* Posts by W@ldo

63 publicly visible posts • joined 13 Jul 2018


Intel has officially missed the boat for AI in the datacenter


Re: Dead company

Funny you mention stock buybacks....I wish Intel would buyback the stock I still hold from 20+ years ago. The dotcom bust dropped Intel from the low $100s to $20-$30 per share. The dividends are decent, but total investment + dividends is still way negative. Intel lost focus with its various acquisitions, which continued to put pressure on their price per share.

I know any stock can lose value, but I truly expected Intel to be one of the best stocks to have for growth long term. Lesson learned!

All bark, no bite? Musk's DOGE unlikely to have any real power


Re: America 1776 - 2024

The cars in the 50s/60s were crap. What we have now is much better/safer and even faster than the so called muscle cars of that time. There were some iconic styles, but the engineering was atrocious.

You folks in the UK have already lost your country(s). Every day we see news of folks being arrested for thought crimes or free speech violations. The 1st amendment over here still covers free speech, the 2nd amendment gives us the opportunity to protect ourselves. You folks have neither......bye.



I love all the thumbs down from folks in the UK. I get it, you all lost all ability to express your own thoughts with the bobbies arresting folks for thought crimes. Read 1984, if you can read, or get an audiobook if you can't read. Also, the film Idiocracy is something you folks need to watch. You are already living in the Idiocracy and aftermath of 1984. Good luck returning to normal times.



I don't remember anyone being concerned about Obama leaving office. He was in a big hurry to get out of the presidency so he could cash the checks he got as kickbacks. For example, the publisher that gave the big O & Mike the book deals was paid a large amount by the federal gov.

You folks need to watch your own side of the pond or I'll start chiming in on why your country sucks so bad with the commies running the show. Sure you have free healthcare, but many of your comrades come to the USA for much needed treatment. They say they would die before they could get an appointment for a specialist. Don't even get me started on your poor dental care......



Won't happen...he left office once, he'll leave again after 4 years. Most of the selling of our country to the highest bidder is done by the other politicians (both parties) and you can easily tell who is owned by China, Ukraine, etc by their policy votes.



Well, America was almost done in by the lefties and their open borders. How is that working for you UK?

The russia collusion hoax was a long running lefty thing that the media ran with even once the facts came out. A person is only a felon after they have been sentenced for a crime--he has appeals that will probably clear any charges, so don't hold your breath if that is what you are waiting on. Only in the UK and other 3rd world countries is someone guilty once charged. Works differently over here morons.

If Trump gets elected, get your tech buying done asap


Re: Hmm

Harris is drunk or stoned and doesn't have a clue. Biden shits himself and his team has to clean up the mess. This is what you get when the media is one sided. You all should know....you do exactly what the BBC tells you.


Re: Hmm

Watch what happens when UK and the rest of Europe rolls over....USA, come help us, pretty please. You folks are pathetic lemmings.


Re: chicken little was an optimist?

Folks in the UK don't want to live in prosperity. They would rather live in their tiny home on barely any land and complain about something the BBC has programmed into their minds.


Why call it reproductive rights? It's killing babies....call it what it is. Unfortunately, minority populations are the most impacted by the baby killings.


So, you folks are ok with the US National Institutes of Health essentially funding and covering up a global pandemic? CDC is small change in the US Gov and overshadowed by NIH and other players.

Look at your own gov response to the pandemic--lots of draconian rules that the political folks didn't follow. The dems are the party of pedophiles in the US....not sure what you have over in the UK that's equivalent. Get back to studying your Quran so you can fit in with your current gov.

AWS boss: Don't want to come back to the office? Go work somewhere else


Re: Moved!

Agree, most engineered foods are done based on looks vs taste. I have two farms and while not fully organic I use as many heirloom seeds/plants as possible. Sure, the tomatoes look funny to some folks, but repeat customers come back for more.

America, big, fake and no value....interesting perspective. America is one of the largest economies and its consumer engine supports many other countries. When Elon gets us to Mars we'll all load up and move there so you won't be bothered by fake & no value folks. I will say, there are quit a few Brits here and you may have to deal with them once we are gone.

Destroying offshore wind farms is top priority for Trump if he returns to presidency


Re: Hmm

Funny how requests for citations get downvoted. Almost like you all don't want to understand anything outside of groupthink.


Re: Say no more!

No, COVID was very real. What was the lie is the origins of COVID. Via US congressional research the sources point to a renegade arm of the US National Institutes of Health partially funding gain of function research in the Wuhan lab that so many denied. Just this week the contractor responsible for this research was banned from doing further business.

