* Posts by aj558

4 publicly visible posts • joined 20 Jul 2018

Wearable hybrids prove the bloated smartwatch is one of Silly Valley's biggest mistakes


Re: Still need that "killer app" ?

So OK, you key-like object is lost/stolen/battery dead...need I repeat that having a backup is better than not?


Generally, its silly to bluntly reject something. Time will tell :) if people prefer to embrace smartwatches en masse or not. Event if not, it could be a nice niche cash generator.


Re: Still need that "killer app" ?

My Nissan Sentra managed to half-lock the door (!) with running engine once! And I don't take remote with me - why carry extra piece of crap if it needs the key anyway?

Backup is one idea, mostly for the future. Also, small things, like not needing fingerprint/password to unlock by using smart lock. "Fruit' understands fingerprints are hackable so invented heavily in facial and how much does it cost on 'X'? Its cheaper to buy a phone without facial+smartwatch.

I think smartwatch has potential. Otherwise, 'fruit' won't jump on that wagon.


Re: Still need that "killer app" ?

I forgot my car key inside my car. Not a big deal, as I had a backup one in my wallet.

Fast forward a few years. Wallets and keys are history. Everything is an app on your phone. Convenient?

Then, one day, phone is lost/broken/stolen... and you're in the middle of a city, Payphones don't exist so you can't call your friends. Heck, you can't take a bus. Gotcha.

Compelling enough to have a backup phone/payment/transit card on your wrist for a peace of mind?