* Posts by Paul

473 publicly visible posts • joined 15 Feb 2007


Leaked email reveals civil service laptop rules


But WTF...

is the point in Laptops that cant leave the office? Why would anyone want a Laptop to use in the office other that to show off that they were powerful enough in the organisation to get a laptop... oh... forget I said anything...

Scottish Government to block wind farm plan


I want to know...

What they do want... Or do they want wind, but they are Niby's?

Starbucks mocha clocked at 628 calories


@Anonymous Coward

RE:@Cameron Colley...

Erm, I think he was making a joke...

Scarlett Johansson to play Courtney Love?


@ Glen Goergen

And you yanks dont seem to know who Tracey Emin is. Look her up and you may understand more.

Bjork lays into NZ snapper

Gates Horns

It's all quite confusing

"What will be funny is the day she actually wants her picture taken (like for PR-related business, album launch, whatever) and, in protest, nobody takes one."

I think you are asuming she would accualy care. I get the feeling she wouldent mind at all. And as for Papz, I think entering your personal space in that way should count as assault.

I would love to know if this guy was a Pap, of a jurno taking photos in a profesional way, but being at an airport at that time on his own I am asuming the first untill proven otherwise.

Hannah Montana fails to defy laws of physics


RE:Laws of Physics eh?

That paper should have a good shot at an IgNoble.

NY corpse attempts to cash welfare cheque


Not in the UK.

In the UK they would have probably got the cash and it would have taken the DWP 6 months to notice he was even dead, who would have then spent 3 years trying to take a dead guy to court for the overpaid amount.

Mk II... er, Tank Chair trundles into Las Vegas



Or perhaps you could grow up and leave us to our fun. If any of us accualy wanted to be in that position we would be in the armed forces. We would rather have our fun laughing about how fun tanks are (Which they are, its the warfair that isen't)

Secondly, HTF can they call it a tank. As many people have pointed out, no guns. Now, what I realy want is one with guns, so that I can go to Spain and start blowing up Germans on there sun loungers on the beach, whilst whisleing the theam tune to the grate escape and other war films.

Mobile phone users should drive faster says prof



Or perhaps making it faster for the rest of us by not changing lanes all the time?

Queen's Speech hits YouTube


Or how about...

Happy slaping Prince Charles?

Nokia wins hearts, minds with breakthrough mobile



I must say, what I wantis one of these, with WIFI and WAP and a colour screen, so that I can use it as a phone and to check train times when im traveling.

Other than that, bugger the MP3 player and games etc. I am an adult and capable of going for more than five mins without any entertainment.

I must say that the nokia E61 (my current phone) is also very good, but I have only had it for a month. I do find the Tom Tom in it very usefull, but I also know that I am in a minority with that, as I find it a pain in the car but on my bike (Where I use it most) I can put the GPS unit in my tank bag, the phone in my map case and glance down at it at traffic lights. The fact that its made to go in your pocket, unlike a normal sat nave, means that it fits in my map case properly, even with my back up map underneath.

MoD sorts out 'turkey' helicopters for Xmas


The question I have is...

...who came up with the specs for the HC3?

To be fair, probably not procument, but the officers on the front line...

Yes other people then signed it of, but it could well have been the fault of the people who use the choppers in the first place. Who would you ask what they want? And as IT people you should know full well that just because someone says they want a new peice of kit to do something it dose not mean that is correct, or legal, or what they even want.

NHS frets over Brits' genitalia


I just hope...

That when counting the votes the NHS remove all no UK votes, as US prudes may well mess up the stats.

Peter Jackson to lord over 'Rings' prequels


Re: Not sure The Hobbit counts as an epic

No. Bad Noob. No. :-)

And anyway, It would be a quest, not a drop. Possibly LOtR could be a drop, if the ring were the quest starter. But the Hobbit would definatly be a Multi-part quest.



Binds when equipped


1 Armor



Binds when equipped


10 Armor


Binds when called

Races: Human

Use: Summons a lift home when drunk.

Brit workers: The Xmas skive starts today


Thats good to see...

"We tried to conduct a Reg straw poll to confirm the above findings, but the sales department has been lodged in the nearest wine bar since 11am, the Strategy Boutique emailed in to say it was "redefining the pro-somnia paradigm" (i.e. still in bed), and members of the editorial team nipped out an hour ago "for a news meeting" and are believed to be exchanging Xmas gifts (beer, in pint glasses) in Vulture Central local The Scribe and Strumpet"

Im glad to see that El Reg are keeping up there normal working standards and not falling in to this skive trap.

BOFH: Balancing the budget...


If anyone wants proof of this happening...

then just keep an eye out for all the spending on pointless road things like mini round abouts and new white lines in Feb/March. You will be shocked.

Nokia to turn cameraphones into foreign food finders


re: A great idea

"It would be useful in NYC as well, there are often items in French and Italian menus I don't recognize, especially when chefs get creative and add obscure ingredients. Would be great to have a translator built into something I carry with me all the time."

Na. Thats not being creative. I do speek French and Italian (not very well) but so often these things arnt worth knowing about, it is just a posh way of saying "I added some seasoning" or "I grated it"...