The lies from COVID resulted in folks being harmed by government disinformation. Dr Fauci himself commented on the ineffectiveness of masks in private, then magically went to double masking. He was aware of the origins and the renegade contractor, but did all possible to quash that information from coming forward. The Director for the Centers for Disease Control was not allowed into the circle of government officials because he questioned the "science" Fauci was selling. Science used to be open discussion to hear all credible sources. Trump appointed Fauci for this primary role--his mistake was not vetting this "expert" and not managing the early crisis.

Here are some links to my receipts--there are many more out there and if anything folks should be pissed off at the US for funding such research and covering it up.

Early Fauci communication regarding masks: https://twitter.com/PhilHollowayEsq/status/1399912718015082504/photo/1

Contractor banned from further research: https://twitter.com/COVIDSelect/status/1790762368898654308/photo/1

Director of CDC congressional testimony statement: https://oversight.house.gov/wp-content/uploads/2023/03/2023.03.08-Statement-of-Dr.-Robert-R-Redfield88.pdf


Re: Will Trump bring back the coal-powered car?

Good try bringing forward some difference of opinion. I don't trust ANY politician for ANY party. What you all hear in the UK is a steady BBC stream of anti-Trump nonsense. Never anything about the other side. That naturally leads you to think Trump bad, Biden good. Neither are really what the folks in the USA want, and often it results in voting for the least damaging to your personal concerns.

Beyond the whale concerns, which need further research to identify any relationship, nobody talks about other damage to the environment as a whole when going all-in for a particular "green" solution. Sometimes the attempt to correct a situation creates more problems for the next generation. In my part of the USA we just put 2 more nuclear power plants online and enjoy some of the lowest utility costs in the country. I'm no fan of nuclear power plants, but in the current mix it is the one that provides the amount of power needed to support other green solutions.

As for the comments about Florida--the wealthiest of all politicians have one or more very large homes in that state, and even more shocking along the coast. Former president Obama has a home on the coast in the northeast. Those folks aren't worried about rising oceans or climate change---you have to wonder why. Those same folks (politicians and extremely wealthy donors) are the ones that fight to prevent offshore or onshore windmills. Funny that they don't want them in their backyard, but ok for the rest of us to enjoy the view.

Over the last few years the damage of government lies (all parties) has increased. COVID, immigration, inflation, [insert the gov talking point].....read the book 1984 or watch the movie Idiocracy and you'll see that our governments are reaching those tipping points.

Enjoy your steady stream of BBC propaganda! We have our share of it with mainstream media being heavily biased.

Apple releases Lisa source code on landmark machine's 40th birthday


Re: Architecture and Morality.....anyone?

That's a great question. Back in the day (late 70s & early 80s) I wrote assembly code on a Zilog z80 microprocessor. Life was good, but very limited. Zilog had announced the Z80k and that looked promising. Especially with the amount of memory available and how it was addressed. Zilog's approach was very much like Motorolas and I figured either one would come out on top. I never expected Intel to surface & dominate.

The company I worked for was stuck on IBM (nobody has been fired for buying IBM gear being the theory) and I took some training in 8086 architecture and coding. It didn't take long to realize that the original x86 indirect way of addressing memory would lead to many bugs. Segment and offset being used to reach into memory. At that time I decided to drop out of writing assembly language and went to C for stability reasons.

I did have to get back into assembly language and since I learned Intel's 8080 code way back then it was easy to get into the flow of things. Memory addressing has improved and you have much more processor to work with. That said, I think Intel's early x86 architecture cost me many late nights and probably 10 years of my life. Between that and windows reboot time I probably would be 20 years younger. :-)

FireEye publishes details of SolarWinds hacking techniques, gives out free tool to detect signs of intrusion


I worked in infosec for decades and security vendors often had the worst security practices. When compromised, they always run to "nation state" or otherwise more advanced actors. If your kit was so good, then you would guarantee it against such intrusions--or better, use it for your own protection to detect/prevent those advance threats you base your product claims. Soft solutions like Solarwinds are just the carriers for this one and a well oiled infosec vendor should have no trouble detecting anomalies.

Of course, soon you'll be able to buy the next generation of their kit that will stop yesterday's threats. For real, after spending many millions in ultimately useless security technologies it is best to practice sound system/network admin practices and not rely on technologies that are supposed to fill the gaps.

Loser Trump is no longer useful to Twitter, entire account deleted over fears he'll whip up more mayhem


Re: An elephant in the room

I don't think Trump was born yet or had any influence. It was a democratic president at the helm during those times and the war was a leftover of unfinished business from WWI. Oh, remember, you all wanted us over there to spill our blood to save your arses.


