RE: am I the only one...
473 publicly visible posts • joined 15 Feb 2007
Wow... Slow down a second...
I dont agree with Phorm, but taking credit card info and abuse for spying on us? Thats a bit far, and VERY tabloid. Calm down, and stop trying to frightne people. As I said I dont want phorm, and am not happy about it, but I dont think they are going to start stealing my bank infomation.
Yep. Spot on. As in ***k you lot. Why don't you just get somthing better to do than go on and on about the fact that I went to spell Queue, changed it to cue and messed up?
BTW, I expect it from the other posters, but someone who works for El Reg? Not a very nice way to treat a reader...Especially the Kew joke.
You can do that. Do what I did, and work out how much you use, and then find a package that is not unlimited. I find my BT service is very good, always fast, and cheaper than most of the unlimited ones, as I do have a cap but don't use it all (very often). By fast I mean 8 Meg service normaly runs at 6.5-7 Meg. Not perfect, but close enough to me to not mind especaly as most of my use is 6pm-9pm.
Although I do not know what I am going to do now as I am leaving them, thanks to the Phorm crap, although that is a diffrent matter.
Oh. That old case. Perhaps some hacks first need to learn "of intresst to the public" is not the same as "in the public interest"...
Im sure El Reg has higher standards than that, or at least a few people ex Black Hats they know can get all the info they need without using some iffey company or getting caught
All this talk of "people who cant be away from there phones". My Father, as a Doctor, can manage it, why cant they? The people you work for dont own your life. As far as I am concirned if im not on call or at work, the can F off.
As for getting on a plane to go on Holiday, im off to buy a Blackbird (Bike not spy Jet) and Ill race you to any city in western europe...Ill be the one sat in the bar with a beer and a smile on my face whilst your still strugling with passport drones.
First we need to work on Cyclists who don't have the first clue what is going on. Like 90% of them. Some are very good, but most are fools (at least where I live).
Then we work on the other problems.
@A J Stiles
No they dont. Read back and look for the post about the high way code.
I dont know why people join it anyway. I set up an account a few weeks ago so that I could view a friends wedding photos. I set up an account under my name, but everything else was blank or a lie, and the email address was one of my throw away hotmail ones I use for signing up to anything I don't trust (like hotmail :-)). Oh, and I put one note on it for people to read, saying "I will not be using this account. Please don't try to contact me here as you will get no reply and will think Im being rude. Im not, I just think that my conversations are mine, and so are my Pics, not Facebooks".
Now Im getting every person I have ever met wanting to be my friend. Im glad to know (again) I was doing the right thing. Now If they would just Fuck off and stop filling my inbox with Junk.
I don't understand somthing...
Why do people seem to think that:
1) NDA's matter to Law enforcment?They don't. For a start most of them have a clause in them about only revealing the infomation to "autorised persons, including law enforcment agencys" and even if they did not, they should.
2) That UK C&E need "Reasonable cause" to stop people. I know the artical was about the US, but people seem to be applying it to the UK. The UK has no such laws. Law enforcment can stop anyone any time.
"On the other hand, Ofcom must also take account of the contribution made by advertising revenue to paying for the choice of television services that viewers enjoy."
They think more adverts will help? Have they seen US or French TV? Its Crap. What we see of US TV in the UK is the pick of the best shows. It is like basing all your views of UK TV on what is shown in prime time on BBC 1 and ITV 1 (although admitedly you would just get Soaps, which would make our TV look crap)
"However, it’s another weapon in your armoury of excuses if your boss catches you playing with a DS Lite during working hours... "
Now can we have one for posting on El Reg? The old "Its a high brow IT site" is wearing a bit thin, more so since he saw me reading BOFH last week. Although I have noticed he has stopped using the lift since then...
Surely if Linex users cannot view the Flash because of problems with Adobe not supporting Linex, then the problem is nothing to do with the BBC, and to do with the fact that Adobe, or Linex, not suporting what is considerd to be a standard net tool.
As for paying to view the programs, you dont. Your fee gives you the right to recive the BBC transmision...
I agree. I feal the people who are the problem are the ones who just complaine. If you dont like it stand up and be counted. Unlike many countrys we do still have some democracy in the UK. Your vote dose count, and if that is not enough for you, stand for election. Unlike many places (The US) you don't have to be a multi milionair in the UK just to fund an election. If you are right then people will vote for you and you can realy do somthing, if that is not the way it goes for you then deal with the fact that your view is not shared.
Posting on a slightly obscuer IT site is not the way to change things, even a letter to a national news paper wont work. Please, stand up and do somthing, or shut up.
And keep your hard drive. They arnt that big, means no-one can get your data and means that If I do need anything from them it is not lost for ever (Well, possibly the older ones, but they are that old the data is probably useless anyway). One day I may get round to properly distroying them, but for now I think this is much safer.
"Under the system actually being pushed, copyright infringement would be identified by rights holders by joining a BitTorrent swarm, for example. They would then send a list of IP addresses to the ISPs who would send out two warning letters to their customers. Being detected filesharing illegally a third time would mean disconnection."
I may be being dumb but what will this mean for people whos ISPs use floating IP's?
Urm, just to let you know, but British law dose not have the concept of "emotional trauma". There are problems with people claiming for things like triping over a broken paving slab when they should have been looking where they were going, but also if a hospital makes a cock up and it was there fault. Take the case of the woman recently given an epidural in the arm, leaving her family without her. If I was them I would want them to pay out, not for distress, but for the loss of earnings. The real financial cost.
the histeric Mum of a kid that has just been shot in a gangland shooting. "We should ban shotguns because my drug dealing kid was shot by someone with an AK" or "no mother should have to hear there drunk son die on the phone in a car accedent. We should ban cars"
You get my point...
I think that whoever owns the PC's should take responsibility. If you are in a company that treats PC's as office equipment and IT are a support team the the department should, but if you are in one of these places that IT think they own everything with a processor in it (down to the EMU of the bosses car) and wont let you even put ink in a printer without them then they should take responsibility for it all.
It seems that for many years someone at Nintendo has been on somthing to give us alot of very strange, but enjoyable games. Its seems however, that someone, somewhere, at Nintendo has been asked to come up with some new ideas for uses for the Wii remote and accidentaly taken a dobble dose of there meds.
"This may have been due in part to the Alpha nature of the BIOS. We know it’s Alpha because the POST screen displayed a warning message and while we had no problems with system stability it did take a fair while to boot in to Windows Vista."
"did take a fair while to boot in to Windows Vista."
Ill just say that again
"did take a fair while to boot in to Windows Vista."
That made my day... Even this hardcore mega fast PC (yes yes I know not a full PC) still takes "a fair while to boot in to Windows Vista."
Now Im off to clean up the coffe I just spat all over my computer.
Coat, door, now...
Also, @ Pete
"Oh yes, what happens to all the loose metal on a ship when it fires it's rail gun, will there be more friendly casualties from flying spanners etc. than the enemy will suffer?" Most of the stuff on ships is not made of ferous materials. It tends to rust dontcya know. (I know some things are, but not spanners etc).