In a time long long ago during the rain of Small Business Server with Exchange 5.x that was being pushed WELL BEYOND it's user capacity in a not for profit profit company. And with disc space being a premium back then it was always running at 90%+ full and falling over. Now being a tidy chap I cleaned stuff made users store their photos and such off the server as much as possible. I also backed everything up to tape as well as started an auto clean script to clean up space which worked very well. To well in fact.
Until a screaming, crying butt hurt user(s) who thought it was a GREAT idea to hide emails in their deleted folder. And being the Top office hen and sole source of knowledge for the rest of the admin staff ... THEY ALL HIDE EMAILS IN THE DELETED FOLDER. And Everything was gone ... at least they thought so.
The cries of terror made me smile for weeks as I spoon fed small chunks back while making my case for more storage! Ahh the smell of fresh hard drives in the morning!
BOFH taught me well!