Re: An elephant in the room

By the way...that raid on the dry docks and the many other raids done by UK soldiers deserve a salute. Those are some awesome stories of heroism. I wish this generation had something similar to share.


Re: An elephant in the room

I notice you don't mention the USA human capital lost defending your soil. To us that is priceless, I guess meaningless to you folks. SMH

Winston Churchill implored the US President to focus on Europe before going after Japan. If you look at how the war progressed, Australia could have been lost as well. Of course, nobody every talks about the Brittish Empire of colonizing lands of indigenous people and promulgating slave trade. You all like to cancel things, using that logic the UK would be in line somewhere for canceling.


Re: An elephant in the room

So, when are the late fees and interest getting repaid? :-) Deadbeats!


Re: An elephant in the room

Awe....all the thumbs down. Get some history lessons and you'll see how bad things could have been without the USA coming to the aid of the UK. It would have been bad for us too as no doubt all you thumbs down types would have signed on with the Germans/Japanese after some propaganda.

Winston Churchill was voted out of office after WWII due to the socialists wanting power--how the hell did that happen to such an incredible statesman. Oh, he did come back after the UK got fed up with the socialists. Maybe a repeat in the USA???


Re: An elephant in the room

Yep, but prior to that USA had a lend/lease program for war supplies (ships, weapons, aircraft, etc) that was never paid back. Without those war materials you all would be speaking German--that is, those of you left after purging the undesirables. I think France is the only country to pay back its war debt to the USA.


Re: An elephant in the room

Ok all the thumbs down--for real, go visit Pelosi's palace in SFO. You won't get close. She is a grifter that made her money off the working people of the country.


Re: An elephant in the room

No, all have acknowledged the COVID-19 virus and its origin from Wuhan China. It is a potentially deadly bug, especially to those with underlying conditions. Again, more BBC propaganda that folks do not believe the virus exists or is impactful.

What folks don't agree on is the science behind masks, lockdowns and other draconian measures supported by politicians. Note how much Bezos net worth has increased during this tragic outbreak--I personally think profiting off the pain of others is worth talking about. Bezos hardly lifts a finger supporting charities that could help others.

The generation(s) before you withstood viruses, wars and natural disasters with courage. Why cower in the face of something that could be handled without destroying the economic lives of those working for a living???


Re: An elephant in the room

Nope, I have not commented on your politics. They are not amusing to me in the least. I used to listen and watch BBC to get an alternate take on US activities. That was until BBC aligned with US media and social media to spew the same made up "facts".


Re: An elephant in the room

Sorry, the protocol does not work that way. It is not disobeying to not provide the consent needed to trigger nuclear response. Your BBC propaganda station(s) (note, you have state controlled media) are full of bad information. .


Re: However you look at this

Twitter is really an advertising company and folks can just stop using it. For whatever reason, people use that platform to satisfy their own vanity. When folks move away, then things will change. I hope that happens soon!


Re: An elephant in the room

It's kind of ironic that you comment on this BS when it originated in your own country. Doesn't that count as meddling in US politics/elections??? The UK was always a trusted ally, but when you start attacking politicians I think it is time to re-visit that position. The UK would lose lots of intelligence and resources.

Remember, it was the USA that bailed you folks out in WWII. Most in the USA did not want to get involved in another foreign war. The UK used to be the leader in the intel community, but now is at best another tabloid putting false info on the streets.


Re: An elephant in the room

You have absolutely no idea what is going on over here--focus your energy on your own lovely country that no doubt has some things to fix.

The hospitals are very busy, but not using car parks for patients. You folks are being fed a line of propaganda BS from the very socialist BBC.


Re: An elephant in the room

Here is a tip--go visit Nancy Pelosi in San Francisco. Oh, you'll have to climb a wall to get in--why would someone with such beliefs about no wall have a wall? And protective folks with guns? These politicians are self-serving maggots and have no desire to make life better for those of us working for a living.


Re: An elephant in the room

What an expert--the Army is one of the US armed forces that has nuclear weapons. There is coordination between all branches of the military for any first or defensive nuclear strike.

You Brits really need to focus on your own country and quit applying what you see in movies or comics to real life.


Re: An elephant in the room

Sorry, it's moronic to even think a president, ANY president, can unilaterally initiate a nuclear strike. There is a procedure for any such action and you would have to also have consent from others that are not politicians.

Go back to your Netflix binge watching and Twitter is my life--what is funny is folks on twitter will run out of Trump stuff and need to find another target. Eventually, you will start consuming your own.

