only job I never got was the one I never applied for. Working as a contractor for a city bank just after the millennium and my role got outsourced to global outsourcing company X. Interview, as well as it could went OK. Questions like "why do you think you are qualified to do this role" were met with "well, i have been doing it for 24 months and I know as much about it as anyone can, because it's, er, my role" were brushed off.
Final question - because we don't have your CV to hand (mostly because I hadn't done one) - what degree do you have. None, I answer. Working in IT since I was 17, didn't go to university. "oh" they say, this will be a problem. We only employ (I was a contractor - mind boggles) graduates.. "Never mind", I say, "probably wouldn't want to work for you anyhow"
As it transpires, this didn't go down well, but in an entirely unrelated and coincidental event, the role that I was doing was reclassified as no longer being an IT role and hence outsourced to company X, but a business role that was still under the bank's control.
A second twist of fate later and the same bank then introduced an across the board, "immediate 10% rate reduction or walk" policy. I was less than a month away from contract renewal and expressed my displeasure at this underhand tactic and said I would happily take a renewal at 10% less - however they wanted 10% now. I think I had something like 28 days to agree to the reduction so I ignored it, got a new contract at an old client following on from the day my one at the bank finished, and simply left my desk and didn't go back. I got a number of "where are you" calls, plus offers of rate+10 rather than rate-10, but I suspect that they still haven't learnt the lesson that if you have key staff or contractors , those people have other options if you piss them off. Only the smart ones leave.