* Posts by MrMerrymaker

509 publicly visible posts • joined 8 Aug 2018


Lawyers face judge's wrath after AI cites made-up cases in fiery hoverboard lawsuit


what are you paying for

I mean if you are giving lawyers money you're already going wrong but I don't see how this is dereliction of duty or inherently fraud

This sort of thing must be human-done, if it's advertised the humans are doing the research.

On this evidence their jobs are safe...

Creators demand tech giants fess up and pay for all that AI training data


Re: False perceptions by 'creators

You're a fucking retard mate, you attract downvotes cause you write like you have fascist beliefs and you're egotistical

Your opinions are wrong, stupid and dangerous.

Drop fucking dead, pal. Seen you crying about downvotes with no rebuttal so here's rebuttal:

You speak such absolute bullshit you're either trolling or evil. Either way: I genuinely think the world would be slightly better without you

UK government insiders say AI datacenters may be a pricey white elephant


Re: Dream on

You're a Tory though so

Fuck off with the brainwashed bullshit

US lawmakers press Trump admin to oppose UK's order for Apple iCloud backdoor


Re: Delusions?

Oh, sure, let the Tories who were in power for a generation off with it.

Get a reality check buddy.

Gilmore Girls fans nabbed as Eurocops dismantle two major cybercrime forums


An attempt at humour, one supposes?

Dell ends hybrid work policy, demands return-to-office despite remote work pledge


Re: Headline: 41 years later, Dell discovers "doublethink"

LinkedIn never counts.


Re: “least of any American’s problem.”

Yeah that was his point.

Even Windows 10 cannot escape the new Outlook


I don't have it on my Mac

Trump tells Musk to 'go get' Starliner astronauts


Your a politician?


North Korean dev who renamed himself 'Bane' accused of IT worker fraud caper


Re: Is this the Tennessee one?


I have resumed my personal boycott of the United States.

Amazon worker – struck and shot in New Orleans terror attack – initially denied time off


Re: Or

How long til they realise:

Pull it out

Tech support chap showed boss how to use a browser for a year – he still didn't get it


Re: "learnt many things about how not to run a company"

The Peter principle.

Are you better value for money than AI?


Re: So can AI wire a plug?

EE are pretty good. Rang them recently to upgrade my broadband and got a lovely voiced trainee woman.

AI poetry 'out-humans' humans as readers prefer bots to bards


Don't knock being on acid.

Google changes Android release cycle so new versions arrive in Q2


Re: Nope

I'm not really interested what Google think or not, my phone runs the Xiaomi.eu ROM

If Trump gets elected, get your tech buying done asap


Re: Wow.

It's about tech, are you having a bad day or just sundowning?

Russian court fines Google $20,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000


Re: One good sanction deserves another

Stop posting Claus


Re: World record?

Clause, either you're a gimmick, or actually stupid

Ubuntu turns 20: 'Oracular Oriole' shows this old bird's still got plenty of flight


Re: On Ubuntu since 6.06

So what

Microsoft decides it's a good time for bad UI to die


Re: Why no article on the renaming of Remote Desktop

Can't wait to Google support tips for it.

Windows App help for Windows app app on Windows accessed remotely through Windows app on windows


Re: Default User is Administrator

Then you'd just get morons unable to install anything, and losing passwords to the administrator account.


Why no article on the renaming of Remote Desktop

Remote Desktop is becoming Windows App

Yes, really

Google trains a GenAI model to simulate Doom's game engine in real-ish time


Re: Pronunciation

(formerly known as twitter)

With users mostly happy to keep older kit, Macs just ain't selling like they used to


Re: Apple and El Reg

Who downvoted a mere question?

Google is a monopoly. The fix isn't obvious


Re: And what about MS?



Re: Google should do more bribing and informaion sharing

You're not wrong but that's whataboutery.

Apple is coming to take 30% cut of new Patreon subs on iOS


Re: Blinkers or what?