Failed insurrection aside, Biden is going to be president in two weeks. What does it mean for tech policy?


Re: Old tech

Japan is a great country--except, if you are not Japanese you are treated like crap in the business world. An American immigrating to a homogenous country such as Japan will experience things that those claiming racism in the USA experience. Now, let's have an African-American business person try to setup shop in Japan--there is absolutely zero chance of success. Put some names of American immigrants to Japan that have become successful.

Are Japanese racists? Hard to tell as on the surface they will treat you with respect, but behind the scenes they will blacklist you. So, when you fix the Japanese racism, please give us a call about US politics. If you are in such a great position to observe the US, maybe you should turn inward and look at what others would face in your own country.


Re: White Elephant

The president is only one part of the nuclear response. He/she cannot launch any nuclear attack, or defense without multiple consent with the military leadership. Only in the movies can a rogue president do such a thing.


Here are some sites that have figures for you...all are based on UN & USA census numbers. One important piece of info is the numbers only count legal immigration--the illegal immigration numbers are even higher. Good idea to question any claim that involves numbers!

List of top 5 aggregated immigration, USA #1 by far


Net migration to the USA:


Net migration to the UK:



Re: US (Affordable Care Act)

Really???? Nationalized healthcare? Study medicare or any other government run healthcare program. It's not free, it won't pay for everything, and you'll see providers dropping out.

For real, take some time to look at how gov run health is run....


Re: US (Affordable Care Act)

You are missing a few details about the so called Affordable Care Act. It was well intended, but failed miserably. First, all legislation that has a feel good name is usually just the opposite. The ACA made it possible for folks to buy health insurance, but the market rates were outrageous. Many bought high cost and low benefit insurance or opted to just pay the fine for not having insurance. Yes, if you did not have ACA insurance you had to pay a fine. Congress voted to drop many of those provisions, but that really gutted any chance of the ACA being a success. The only good thing that happened is those with pre-existing conditions would no longer be penalized.

Medicare you say? Even the elderly (I'm in that age group), continues to pay for medicare once you are required to move from your very good private insurance to medicare. There are different parts of medicare that cover different things--they have made that very expensive for the elderly and even worse difficult to follow. When young folks say "medicare for all" I say put 1000 of them on it for a year and have them report back to others--they will find out it is not free, it is not comprehensive, it does not cover everything and it is not accepted everywhere.

We can obviously do better with healthcare, but a gov run system isn't the answer. Just ask those from the UK, EU and other places that come to the USA for surgery they would have to wait a long time in their home countries.


I love all the thumbs downs by the group thinkers in IT. You will see this pivot on you in your lifetime and with gusto.


Re: Old tech

Which one? I say both!


Re: Old tech

Please tell us what perfect country you are from??? And why you would even care about US politics? Could it be the constant BBC propaganda being pumped in your head? Just a guess.

Biden was chosen because the old democratic party members wanted someone they can control--there were plenty of qualified candidates along the way that would have been better choices. Why do you think they approved of Kamala? She didn't even make it to a primary as her popularity was so low--they knew she too would be a tool of the party and not have an original thought.


Re: Rent a mob

Sorry, we don't have a democracy in the USA. It is a representative republic. If the USA was a democracy it would look like the west Coast USA and the northeast USA. Total control by democrats and net population losses of folks leaving those "democracies". You see, when you get a democracy you actual have mob rule--all you need to do is get enough folks on your side and your side wins, or does it?

In my state, we tell all the NY & CA transplants to leave their politics at home. It doesn't really work, but it does make them think a short minute about why they left.

Find some old high school textbooks on civics as it covers in great detail about how our county is a republic and why the founders feared a true democracy. The schools dumbing folks down has been a political strategy too. Don't take it personally, as your parents made the choice to put you into public school.


Re: Rent a mob

I love it when non-Americans have all the answers for Americans. One challenge we have is we are an open society--we just cannot round up any and all to go through their entire lives. Because of our split with England a few centuries ago, the founders created a Bill of Rights and a way to amend those rights. It wasn't perfect, but it was a start.

We let folks in from just about any country--check the net immigration in to the USA vs net out. It's always a much greater number of folks immigrating to the USA. Once someone is a citizen, they get the same rights as all born in the country. To do what you mention would take a very lengthy process and would probably fail as BOTH parties don't want to see those basic rights diminished.

Try again and read more about USA history and its constitution before you suggest such solutions. Better yet, stick with solving your own country's problems. I stick with mine and don't tell those in the UK how to fix their system.


