* Posts by Bliar003

35 publicly visible posts • joined 18 Aug 2018

UK starts to ponder how Huawei ban would work


Re: Who's the UK?

The UK military trains the USA how to fucking fight; it has no "European ambitions" lmao


Re: Who's the UK?

"because banks just don't want to run the risk of running foul of US law."

No, they don't really care any more than UK or EU law.

" Home governments aren't up to telling the US to go take a hike"

Because they don't need to. It's regarding US citizens only.


Re: Who's the UK?

Interesting that it's West Britain and East Britain, not America.


Re: Who's the UK?

Aka America's owner you moron. America being a former British colony. That the America you're on about?

It's official: UK telcos legally obligated to remove Huawei kit


Re: It's official

It ISN'T an Americanism Tom7. It's an English word.


Re: Political games.

"Doing what Washington tells them still won't bag them that 'slam dunk' US trade agreement "

They not doing anything Washington tells them you moron. This is from UK intelligence agencies. Bit deluded about America aren't you?


Re: Slave nation

There were no orders you idiot. The US is a former British colony. THIS comment is the actual voice of truth; the UK intel community has been advocated banning Chinese tech for years, not "pressure from the US".


"It is also widely acknowledged that the UK government has come under sustained political pressure from the US"

No it isn't Dan since this has been advocated in the UK for YEARS.

US seeks standards dominance, lets Huawei access previously forbidden crypto tech


Re: American (double) standards

"The present situation is that the US technically dominates IT"

The US does not dominate ANY part of IT. What a dumb comment. Microsoft is not the US.


Re: American (double) standards

"If Europe had a pair of balls between it, it would tell the USA to get lost."

LOL what? The USA is a former British colony, genius. No leverage at all over Europe.

"The USA is worried at being beaten. "

It already is being, like the rest of the West.

SpaceX small print on Starlink insists no Earth government has authority or sovereignty over Martian activities


Re: Remember 1776 ......

No they didn't. British colonists lead by former British Army officers fought with the "mother country" for their right to maintain slavery, which the latter had de facto outlawed in 1772.

UK Court of Appeal rebukes Home Office for exceeding its powers with bunkum 'national security' GSM gateway ban


It wouldn't fly anyway in British courts regardless of the ECHR.

You were warned and you didn't do enough: UK preps Big Internet content laws


"Could you please leave the EU, but also maintain all of the nice things we got as a result of the EU, like medicine and food.'"

Those aren't things we got as a result of the EU silly. You'll be amazed to know they came into the UK just find before the EU's creation in 1993, or the UK joining the EC in the 70s.


Re: Here we go...

"On their own they are not powerful or rich enough to force bigger countries to apply UK law to their companies."

Unfortunately I'm afraid they are.

Thankfully none of that is ever going to happen.

Brit semiconductor tech ended up in Chinese naval railgun – report


Re: Return of the Battleships?

". Instead, they waste money on a nuclear deterrent that we can't use if the US doesn't want us to"

The fuck are you on about? The US has nothing to do with and no control over Britain's nuclear deterrent and vice versa.

"a massive missile-magnet that we don't even have planes to fly from (unless the US wants us to)."

The F-35 is a jointly British-American produced aircraft you idiot, the US has nothing to do with the UK owning it. What a self-loathing retard. Our former colony is a joke in case you hadn't noticed.

Auditors bemoan time it takes for privatised RAF pilot training to produce combat-ready aviators


Except "nine hours experience" was the rare extreme. Training and experience of RAF and Luftwaffe pilots in 1940 was about equal.

Best not to quote the Daily Mail as a source next time old chap.


You do realise we shot down far more than they shot down of us right?

" we may have lost 5 pilots for every 1 of Fritz"

That would've lost us the battle within a few weeks you idiot.


America becoming a British protectorate again? Don't think the colonials will like that.



Who needs electricity anyway, all their industry and services will have left."

To where, you retard? No industry and services are going anywhere.

"since they'll only be allowed to import their goods through the US."

What goods? Since the US obviously has no industry to produce since it's not part of any regional trading bloc such as the EU, right? That's going by your logic.


Because we train better pilots and their training system is just as much as shambles as ours?


The US is a former COLONY of the UK you moron. We own them, not vice versa.


Or rather more practically you rejoin the British commonwealth.


Re: "Auditors bemoan time it takes"

Erm no, front line command is about 500.


Re: "Auditors bemoan time it takes"

"additional' cost given much of the training is being done in the US. "

None of the training is being done in the US. Jesus you lot are moronic.


Re: "Auditors bemoan time it takes"

As opposed to your unending tornadoes and hurricanes, your weather is far dodgier than ours. A good reason as to why our pilots are better than yours.

"Why is the UK so green?"

Because it mostly isn't built on or desert wasteland.


Re: "Auditors bemoan time it takes"

" The US already own the training program"

No it doesn't you idiot. A British consortium in part back by Lockheed. Quite lacking in your comprehensive skills.

British Army adopts WhatsApp for formal orders as coronavirus isolation kicks in


Re: Is this Standard WhatsApp?

That WAS the same armoured protection other forces had. Specialised vehicles were only developed for UK and other forces years down the line.

... Aaaand that's a fifth Brit Army Watchkeeper drone to crash in Wales


We already have on called Galileo you fool. What foreigners are you on about? The US has no direct control or denial over GPS usage.

Two drones, two crashes in two months: MoD still won't say why


Re: MoD relies on spin and secrecy to deflect criticism

Except they're British nukes, not US. The casing origin is irrelevant. And the UK already has its own space programme as well as being the leader in the ESA.


Re: MoD relies on spin and secrecy to deflect criticism

All bullshit. You can't even spell "armour".

Forget the "exclusion zone", the two nations were at war. The exclusion zone was for INTERNATIONAL ships. Active Argentine Navy ships anywhere were obviously going to get sunk.


Re: MoD relies on spin and secrecy to deflect criticism

Wtf are you on about? There aren't any nukes "rented" from the USA. And building new ships is pointless naval procurements? Yeah sure it is.

Hitler bombed cities before the RAF ever did you imbecile. Meaning the RAF couldn't have, and didn't, deliberately target civilians to divert his attention.

Complete fucking idiot.

World's largest CCTV maker leaves at least 9 million cameras open to public viewing


Re: Security? We've heard of it.

No it isn't you idiot, there are over 30 million security cameras in the US alone, with 125 per 1,000 people in 2014 compared to 91 in the UK. China will be the world leader by a very wide margin.

You morons with a delusion about the UK being a "world leader" in CCTV deployment always forget just how many countries have far more than we do, per person as well. In fact you're always clueless as to their actual figures.

RAF Air Command to take on UK military space ops


Re: Sigh

You can't have hostile control of GPS. It's impossible for the US or anyone else in NATO to shutdown or disrupt GPS for everyone else and still allow their own forces to use it.


Re: Why would airstrip one need a different GPS

No it didn't. The Euro-peons are trying to claim you cannot be in the Galileo project and not be in the EU. Even though it's Europe, not the EU, the morons.


Re: Why would airstrip one need a different GPS

Because the USA can't order anyone about much less the UK.

No GPS is "aligned" you idiot, no operator has the ability to turn it off and somehow keep using it themselves.

" joins the cheerleading performances and cruise missile bukakes immediately when asked to."

You do realise the Brits are in charge and their former colony isn't right?

"I do not see the rationale of non-aligned GPS for UK"

It already has one...