters their entire lives. Ever since they passed away, they have been voting Democrat.
The states with the STRICTEST gun laws - have the highest statistics of gun crime.
Maine on the other hand passed a law allowing permit-less concealed carry... and for the last 4 years, no gun crime.
Australia forced the people to give up their weapons - and gun crime has SOARED.
Switzerland has an assault rifle (a real one, not a scary lookalike) in every home - yet no one is being gunned down on a daily basis.
Ask the REAL reason why they are trying to take civilian guns away...
My bank (nameless, not blameless) has an annoying habit of "suddenly forgetting" my password every 60 days... forcing me to create a new one thru a torturous process of 2FA and thinking up something clever. They don't say it out loud, but no matter what you try, you can't get in unless you "decide" to request a new password.
Needless to mention that forcing users to change their passwords often only makes them come up with easier ones - but only allowing English letters and numbers without symbols makes the process worse. Better to stick with a more difficult password created once.
As they say - more security theatre.
We have the same issue in Israel - a group of [Russian] hackers have hijacked the appointment process for getting passports - they grab all the open slots and charge 500 Euro to get a near date/location. The MoI had to open up 4 bureaus that you can walk in without an appointment (although some people have waited 12 hours in line w/o bathroom breaks etc.) just to clear the backlog. Seems to be working. No one arrested... yet.
Once I flew from Mombasa to somewhere in Masai-Mara game park. The plane was a little 14 seater, open to the cockpit and dripping oil from multiple spots. Heart was pounding from takeoff to landing (buzzed the strip to scatter the zebras first). Only after we landed did I realize the fast heart rate and difficulty breathing was also because we flew at about 12K ft without pressurization. Needless to say - never again (although I do want to go on safari again)
I had a 2 cylinder 4 valve dual carb Italian motorbike. One day I got it in my head to tune the engine, as it was sounding a bit rough. I managed to barely drive to my mechanic to unravel the mess. He gave me a resounding smack across the face and stated loudly - " I don't try fix my computer, YOU keep your hands f'in hands away from your bike!"
From my experience - these so-called consultants are actually gunning for a job in the outfit they are consulting. Numerous times a consultant has come in with grandiose plans and lots of bells && whistles - which culminated in their receiving a senior (aka high paying) position in said company.
Need to re-establish onshore the capabilities for production - including returning to older technologies (reopen fabs from previous generations) - to get the capacity online and remove the dependence on foreign production with interruptible supply chains. Do we really need the latest and smallest for most of the products? Even if it cost slightly more - not having ready inventory of chips impacts everyone.
You mean like buying a VAX 750 with 4K of memory, and when you want to upgrade [after shelling out $$$], the fiend (field) engineer, opens the panel, and moves a single DIP switch - presto, 16K.
This has been standard practice for decades.