* Posts by Paul

473 publicly visible posts • joined 15 Feb 2007


Boffins breed new programming race


Dispite what some people seem to think...

We do need a new BASIC. Something kids can use to make small programs, and learn the basics of how a computor "thinks", and start to understand the whole "how do you make a cup of tea" idea.

I tryed explaining this to a friend of mine a while back and he just could not see why a computor would not understand that "you boil some water" just didn't work and thought I was trying to wind him up by asking him things like "where dose the water come from"...

Forced retirement due to age can be justified, rules ECJ


Am I the only one...

Who finds it frustrating that the generation fighting for this...

Are the same ones who made it a necessity (not a nicety) for everyone to work... No stay at home parents

Are the same ones who made it a necessity to buy a house (Selling of council housing and buying up cheep housing for them to rent out)

Are the same ones who made it a necessity for people to work every hour god sends to make ends meet.

The people retiring now have made life so hard for people under the age of 40, leaving us without the choices they had, then now want to force us all to work until we die so that the can make a bit more money. This is not about "continuing to have a perpous in life", this is about toping up there pensions, whilst the younger people will end up stuck in stagnant jobs, cut down on people retiring.

I do hope this stays in place as I don't want to be chained to my desk until I die with a keabored in my hands. I wish myself or my wife could stop working so that she could get better (she is very ill) and, eventually we could bring up healthy happy children.

'Gv up txt 4 Lent,' urges bishop


@Chris W

Or he could just be sugesting that people could give up somthing which is adversly affecting there lifes. You may as well say the catholic church is trying to kill diabetics because some people give up chocolat for lent.

Bloodhound supercar is 'recession beater', says promoter


I've said it before

and ill say it again... Want more people in tech? Train them. Don't just refuse anyone without a an MEng, 1 years work placement and a final project and thisis based on what your company dose... Simple realy. Invest in people and you will see your company grow.

Hack-off contestant dubs Apple Safari 'easy pickins'



Perhaps you should stop trying to force a spreadsheet to do a databases job?

Study: Girls still not swarming into sci-tech, dammit


It may be possible

to imporve someones abilitys, but that asumes that they put the effot in. Why would they do somthing that is difficult for them? I wouldent put in that effot to keep up.

It is also a well understood idea that mens convostation tends to center around facts and infomation, where as womens tends to revolve around fealings and ideas, so perhaps women are just less happy talking about facts and infomation all the time (they find it less fulfilling as a job) than men do, so tend to drop these subjects as soon as they can.

Prime Minister's health records breached in database attack



I try not to. He gives me a migrain... I wonder if that should be on my records...

Three months on, you still can't get off the DNA database


@John Smith

Loot? What loot? He did nothing wrong (with the leaving the bank, not with the bank whilst working there). He agreed a contract fairly. The government havent even tryed to claim that he cheated them in some way...


RE:Court of Public Opinion

Probably £100 more than the highest paid MP gets... :)

Im glad people could work out what I said... My spelling is bad enough, but what I wrote was a bit of a mess... Stupid Mondays.


I was not so much worried

about this stuff but anoyed that they were lieing and pissing about untill I was watching the BBC on Saterday morning and I watched that stupids Hariat Harman sat talking to Andrew Marr about the RBS chiefs pension...

Whils he may not be moraly right (I happen to think he did what he did faily with it and the government are now messing him about), but I digress... Her saying "He may be ok in a court of law, but not in a the court of public opinion, which is where we step in" scared the hell out of me. The government are now admiting that we are under Mob rule.

Pirate Bay prosecutor argues for one year prison terms


RE:ISPs too

That argument only works if Sony were selling DVDRW drives call "Pirate Drive" and came with a booklet showing the best car boot sales to sell fake DVDs.

The activitys of pirateb bay do not fall in to the same catogory as selling DVDRWs, no more than caliming that the government is at fault for someone speeding because they built the road, but equaly it is not in the same catogory as theft... Its a gray area, and I do wish people would stop using black and white anaogys to argue there case.

Brit nuke subs exposed on Google Earth



"If it is underwater structures, how did they get the concrete to set"

Prefabricated structures?

Ryanair may charge cattle to use the bog


Since they are serving food...

I dont think thats even legal...

Oh, and I never carry cash. I find it much easyer to keep track of things on card.

Debt collection can be harassment, rules court


RE:Francis Davey

"more interesting question (raised by Lord Justice Jacob's comments) is when does trying to collect a debt lawfully owed become harassment?"

Basicly, never... However action on a debt under an IVA, CVA, bankrupcy or court order is limited, but can inclued deductions from your wages, bank account, a charging order on your property or ballifs.

Also, for people talking about ballifs coming round, if they have a court order against you they are ballifs and you have little excuse as there has already been alot of action. If there has been no action they are "debt colection agents" and have no powers beyond handing you a letter and asking nicely if you will pay.

