* Posts by Dillon Pyron

852 publicly visible posts • joined 15 Feb 2007


Can we have a proper study of Wi-Fi, please?

Dillon Pyron

AP and phone

My AP is about six inches above my head and about two feet away. My 2.4 GHz phone (Siemens 2420, which doesn't interfere with my AP) is about 2 feet from my head. Do I have any side effects? Well, if I cradle the handset instead of putting the caller on speaker phone, yes, I may get a stress headache.

Then again, I refuse to be a victim.

Dillon in Tejas, who is a life member in an organization that preaches that.

MySpace to turn over sex-offender data after all

Dillon Pyron

Web 2.0

If MySpace is an example of the success of Web 2.0, we need to start looking for Web 2.1 or go back to the original.

Italians sink Ellison's America's Cup bid

Dillon Pyron


For the first time in a long time, I'm not watching/recording the America's Cup. The half billion dollar Toyota effort is more interesting, and they're dead dull.

Mobile TV will reach 244 million by 2011, says report

Dillon Pyron

Big screen vs little screen

With the huge uptake of big screen TVs, why would anyone want to watch content on a 2 inch screen? In low def? With dodgy audio? I guess it could happen, but I'm not putting any real money on it taking off like the "experts" say it will.

I got my CS degree in 1978. AI was "just around the corner" according to the "experts". That's some corner.

Norman Tebbit to play Iggy Pop

Dillon Pyron

Male toplessness?

Maybe some young "hunk", but Stallone or Iggy? Post lunch? I might as well not eat, since I'll just be seeing it again.

Ashley, you owe me a keyboard.

'Data storm' blamed for nuclear plant shutdown

Dillon Pyron

Mission critical

BSD (FreeBSD, OpenBSD, BSD), Linux, Windows, HP-UX, Solaris, etc all say that they are not certified for "mission critical" use. The OSes used are carefully tested for such use. It's just that you can't test for every eventuality. And some piece of hardware broke.

Now Congress has to get their fingers in it with "oh, maybe hackers were involved". I don't know of many SCADA systems that are hooked to "the net". And those that are segregate control from observation functions.

Negroponte slams Intel over OLPC competition

Dillon Pyron

Altruism at its best

We all know that Intel has only the most altruistic intentions in mind. As does Microsoft. They really don't have any intention of cornering a market. That would be so harmful to the Third World.

Lemme have another hit.

Apple gets go ahead for iPhone launch

Dillon Pyron


And someone made a fortune shorting Apple stock. The SEC should look into this one.

Scientology tries to discredit BBC documentary

Dillon Pyron

Bittorrent or BBC America

Any chance someone will post this on Bittorrent? I've never used it before but this might be a start. Or do you think BBC America will carry it? Or will BBC post it on their webiste (do the stream anything?) As you might guess, I just have to see it. You see, I'm a beneficiary of the psychiatric/psychological system.

Biofuels are the 'next environmental danger'

Dillon Pyron


Read "The High Frontier" (not that Reagan era space war book) for an idea on how to produce bountiful energy.

Microsoft puts a figure on open source 'patent infringements'

Dillon Pyron

Software patents

Software patents have got to go. For the most part they patent obvious ideas and frequently fail to cite prior art that might invalidate the patent.

The good people of Marshal, TX are becoming IP savy. I wonder which court these fiends will choose next.

About that TV service, Mr Branson...

Dillon Pyron

90 pounds????

Here in Austin, Tejas, I pay $135 a month for digital, HD, a DVR and 6Mb Road Runner. My new DVR will have a hook up for an eSTAT drive, on which I will attach a 500GB drive.

Now, if only Speed would carry F1 in HD (does Bernie?). And SciFi would carry BSG in HD.

Littlewoods bombards man by phone. Big mistake

Dillon Pyron

Cease and desist

In the US, a single C&D letter with penalties outlined has worked for me. I received several very threatening phone calls from a collection agency because of a common (well, not very common) last name. I also reported them to the Texas AG's office.

Communist spy ring tried to steal Space Shuttle plans

Dillon Pyron


I hadn't ;thought of the Buran in years. I agree. A couple of million pairs of Nike knock offs and they get all the plans for not just the Buran but its planned full scale successor.

Joost gets $45m to play with

Dillon Pyron

Broadcast quality

If by broadcast quality you mean I get to watch it alone on my 17 inch monitor, then no thanks. If it means 1080p on a 45 inch TV, then maybe.

