* Posts by Paul

473 publicly visible posts • joined 15 Feb 2007


Research: Wind power pricier, emits more CO2 than thought



I don't get what you are sugesting. Coal fired plants take days, not hours to start up, and nuclear takes weeks.

Eurofighter at last able to drop bombs, but only 'austerely'


Why ask someone in the Army...

If they want Eurofighters of new choppers? Ask someone in the RAF the same thing and they will tell you "We need these new jets. Ours are falling apart".

As for the Idea of buying UK kit, good plan, if they will let us use it, and it dosent come with a tie in like "you will help us in every war we start".

King Arthur was English 'propaganda', French claim



Some punctuation might help.

Im Dyslexic to, but I learnt two things along time ago.

1) Punctuation, nomater how bad, helps

2) People who are not dyslexic do not realise that spell checkers are the work of Satan, and if you use them they will change the words without you realising you are now using the wrong word rather than a guess.


@Cat and the rest.

Yep. Sorry. I looked on Amazon, who have the wrong info on one of the versions. I have now got home and checked. Sorry.


I take it you are not English or French (I am sorry if im wrong) but a big part of it is that the Englich and French have been at war for about the past 2000 years, but are also very closely related, so there is alot of baggage between us.



Hate to be a pedant, but The Winter King was about King Alfred, not Arther, who did exisit. Still a dam good book though (alont with the rest of the Uthred & Arther books).

Who will be the next Doctor?


Its going to be Tennant again....

Because it will make that twat RTD feel like he’s being clever...

Also, with all these universes and stuff, is anyone else reminded of the Marvel Multivers crisis stuff, where they screw stuff up and then say "well it happened in a different universe" and then get so confused they have to have something to re-set it?

Dismissed deputy head launches legal fight


@Graham Marsden

I think the problem is that StopthePropaganda is a Yank, or watches to much TV. In the US liberal is a euphamisum for comunist and a genral insult. Non of the laws he talks of are in any way liberal, or even Liberal

eBay Terror Ambulances of DEATH menace UK - top cops

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There goes my plan to buy an ex police Honda Pan-European when they sell them (Apparently a few forces are getting rid of them because the become unstable at speeds in excess of 170MPH).

Premiership tackles Ukranian football streaming site


Your all f***********

Hum now, why can these sites do the streaming for free?

Because they are not paying big sums to the show the matches? They are not paying for broadcasting? They are not paying for anything, except the computor equipment?

Thats how they can afford to do these things for free when Sky can't. Don't want to pay? They you can't watch it. I dont have Sky because I think its a rip off. I don't go thinking it is some sort of moral crusade to have free Football.

I could get you a car stereo for cheap. Dosent make it legal.

You people are dum, or evil, or both.

Judge points laser dazzler man towards prison


@Mike & @AC


Oh. I see now. Your 12.

RE: @ "Black choper bcause clearly the fuckwit conspiracy is breaking cover."

You seem to be a nasty person then and have nasty friends. The type that says things like "My mate was stoped by the police for nothing the other day. Now hes in prison cos they did him for GBH that was like a month ago. Its just unfair. He wasent doing anything"

Beeb's online music stations get rewind button


Stop it....

Stop stealing our BBC. We already pay to much for it without people overseas stealing it.

Oh, and befor anyone starts, please no "its not stealing blahblahblah"

ICO slaps TfL over Oyster data hoard


It realy isent right...

And they wonder why children feel persicuted.

Available to buy: your own frakkin' 7ft Cylon


"Go on, argue it, you know you want to..."

Must... resist Geek... Urges.... Firefly was better... Noooooooooo.....

Think tank slams paedophile paranoia culture


@ Robert Sneddon

I think Cut and paste Bullshit..

Im sorry, but "The police told me to wipe the pictures of a crime off my phone" What utter rubbish. Have you seen the BBC HYS? I think you might like it better there.

Spain plans 'human rights' for great apes



"Animals *don't* have rights until they can express those rights themselves"

I am no Veggie hippy type, and im not sure if I agree with this law or not, so don't think Im going all "think of the animals" crap, but that statment falls down. What about babys? Do they have no righs?

BT and Siemens slammed over prisoner call rates



Is what they are talking out of...

"The public payphone service does not require the same level of investment in systems and security features which are essential to meet the requirements of the Prison Service."

It may cost a little more to set up, but I can bet it gets alot more use and alot less abuse.

What they mean is "If we charge to much for pay phones people wont use them, but if we can do what we like when they have no choice."

Leeds thieves target Ford Focus chips

Dead Vulture

What I want to know....

Is do they know which chip, or do they think any one of the mass of chips inside a stereo will work?