You don't need Google for android.

This is a tech website. Do you really need to be told some excellent manufacturers of android devices exist who don't have anything to do with Google?


Gordon 10

If the definition of sanity is knowing reality..

You ought to worry

Is Lenovo a blind spot in US anti-China security measures?


Re: So, Lenovo will go the Huawei way

Lenovo are not as guilty, of the same sins.

Of course, not that fairness matters to the Sherman Tanks

Under-fire Elon Musk urged to get a grip on X and reality – or resign


Re: Be careful when you wish for censorship

I decide by going out to protest and seeing with my own eyes.

If that's not good enough for you, well.

Good luck putting your faith in AI I suppose


Jokes tend to be funny.


Re: So what?

It's news because he's internationally in the news for stirring up race riots in the UK.

Are you wilfully blind or is this some kind of gimmick?


Least hes got his looks to fall back on


How a cheap barcode scanner helped fix CrowdStrike'd Windows PCs in a flash


Re: Genius.

Or yours.

FBI, CISA remind US voters that DDoS attacks can't touch election systems


Re: "What an odd thing to say"

Here's the racist conspiracy theorist letting his mind play tricks again.

Tip, if only you think it, you're doolally.

Chrome Web Store warns end is nigh for uBlock Origin


Re: Be Brave

The smallest of differences if you're concerned 1) how we pages are processed and 2) where the source code ultimately comes from.


Re: Firefox anyone?

Would the downvoting idiots like to explain why my post about 1) Firefox with extensions helping privacy and 2) A long standing bug, was bad for you?

I'll have to post more, so you can get used to the truth.


Re: Firefox anyone?

I've used Firefox for a couple years now.

A private experience indeed, though I loathe the bug on android where it'll refresh a page if you look at something else for even half a second. Making a mockery of 2FA


Re: Be Brave

Chrome based though.

Firefox has ad blocking plugins even on mobile.

Keir Starmer says facial recognition tech is the answer to far-right riots


Re: Only for the Far Right

No, I don't have a short memory, the topic is these riots of the last week.

You absolute fascist scumbag, trying to move the goalposts. I'm not having it.

You. Are. Corrupt.


Re: Only for the Far Right

Are you drunk?

The mobs rioting this weekend were far right, racist scum egged on by Farage and Lennon Yaxley.

It's nothing to do with the left.

You are missing the wood for the trees and de facto advocating doing nothing. You disgust me.

RIP: WordPerfect co-founder Bruce Bastian dies at 76


Re: WordPerfect5 for DOS right to the very end - RIP Mum

Your mum was cool.


Record labels gang up to sue AI music generator duo into utter oblivion


Re: Greedy record executives

What, are you an idiot?

Google finally addresses those bizarre AI search results


Re: Sure, polish that turd

Yeah but currently DDG doesn't have AI.

Alleged $100M dark-web drug kingpin, 23, arrested


Legalise it all

And this goes away.

Tightly control it but legal.

Tax helpline callers left on hold for nearly eight centuries


"calls are higher volume than normal"

If this is happening all the time then normal has changed

Hire staff

Cybercriminals hit jackpot as 500k+ Ohio Lottery lovers lose out on their personal data


Serves them right

For gambling.

Sleuths who cracked Zodiac Killer's cipher thank the crowd


Re: Infamy

He did claim more, but yes, the ciphers were the big element. It is somewhat impressive to write a cipher that takes decades and decades to crack.

Zodiac is notable for this and the fact he got away with it. He was also interesting for a serial killer in that he changed his methods. Somewhat suggesting he was doing it for notoriety, rather than the classic serial killer fixations.

Uber Eats to rid itself of pesky human drivers with food delivery by robo Waymo

Thumb Down

Wow, they will go to any lengths

To not have to pay human workers

Hillary Clinton: 2024 will be 'ground zero' for AI election manipulation


Re: Yes, she should know

No offence but you sound like a crackpot.