I have a 6 Mbs downlink from RoadRunner. Wonder when they are going to throttle me. Uplink is already throttled.

Schoolboy scammer caught again

Dillon Pyron

At that rate

At the rate he's going, he'll get busted again at 18 and find himself in a place where men will be men and boys will be b*****es.

US spy chief wants 'some control' over satellite imagery

Dillon Pyron


SEASAT was supposed to provide us with remarkable images of the sea bed. The first satellite when off line within moments of it's first image. These were overseen by the US Navy. The rumor has always been that the first thing they saw were submarines.

There never were anymore satellites of this configuration launched.


Souvenir coin sparked nano spy alert

Dillon Pyron

Gotta get me one

I want to be tracked by the Canadians. They have to be friendlier than my own government. At least when they send me to Cuba they'll put me up in a three star hotel.

HP raises outlook

Dillon Pyron

EPS up?

I buy HP products with AMD processors because, well, I own stock in both. So good news always makes me happy. Now if only I'd sold that AMD at $42.

US Trade Representative tests his verbal jujitsu out on the WTO

Dillon Pyron

Why not horseracing?

Why not let them cover betting on horseracing? And produce legal documents for all winners? That would make them equivalent with US bookies.

Cash-for-grade probe may result in felony charges for 84 students

Dillon Pyron

How low can you go?

Now these supposed A and B students are finding out just how hard college really is. And taking space from those who truly earned their grades.

As a TA in 1979, a foreign exchange student actually offered me $500 to raise his grade to a D! I reported him to the dean, who took it to the next level and so on. By the end of the day, he had been expelled and immigration was notified of his new status. He was deported back to Iran, those being the days when "students" were causing the Sha all sorts of problems, and this one had apparently been very active in the US (hence his Fs).

I was also offered some T&A for an A. Ethics sucks, sometimes.

Solaris served on the Rocks

Dillon Pyron

It's all about name recognition

Everybody's heard of Amazon. Only us geeks (and McLaren fans) have heard of Sun. And Sun was a little late to market.

British Gas security scare as payments page springs a leak

Dillon Pyron

Even IE warns me

Even IE warns me if I'm leaving a secured site for an insecure one. So unless I a) disable the warning or b) blindly click on OK, I don't go there unless I know it. Of course, as Chris points out, you can't protect the idiots.

Jesus appears in Samsung Flash memory chip

Dillon Pyron

Chip art

For years designers have been putting various kinds of art on their chips.

Hotmail's antispam measures snuff out legit emails, too

Dillon Pyron


Is it time to sue to get the qualification information? That may get some attention.

PlayStation mag tears out 'unsuitable' slaughtered goat pic

Dillon Pyron


How long before someone posts the relevant pictures on the internet?

Lords investigate 'unconstitutional' surveillance society

Dillon Pyron

Land of the free

And in "the land of the free and home of the brave", Congress is chickening out and saying "look at how successful Britan has been in quelling crime".

We will soon join you. Only Congress will botch a botched job.

F1 engineers plan appeal in Ferrari espionage case

Dillon Pyron


And the advantage Toyota gained is immediately obvious.

Hawking amazed by weightlessness

Dillon Pyron

A more deserving man

There is no more deserving man on the face of the earth. He is the smartest man on the face of the earth (of all time?). And clearly "the greatest living Briton".

I hope that he makes it into space.

How did we all end up with Windows?

Dillon Pyron

True, but only to a point

Windows is the default for me, but only because I can't get a blank laptop (and it has to be an AMD, I own too much stock to go otherwise). So if I have to pay $200 for the OS, I may as well run it. But the white boxes are all Linux, and the Windows box has OpenOffice.org and other Open Source software running on it. I use photo995 to avoid blowing $1000 to buy CS when all I need to do is edit photos. I avoid paying for software when there are free alternatives around.

Arrest Richard Gere, orders Indian court

Dillon Pyron

Afghanistan, 2000

Of course, if they had been in Afghanistan in 2000, she'd be stoned and he'd be beheaded.

BTW, anybody ever seen any of the friezes in the Indian temples. Makes Hustler look kind of plain.

RegisterFly fire sale at hand?

Dillon Pyron


You used reform and ICANN in the same sentence. Unless the plan is to re-form ICANN, nothing will work.

Police charge stripogram cop impersonator

Dillon Pyron


Do the police uniforms have velcro on the inseams? (Or is that outseams? I've never seen the "policeman" stripper, only the nurse).

I've got some sawdust: can I call it chocolate?