I think im going to wire up a Tazer to my stereo, and then demand a special recognition Darwin award for removing these people from the gene pool.

Enraged devil dog lover locks on to Reg photo team


RE: Cheese and Onion

Now we have got to the real problem.

And as for those people slating C&O crisps, there are only 3 real flavours, Cheese and Onion, Salt and Vinigar & plain. FACT. End of!

Tory trash talk fails to halt bin bugging plans


What about me?

I live in a block of flats with comunal bins. How will they work out who owes what for us, because im not paying for someone elses rubbish.

Top Tory resigns on principle over 42 days bill



Erm.. he resigned from Parliament not his party...

Congressmen say Chinese hacked their PCs


It seem...

that people are asuming that all politicians know nothing. It seems to me this guy is quight clued up about PCs for a non IT person. As for "well if he had used proper AV..." some people seem to be forgeting this is probably not some script kid or bot farmer, this looks like it might be the Chinese equivelent of the NSA or GCHQ, probably writing there own stuff never seen befor by AV vendors, so AV would probably be know use.

Northrop scoops DARPA mindreader-helmet threat visor cash


@Peter Timon

Have you been using the twat-o-tron?

Navy sonar dolphin 'massacre' - the facts



"the idea that sidescan lay behind this incident is ridiculous."

But that won't stop the media/greenies blaming it, especially if the RN say that.

British workaholics win EU opt out deal

Thumb Down

Mostly the truth...

Except it should read:

"This agreement means that businesses can cope during busy times,” said business secretary John Hutton. "Securing the right for businesses to force people to work longer without extra pay if they choose to do so is hugely valuable to the British economy.”

Apple's carpet-bomb Safari flaw can wreak havoc on Windows

Jobs Horns

IE at fault?

Yes. But I dont see it as a huge fault that IE assumes that something on your PC is ok to run. I can see a use for that, and it should not be a problem if your security is ok. You only get a problem when some fool writes a program that lets files to download without asking you, so you dont know they are there.

Yahoo!'s latest letter warns of letters


The plan from Icahn seems to be

1) Buy a small amount of Yahoo

2) Shout alot

3) ???????

4) Profit!!!!!!!

Microprocessors are the new cigarettes



Last time I looked a ciggeret was made of tabbaco, paper and fluff. Not much inovation to be had there.

How the hell can you compair that to AMD or Intel. As far as I know most people arn't addicted to 40 AMD quad cores a day.

The bussness modle of a tabbaco company, surely, is "we sit here, chern out the same product we have had for 50 years, and watch the money roll in". I think the biggest inovation in tabs is those anoying holes round the filter of silk cut that make it taste like your smoking dirt.

Ofcom slaps MTV with £255k fine

Paris Hilton


Please can you tell us if there was a true journalistic motivation behind this article (some Ofcom link perhaps?), or was it just an opportunity to swear lots and lots?

French court fines eBay for sale of counterfeit handbags


I can see...

real auction houses jumping for joy.

They have, for a long time, been requierd to ensure that what was being sold was not fraudulent/fake. Why should ebay be any diffrent?

Online payment standards fall on deaf websites


@And others

Cos even Pay Pal count bidding on ebay as a big gamble

MPs demand US spooks' guarantees on census data


What about...

If LM set up a subsidiary company in the UK? It would therefore exist as a separet legal entity and not be under US law.

Too dim to set up your phone? Pay someone else to do it


RE: Another Simon comments

From another Paul....

I disagree. My phone is still set to that, because Im to lazy to change it.

Also, people probably will pay for it. About 8 years ago there was a company called IBox. It did realy cheep ringtones and stuff (10p-50p. All very good quality. They went under because people would rather pay £4.50 a month to someone they have seen on TV that go on the internet.

Apple sued over Mighty Mouse


RE: @Paul.

Ah. I see. Your another person who like to sound off without knowing what you are talking about the.

Man and Machine are actualy quight a large company (Look them up)

The Copyright seems to have been licensed from CBS for Apple advertiseing using the cartoon. (Look it up)

Apple have a long history of releasing products without finding out if there is oter products on the market that are the same (Look up iPhone and Apple records, to name a few)

It is possible that M&M have lost there right to sue, but there is also an argument that M&M may not have been aware of Apples mouse. It may be a well known product, but the name is not.

As for asking you to look back at the other posts, I appologise. I did not realise that only 2 had been posted. My bad.

Paris Hilton

RE: Man & Machine is obviously not selling anything...

Is that a Joke or are you just an Idiot?

Paris, because even she knows to read the other comments first.

Man barred from posting crimes on YouTube


Plod & the CPS.

I doubt very much the Police didnt want to do anything. More likly the CPS felt that there was not enough evidence to take the cases to court. Most probably the case would have been trowen out because you could not prove the YouTube video was real and one video was not enough for a crime.