Just remeber that most places that do that are just being prats, trying to look like they are clever to hide avrage cooking.

Ordnance Survey rescues rural towns from juggernauts


RE: Parochiality

I can see it being even worse than that. Lets just hope this goes to someone like local planning officers, with all there failings, one thing they cannot be accused of, unlike Councilers, is changing routes for political means. No Counciler is going to want to admit they alowed HGVs to go through there ward.

Terry Pratchett has Alzheimer's


@Markie Dussard

A Million to one? Good to know he will be ok.

Megan's Law snafu fingered in rapist's murder


To all those people...

who seem to support the death of this guy and vigilante actions, how about you come round and live in my area. I have a nebour who's 6'6" 18 stone, an expert Kick boxer and holds a firearms licence.

Just don't drive to fast down my street, because if you risk our kids lives... Alot more kids die from being run over than are abused...


Think long and hard about that. I hope it changes your mind about the way you treat people.

Boffins slashed in big-science budget blunder bloodbath


Have I got this right...

MP's plan to loose Boffins at a new facility so they dont loose admin at an old one? Would this be Labour MP's? Sounds like there socialist claptrap.

Wii buyers follow French Connection for consoles


Or you could...

Just look around. I got one at RRP in Argos when they first came out, just by asking nicely when they were expecting a dilivery and when they would let me pre order (which with Argos meens they accualy keep it for you for two days rather than "You must colect it at the start of the day but we may have sold it anyway, as we take more pre orders than we have stock for").

Noone else seemd to that. It seems to be because they didnt want it next Tusday, but RIGHT NOW!!.

MoD: Frontline troops must have silent Xmas crackers


What a shame.

I was hoping that they had done the normal "defusing" thing to them. I.e. put the "explosive" in a safe place, attache an even bigger explosive to it, light the blue touch paper and stand well back. That would have been far more fun :-)

Europe too cynical for iPhone



UK = 60 Million people

US = 300 Million people


UK = 1 iPhone per 2000 People

US = 1 iPhone per 1000 people

Codemasters sets legal dogs on file-sharers


I dont agree with any of this....

File sharers (Apart from the few legit ones) Should be sent down for the theft they have commited, but the companys sending out letters like that should be hung out to dry too. They are using debt recovery tactics for a debt they cannot prove is owed. Very poor show.

eBayers offload eBay Xmas prezzie on eBay


tat bazaar

Now maikng its own tat. And those ARE tat.

Counterfeit Vista rate half that of XP


But how do we know?

"Windows Vista goes into reduced functionality mode that leaves systems flagged as counterfeit about as friendly to drive as a car stuck in first gear."

Vista is like that anyway...

Home Sec: Tasers could become standard police kit


UK cops...

I know how much so many of you hate them "the met shoot people blah blah blah". Whilst I am not sure about wether they should have TASER's, I do trust them alot more than the US cops. From watching TV (I know that may not be fair but it is all I have to go one) US cops seem to be alot more lax about the value of a life, and have a beleife that "Im following this person so they deserve to die".

This may just be editing, but I am inclined to beleave it baised on the US view of the death penalty and the treatment of people at Gitmo.

I do feel that given the training US cops get with Guns and cars compaird to UK cops, that UK cops will be better trained etc.

Finaly befor I get attacked by people, no I wouldent want to be TASER'ed as a test etc, but I also woulden't want to face down a Police batton charge, but do feel it is a needed tactic.

Facebook founder loses court battle to keep personal data offline


@Anonymous Coward

Just a point. Your NINO is not the sam as the American SSN.

As far as I can tell the US use the SSN as a VERY important piece of data. Your NINO should not be. Some companys do use it, but they shoulden't. It should only be your REF for HMRC and the DWP and should be no more secret than your driving licence number.

Secret mailing list rocks Wikipedia


Comrade Durova?

Dose this whole thing remind anyone of the USSR? A bold an laudable Idea, no matter how right or wrong in its basis, brought to its knees by a ruling elite, who were put there to "make sure everything runs smoothly". People who were given power, and when they abuse it they are fine, but when they are caught they are shunned until it all goes away.

Next thing? They will become so arrogant about there power that they wont care who knows about the abuse, and start ranting that they are doing what they do to "keep the stability of the community" and that they "did nothing wrong. You are listening to the outsiders, who are trying to undermine us".

They are doomed.

Dear customer: you owe us $211 trillion


Card number?

Mayhaps? It is one digit short, but it could be, or possibly Bank account number and sort code (If they work the same in the US as the UK)?

Rove investigator erases his PCs - to kill computer virus


@A J Stiles

Accualy it is not completely gone. Ever. What happens is, in simple terms:

The bit starts as a 0

The bit on the new HDD is written to a 1 (The "data")

This shows on the HDD as a pariculat magnetic polarity. Call it +1.

The bit is the over written, and becomes a 0

This shows as a polarity, say +0.01, so a little bit of 1, which the computor, as a digital system, reads as 0.

You can therefor look at the polaritys on the disk, and this will give some historical data. You overwrite 7 times, as this is normaly felt to be enough to make the data such a mess that you couldent accualy pull anything usefull out of it (Although some say you can).