Dillon Pyron


I have a half kilo of 98% and 4 ounces of 100%. Anybody want some?

Feds urge tougher ID theft laws

Dillon Pyron

Census Bureau and now Texas sets itself up

Yes, it was the Census Bureau.

Now a proposal in Texas will collect names, addresses, DL numbers, birth dates and social security numbers in order to get a pre-paid phone. That's a disaster waiting to happen. Of course, all that information will be public records.

And I'm typically handing it to some minimum wage clerk at the neighborhood 7-Eleven.

AMD tells Wall Street: 'Will dance for cash'

Dillon Pyron

My AMD stock

Slowly but surely, my 2200 shares edge towards worthless. Should have sold last summer. Stop Loss is now my friend.

Safari zero-day exploit nets $10,000 prize

Dillon Pyron

Javascript ...

is a tragedy waiting to happen. Use the right plugin in Firefox and that problem goes away. Stay away from root and the problem goes further away.

Too many applications, in all the OSes, seem to require elevated privileges to install or even run. So we just crank 'em up. Vista makes a mighty swing at this, but too many people are going to get fed up with all the "are you sure?" and just turn themselves on all the way.

Captain Cyborg invades Second Life

Dillon Pyron


nuf sed

BA edits Branson from Casino Royale

Dillon Pyron

Rain Man

Then there's the scene from Rain Man, edited out by all but Qantas.

Texas Senate waves through cell phone wiretapping bill

Dillon Pyron


Oh sure, I'm going to give Omar at the 7-Eleven enough information to steal my identity.

dillon in Tejas, out to buy some pre-paids tonight

'Mary Celeste' yacht mystery puzzles Oz

Dillon Pyron

Not all that uncommon

As a sailor I'd like to point out that there's reports of abandoned yachts at least once a year. Some that have apparently been abandoned for years.

140 nm is doable in a day.

Lloyds TSB certificate glitch sparks concerns

Dillon Pyron

Even worse

There was a "high value"* investment service, that I can't name because of NDA, that issued its own certificate. They said that was okay, they just told their customers to accept it. So I issued my own certificate, hacked the site (Code Red days) and did some phishing, back before it was popular.

They bought a certificate from Verisign.

* high value - net worth in excess of $10M

Need enhanced data security? Try a condom

Dillon Pyron

Google goofs

Let's not condom Google for the occasional goof.

Handwrite onto your BlackBerry

Dillon Pyron


Is this a solution in search of a problem?

Ubuntu launch marred by website woes

Dillon Pyron


Does anyone know if they support Orinoco (Gold)? I've got an older Sony Vaio that's about to be retired and it has one. I've got no problem with buying a new card, but I just love going into a "cyber cafe" and firing up my b card and just watching the network slow to a crawl. :-)

Counter Strike firm in credit card hack claim

Dillon Pyron

With games like that ...

One would think that with games like that, they would have teams to do "wet work".

OTOH, they better have a team of lawyers, because this is going to get very nasty. Is Valve located in the US or have servers in the US? They may well be in violation of California laws, as well as those of other states.

dillon in Tejas, recipient of three letters from CA companies.

Future PCs to integrate powerline Ethernet

Dillon Pyron


Of course it'll be COTS. It'll cost an arm and a leg out the *** because it'll be somewhere in the 750 W range. And that UPS you just bought? I wonder if it's wave shaping will work with it.

All sorts of questions that need to be answered.

Oh yeah, in many homes in the US, the power brought in is 240V, which is then split to 120V. Which means you have two independent circuits. Appliances like driers, stoves and oven solve that problem, assuming you don't have gas driers, stoves and ovens.

Senator demands US create morally superior light bulbs

Dillon Pyron

CFLs can't replace incandescents

Do CFLs dim? No. Are there three way CFLs? No. Are there CFL floods and spots? No. Do CFLs work at 30F? No.

It's no wonder that there's a tremendous run on incandescents in Australia. If the US bans them, I'm laying in a 20 year supply.

Lost until translation: a book on maths and magic

Dillon Pyron


Title says it all. A work of love. Twenty years from now, nobody will remember what Dr. Singmaster did. He didn't do it for fame or fortune, he did it for love.

UK's lags bemoan Freeview channel blackout

Dillon Pyron

Prisoners should have TVs

And McDonalds and Pizza Hut and all sorts of greasy foods. But no weights, basketball courts or handball courts.

Let them come out of prison as fat blobs with high cholesterol. That's a good way to protect the public.

Okay, I'm not from the UK, but I suspect many would agree with me.