They probably dicided to go for an ASBO because it basicly says "we know you did it, but cannot prove it in court, but if we do catch you you are in a whole world of crap"

Tory proposes street-legal Segway legalisation


Electric scooters...

Are not, infact illigal (Well the ones that look like "real" scooters, not the chav toys)

You can buy them and ride them if you have have:

1) A CBT.

2) Number plates

3) A Motorbike helmet.

4) Tax

5) All the other stuff for a 50cc scooter.

And if they become legal without these things then that is truly silly.

I have seen one being driven around Oxford befor, with non of these things, in the Cycle lane. The ideot nearly ran me off the road, but then Cyclists do that alot cutting down the side of traffic.

As for Cegways on the road, there are reasons they are illigal, and this will never get passed. I think the Torys are trying to make them selfs look cool, but they just look like old school tory prats.

Aliens, astronauts and Pope partition PC World



"A small telescope (or pair of binoculas) will show the real wonders out there. It may take time to find your way about, but there is a huge amout of data up there! As with PCs there are some issues...

Warning: Only works at night.

Warning: Will not work if cloudy.

Chris Cartledge"

But that means going "outside"


Apple okay with Safari 'carpet bombing' vuln for now


This would not bug me...

except for the fact that iTunes keeps bugging me to download Safari...

The first time it was ok. I said no, and it went away, now it is realy anoying. On day I will be playing a game after a few beers, click any button just to get rid of the box, and it will download, and I will have this vuln on my PC.

IM represents 'new linguistic renaissance'


"youngest users"

"The dreaded "u", meanwhile, was shunned in favour of a full-fat "you" in 90 per cent of cases, and the researchers reckon use of such abbreviations is "confined mostly to the youngest users of IM"."

And, I have noticed, the oldest... Well middle aged. Myself and my friends (in our mid to late 20's) tend to use more formal written English in emails, texts and IM, but find that our parents use "text speak" allot more. We use it only ironically, and for the odd abbreviation where it carries an emotion much more strongly that the correct written form.

For example LOL carries the spontaneity of laughter much better than "Laugh out Loud" dose and the feeling much better than "That’s very funny".

Union gears up for BT strike action this month


"There are managers being paid less than the people they manage"

Wow. A company that pays people for the work they do.

Phones 4u accused of misleading customers



"Few customers are told that signing a contract is a major financial commitment,"

Translation, Lots of people are to dumb to realise that an 18 month contract is an 18 month contract.

This is just stupid. How dumb are these people? I do think that Phones 4U sales people are on the same level as pond scum and car salesmen, (oh and I realy disslike the owner) but realy....

Vatican star watcher says aliens may be out there



Thank you. I was going to say just the same, but without the eloquence.

MoD begins full UFO-files public release


I love...

the MODs reply to the argument that there is a world wide cover-up.

Basicly "we are very flatterd that people think we could organise somthing like that, but we cant"

Romanian and Turkish scientists turn circuit boards into oil


liver and brain?

"You don't want too much polybrominated diphenyl ethers in your diet if you cherish your liver and brain"

Your talking to the wrong people...

Babbage's Difference Engine hits Silicon Valley


If he had built it...

I wonder how long it would have taken for someone to work out how to use it for P0rnz?

Very cool though.

Set-top box modders sent to prison


RE: insane? - yes and no

I like that idea. Want a hand? You bring the Flux capacitor, I'll bring the bottle opener.

DHS grilled over uber secret cybersecurity plans


RE: Go figure...

It seems to be an ongoing gripe people (Not just in the US) Have about there governments. Complaining they are outsorcing everything.

I do see some things as very silly, like the outsorcing of Logistics. The problem as I see it is that the Gov realy do think that the private Biz can run things better than Gov Biz when realy all they can do is hide there cock ups better. BUT people talk about buying Chips from IBM etc. That is not outsorcing, that is buying stuff in. Even the US Gov dosent have the money for a dedicated Wafer-fab plus a chip factory R&D plus....

Virgin Media distances itself from Phorm 'adoption' claims


Stupid Title.

Re: Slaine, £25.69??? You have to be joking. You owe Us money now. Northen Rock has taken it.

Re: Jimbo Gunn. Funnyest thing I have read all day (Well untill BOFH later.

Mag-lev flywheel UPS firm says shipments speeding up


I want one...

Not to use as a UPS, but just because of the name and idea of having it was on my desk spinning at 50000rpm.


"At last, a story with IT angular momentum."

Get your coat now...

Build a 14.5 watt data center in a shoebox


RE: Metric?

First we need to set up a standard.

10's or 20's? And standard or Superking :-)