Re: Rent a mob

Where is "over here"? I would love to go to a place where there are no malefactors. (and no, male is not a gender term, so don't try to use the word femalefactors)

The image you get from your left-leaning media paints that picture--are there some of those folks over here? Absolutely, but you will be pleasantly surprised to find it is a very small minority. Even better, the community does not tolerate that activity and stands up for the rights of all. Back before the civil rights movement, communities would not make any waves when KKK and other groups did their criminal activity.

Again, I would love to find out where over here is as maybe I would like to immigrate there. So many want to come to the US even with your perception of KKK everywhere. SMH


Re: Rent a mob

Right on target--only difference is the letter R or D next to their name. Each party will attempt to divide us during elections and hope they get 50%+1 vote. Watch the next election cycle--same issues will surface as imperatives. Meanwhile, all the ones folks think will change will go nowhere--each side will claim the other side is stalling.


Re: @AVR Not quite

For the life of me I cannot figure out why free services such as Twitter/Facebook are relevant. All folks have to do is stop using it if you disagree, maybe make a phone call instead of posting your life to the world to see. Twitter especially is awful with group-think galor. Especially in the tech industry.

Take a social media break, think for yourself, read a book, follow Biden's tip and play some records--ok, that last one was probably bad as we have better quality electronic media now.


Re: Psyche!

You are conflating a few things--pardoning for any federal crime is what a president can do. A president for example, cannot pardon someone's state/local criminal sentence. Impeachment is not a crime and a president cannot pardon him/her-self from that process. Impeachement is one of several ways to remove a president--first by US House of Representative impeachment, then by the senate to actually remove the president.

A president has never pardoned themselves as of now, so it is uncharted waters for its constitutionality. If he did it, the state legal actions would have no impact. Trump haters are getting excited really for no reason as if they are hoping for the NY legal actions those are likely to continue. It will set a legal precedent that each side should consider closely--if your intent is to harass a president remember it will cut both ways. Just like all the changes in both houses of congress have come back to bite themselves. A teacher of mine once had a poster with the changed saying of "time heals all wounds" to "time wounds all heels"--trust me, anything done to one will happen to another.

Folks are relishing in this and I understand it completely. I am no Trump fan, and no Biden fan either. Politicians are about posturing more than helping folks they represent--now, that would be a nice thing to change.


Re: Democracy

No doubt, wars and meddling is bad. Let's get a global treaty for all to stop the badness. That is so laughable as all countries have their share of dirty tricks. Even the most trusted of all in the UK have independent actors that perform actions that would make the Queen blush.

I was in the UK early last year and was on a train ride in London and the BBC was feeding its citizens line after line of BS about the US. If the sun came up and someone was sunburned they would add something like "because of Trump's environmental policies, x number of the people sunbathing were burned". It was hilarious as EVERY US news story added a Trump dig. I'm no fan of Trump, in fact I don't like him period, but you folks are being controlled by your media. Read 1984 & Animal Farm--we had to back in my day and it makes it easy to understand what is going on.

Assembly language, arcade games, and YouTube: The Reg speaks to former Microsoft engineer Dave Plummer


I was an 8080/z80 programmer in the early 80s. When the transition to IBM PCs started most of us vomited at the sight of x86 assembly language. We were all ready for a transition to the Motorola 68k, or the planned Zilog 80000 processor. Both had direct/natural memory addressing and not the segment/offset memory addressing for the x86. I switched to C, then in the early 2000s started back on the Intel processors as they got sanity back with direct memory addressing. What's funny is the learning curve to get back into Intel processors was so easy as many of the opcodes were still the same as the 8080.

I think there was a lost decade or two in computer evolution due to the early x86 architecture. Yes, we made it to a much better place, but without this pain we could have been much further along. I still shake my head at all the computer lock ups due to memory management issues of the day. When Windows 3.0 emerge, all were pleased to only have to reboot ~3 times a day. Basing progress on the number of reboots per day was absurd!

Amazon turns Victorian industrialist with $2bn building project to house workers near new headquarters


Next comes the employee cryptocurrency, only valid at the company store

Yes, those that don't study history are destined to repeat history. This all has played out many times as our civilizations emerged. It sounds really good labeled as affordable housing--but, they really are not targeting affordable housing to those that need it most. If you are on the lowest tier of employees you either live in poverty or work multiple gigs to make ends meet.

Bezos could do something epic from his vantage point--take on some of the social problems that tech followers prominently tout on their facebook/twitter feeds. Walk the talk and solve some problems. You'll still be rich, and probably get richer.
