* Posts by Stubbly Dude

28 publicly visible posts • joined 18 Jul 2018

Former Autonomy CFO banned from chartered accounting group until 2038

Stubbly Dude

Re: Mike Lynch BBC Interview

A just a few short weeks later... And Chamberlain too..all very sad and strange.

Angry admins share the CrowdStrike outage experience

Stubbly Dude

Re: Holidays

Yes I can see this strategy working well in a multinational corporation. Do you have enough jam jars to go round?

Stubbly Dude

Re: Holidays

Gloat away, it won't change the penetration of the OS in the corporate world, or even the home one...

Stubbly Dude

Re: Holidays

Yea but in case you hadn't noticed Windows is pretty ubiquitous in the world of corporate IT. That isn't going to change any time soon..

Wondering when AI will turn up at your work? Microsoft says look behind you

Stubbly Dude

I've saved some time doing some project scoping... That's the best I've got..

Stubbly Dude

Re: Still not convinced

With a menu that definitely doesn't include the thing you need assistance with..

Stubbly Dude

Re: "still trying to convince customers of benefits"

I'd really worry about pointing an AI tool at the vast stores of garbage that is held in company file systems.

It will be another GIGO source to go along with every iteration of corporate intranets that have been spewing out utter rubbish for at least 3 decades.

Any sane AI will refuse to do the job as the underlying data will be so poor as to be useless

We'll be right back to calling actual people to clarify whatever hallucinations the bot produces.

Stubbly Dude

Re: Who is the Dame in this Panto?

Nope, they are still going strong and very little has changed if anything in the format.

Sorry to burst your bubble.

IBM sued again for alleged discrimination – this time against White males

Stubbly Dude

Yes, I can see it, it's over there --------->

Oh no, wait, that's the right..

It's over there


Or maybe it's just the voices....

Blue screen of death or Eurovision's Windows95man performance – what's less annoying?

Stubbly Dude

Re: Can anyone offer us a serious explanation

Umm, it generates a shit ton of money. Just like IT...

Stubbly Dude

Re: Can anyone offer us a serious explanation

If you're going to go all cultural snob on us then at least spell retching correctly.

Tesla devotee tests Cybertruck safety with his own finger – and fails

Stubbly Dude

Re: Stupidity is without limit.

Let's see if this carrot can break a finger..

Stubbly Dude

Re: Next Up:

Kittens are self cleaning though..

IBM ordered to hand over ex-CEO emails plotting cuts in older workers

Stubbly Dude

Re: Buh buh buh Female Executives Are The Best!

Bias because you felt you had to raise the issue of gender at all..

Stubbly Dude

See my comment elsewhere. These were not RAs - these are client programs...

Stubbly Dude

Re: Seventy-one in six years?!?!?

This is misleading, see my clarification elsewhere - these are client transfer programs, not resource actions.

Stubbly Dude

Those aren't resource actions...

Ok, I hate to have to be that guy but that list of projects are not resource actions. These are client programs where IBM brought client staff over as part of outsource deals for infrastructure and application support.

How do I know? Because I was brought into IBM as part of Osprey. Falcon was the first phase (infrastructure) followed two years later by Osprey for applications, In each case thousands of client employees were taken on as part of a TUPE agreement with each client. People were given a clear choice whether to onboard with IBM or apply for a new role with the original employer. Many of us are still at IBM years later.

It's sloppy thinking like this that will just cause even more delays because the IBM legal team will be able to argue successfully that each of the programs listed include commercially sensitive client data and any redundancies that took place were done so as part of the quite legal TUPE legislation in place in each territory.

Yes, there was a huge outsourcing of work to the sub-continent but it would be really hard to argue that there was any discrimination involved when the strategy undertaken was at the request of the original client as a means to save support costs by offf-shoring where applicable.

I'm not trying to make excuses here, btw, but the list is very misleading and is an absolute gift to the IBM legal bods.

Stubbly Dude

Re: Buh buh buh Female Executives Are The Best!

Careful, your bias is showing....

Stubbly Dude

Re: Foresight

They did...? Funny that. My emails go back to when I joined so I have no idea where you got that information. There's surely enough actual dodgy goings on to look at rather than make stuff up .

Google rolls out pro-privacy DNS-over-HTTPS support in Chrome 83... with a handy kill switch for corporate IT

Stubbly Dude

Re: DoH

I can;t read any of this without going doh! all the time!

Going Dutch: The Bakker Elkhuizen UltraBoard 950 Wireless... because looks aren't everything

Stubbly Dude

Re: "as your mum once told me"

I switched to using a mouse with my left hand - saved a fortune!

IBM exec told that High Court evidence in Co-Op Insurance case wasn't 'truth, whole truth, and nothing but the truth'

Stubbly Dude

Re: Old Codger Talks About the "old days"

Also, the reality of requirements docs is that by the time they've been through myriad review and approval cycles, the business requirements have often lapsed. There are a lot of toys sitting idle on MoD property that fall into that category. New jeep gets delivered to Army; Army asks, where are the USB charging ports? MoD .. er... when we wrote the spec they weren't a thing. Army - thanks but no thanks.

Stubbly Dude

Re: Old Codger Talks About the "old days"

Yes but... in the wider world of application development procurement, passing work on to members of the family are considered a big no-no.

Is everything OK over there, Britain? Have you tried turning the UK off and on again? ISPs, financial orgs fall over in Freaky Friday of outages

Stubbly Dude

Re: Turn the UK on and off again

I think it's more of a 'turn it upside down and shake it' type of reboot that's needed now.

Stubbly Dude

Re: I know it's a crazy idea...

Well, they all happened on the same day, in the same country... beyond that I'm stumped..

Stubbly Dude

Re: Just call a plumber

So a bit like a gangbang where you are last in line because your bus was late...

Stubbly Dude

There's this thing called auto-scaling that some large cloud companies offer apparently. It's terribly useful. Assuming that Tide is actually cloudy and not in someone's bloody garage...

People hate hot-desking. Google thinks they’ll love hot-Chromebooking

Stubbly Dude

Re: Multiple screens?

Only two screens? Amateur.. ┐( ̄~ ̄)┌