As I said this is a huge simplification of how it works.

QVC gets exclusive on Venturer budget HD DVD player


What they seem to do in the UK...

Is sell somthing for less that the price elsewere, call it "Extra value" or some such, and add painfull P&P. Just look at there website. Its just stupid, but they are relying on the consumer to not know any better.

One exaple is I got an Arcos MP4 player a while back, and they were chargin about £5.00 less than alot of on line shops, but then chaged somthing like £115 p&p, where as everyone else was doing free p&p becuase of the price of the thing.

Cyber cold war fears grow


Re: Honeypot

I think McAfee is probably more interested in the Pork barrel than the Honeypot.

Chilean hooker plans 27-hour charity sexathon


And I thought...

El Reg comments couldn’t go any more down hill… How wrong I was.

I continue to be stunned by what actually gets past the moderator, although it is just after lunch...

Microsoft offers $300m for web-washing ad campaign


Windows live:

Not just the rubbish site that comes up when you type a URL wrong.


Do no Evil

No. Wait. Someone already has that. Don't do to much evil, or at least try not to be noticed.

More to come soon. Just need the ritalin to kick in.

Tesco in X-rated Lawnmower Simulator shocker



I particularly like the language options: "Language: English (Scouse)"

Brit office Xmas parties going to the dogs


What I realy miss

Is the company I used to work for (An Oz company) used to alow us a long lunch on a Friday, to go to the pub, and pay for beer on a Friday afternoon. We also had LOTS of kids toys in the office to play with (Not paid for by the company) So Fridays were always fun, if not very productive. I do rememebr once getting so drunk on a Friday that I had difficuly accualy getting up from my desk.

Greenpeace slams Apple Nintendo over eco-credentials


I want to know,

With all the flights to sumits and the boats thay own, how "eco" are Greenpeace? If they do not score 100% then they can F off!

FYI, I am not anti Eco at all, just anti Greenpeace, because in genral they dont have a clue what they are talking about.

Commuters shouting into their mobiles? Just jam 'em


Quiet Carrage.

I find the best thing to do is ask people sat in there to stop using there phones. Genraly they ignore me and carry on, but I find that then other people start asking them as well, and eventualy they get fed up and hang up and look sheepish.

Melting ice kills polar bears, say boffins



Yes, because all the GW deniers here are putting across good arguments to rebut.

I’m sorry by "GW is a religion" Is just a silly comment. The generally agreed theory is that GW is affecting our planet and it is our fault AND it will affect humanity. I realy cant listen to people who say, "well not all scientist agree" yes, but not all agree on the existence of gravity, or Newtonian Physics...

Mobe, mobe, mobe. There - we've said it


@Simon Holt

I think you meen is:

"I tinks itz grt n' tht wot El Reg dn't gt al up itslf n uses al tht posh gramma n spulling n stuff like they tries 2 lern us at skool."

Second jellyfish pack moves on UK


Re: Nature v Nurture

"If all else fails, just pretend they're sensitive data and they'll soon go missing."

Na. Wont do any good. All that will happen is that they will go missing for months, and then reappear at the worst moment possible. Probably just as you dive in to the sea on the first day of your summer holiday.

Save the BBC - by setting it free


If you sell the bbc

You will just get utter trash. It is a problem that non public broadcasters always play to the lowest. Look at ITV, C5 and Sky 1. Only BBC and C4 do good, cutting edge, intelegent programing, not done for ratings or price, but for artistic and editorial content. Not trew of all programs, but it is not realy true of any on ITV.

Really, really big systems coming by 2027


I think we have found

amanfromMars's day job. Either that or they have the same dealer/ prescription.

Air France compensates 170kg passenger


I have a better Idea.

Avoid flying all togeather.

1) Flying is horible. You wait for 4 hours in an airport, being herded around, poked, prodded, zaped, and having to take your shoes off, just to get on a plane for an hour to end up sitting next to someone fat, smelly, boring or with ADHD, and go through the same thing at the other end.

2) If you look even slightly foreign you may be shot (I think the increase in high SPF sun cream sales is nothing to do with skin cancer, just people not wanting to be shot in Heathrow)

3) If you NEED to fly somewhere the chances are the wildlife will be out to get you there, and if not you are in the US, where the people are out to get you. The only place that you will miss out on is Canada.

Its much nicer in the EU to go by train or Car.

NASA's Messenger mission reaches halfway point


@Agent V

Dose that mean your going to have to kill all of us now?

Ring-back tones to carry adverts


Ah well...

It will cut down on my phone bill's.

"I got a missed call from you. I didn't get chance to answere it as it only rang once. Whats up?"

"I was trying to call you, but hung up as soon as I heard thos adverts on your phone. Dont talk to me again. Ever."


BBC HD channel gets green light


Re: @anons + vulpes

"I daresay you might as well also say the beeb should not cater to any minority groups, whether it be religion, ethnicity or Wales. Why is that different from anyone who chooses a different OS?

I think you should back to commenting on the BBC 'Have Your Say'."

What utter rubbish. There is a huge gulf in diffrence between your religion or ethnicity and what OS you chose.
