Re: Will Trump bring back the coal-powered car?
Good try bringing forward some difference of opinion. I don't trust ANY politician for ANY party. What you all hear in the UK is a steady BBC stream of anti-Trump nonsense. Never anything about the other side. That naturally leads you to think Trump bad, Biden good. Neither are really what the folks in the USA want, and often it results in voting for the least damaging to your personal concerns.
Beyond the whale concerns, which need further research to identify any relationship, nobody talks about other damage to the environment as a whole when going all-in for a particular "green" solution. Sometimes the attempt to correct a situation creates more problems for the next generation. In my part of the USA we just put 2 more nuclear power plants online and enjoy some of the lowest utility costs in the country. I'm no fan of nuclear power plants, but in the current mix it is the one that provides the amount of power needed to support other green solutions.
As for the comments about Florida--the wealthiest of all politicians have one or more very large homes in that state, and even more shocking along the coast. Former president Obama has a home on the coast in the northeast. Those folks aren't worried about rising oceans or climate change---you have to wonder why. Those same folks (politicians and extremely wealthy donors) are the ones that fight to prevent offshore or onshore windmills. Funny that they don't want them in their backyard, but ok for the rest of us to enjoy the view.
Over the last few years the damage of government lies (all parties) has increased. COVID, immigration, inflation, [insert the gov talking point] the book 1984 or watch the movie Idiocracy and you'll see that our governments are reaching those tipping points.
Enjoy your steady stream of BBC propaganda! We have our share of it with mainstream media being heavily biased.