Apple fights iPhone unlocking (again)


@James Butler

That fails on the basis that GM (And other car makers) Did used to try and lock you in by telling you you had to have your car serviced at there garages to keep your warente. They are no longer allowed to say this (But they do imply it, with things like "approved")

I say you are wrong. They can void your warente, and demand you keep paying the contact, but thats it. If I bought it its mine, if I am renting it then give me a rental contract with all the responsibility that brings to the owner... they can't have it both ways.

Please don't fall in to the trap of thinking companys can put anything they want in a contract. They can't. They want you to think they can, but there is alot of protection for consumers against unfair contracts.

Brits 'a bunch of yellow bastards', says irate Yank


I have just one thing to add to this....

My Father used to work on a Game reserve in Africa. For obvious reasons everyone carried a gun... And for the same reason I can see why some people would need one in the US - not many Grizzlys prowling the back roads of Surry.

However the only comment he ever made on hunting there was "The only time I'v seen an American hunting was when one blew the back end off a Thompsons Gazel with an Elephant Gun then leave me to put the poor sod out of its misery"... Says all I need to know about 'merkin hunting.

OLPC designer styles goes-like-stink electric motorbike



Not realy pointless? You ever been on the motorway on a bike with a top speed of less that 100MPH? It is not a nice thing to do. Unlike a car you have alot of noise and vibration due to the very nature of how high the engine revs (And an electric engine will probably be just as bad). You needs a minimum top speed of 120MPH to be ok crusing at 70, and having a little left if you need it in an emergency.

Yes! It's the cardboard PC!



So they remove the easy to recycle metal part and forget about all the nasy stuff in the chips and PCBs...

Jacqui Smith cracks down on gangs via computers, closets


It end up like the US

Where you can't wear a red or blue hat in some areas... Just sillyness.

One-tonne 40ft snake prowled superhot prehistoric jungles


RE:tom currie and RE:What always interested me...

RE: tom currie

10ft round... About 2ft diameter.

RE:What always interested me...

3ft, not 30ft Dragonflys. oh, and as I remember, somewere around 30%, compaird to 19%-20% today.

European Parliament wants criminalization of online 'grooming'


kain preacher

Please use the Joke Icon. We have already established alot of people round hear a to stupid to get a joke without being told it is a joke. I can see what you are saying, but appatently there are still alot of thick people around here.

Google on trial over Italian 'defamation' vid



Google should be up in court for alowing this, and then in the US for removing the video as a breach of free speach. Then in China for couropting public morals.

Or perhaps countrys could come up with clear laws on what is and is not alowable on the net in there country then people know what is going on.

Wrong kind of winter brings England to a halt


Hardcore bikers

like me were out in it. Maybe im a loony, but the only danger to me was other people. I was fine. The only problem I had was the 20 meter drive to the main road at 7am, but then I just pused my bike down there and got on. The roads were fine from there.

Nigerian car thief turns into sheep


Sheep Plx

Clearly the Tank called for a Sheep pull, but it went wrong. Good thing they didnt draw to much agro.

Street View vehicle kills Bambi


RE:Driver not paying attention

Deer do just jump out in front of cars. It happens. It dosent matter how good the driver is it still happens, often jumping unseen from a hedge, running at 30 odd MPH. They are a dam site faster and more unpridictable than even your feral inercity kid high on caffien and e-numbers. It dosent mean thay were going to fast. I asume you live in a city and have never had a Deer jump out in front of you, or you are a troll, or both.

I wasent expecting to get angry about the comments on this story, but then I didnt expect someone to start a road safty campain. If you are making a joke (with the "wont someone think of the children" it could be), then it is a very badly excicuted joke.

Hybrid fusion-fission reactors to run on nuclear 'sludge'



Just Wow...

This is (to me at least) truly exciting.... Lets just hope that the anti nuke lobby sees this as a good thing.

Obama reverses Dubya's tailpipe emissions


There has been talk

of one of the big 3 going under for at least the past 7 years. Hopefully this will push them over the edge, because all they have done so far is swalow government money and bully consumers in to buying American crap rather than getting themselfs sorted out.

Obama gets to keep his BlackBerry



@ Patrick. Realy no. Just no. Stop trolling, or go off and learn somthing.

@ Tim. As far as I know its a bit more complex than that. They tend to run multipul routs to places and noone knows which convoy he is in. Even Airforce one is no longer always the flight the presedent is on. They will fly mulitpul plains or choppers, and only one in the flight will use Airforce one, normaly a random one.

Obama's rainbow stealth aircraft uncloaks over Virginia


I would guess...

That most of the people at DARPA dont care if it is death tech or not, just as long as it is "outside the box".

Rapists should be raped, declares Jordan


But I bet...

She is anti Sharia Law...

First-ever pics of lunar polar crater interiors released


RE:Apollo 11

That wont work. They will just clame the photos were photoshoped.

US woman says Ubuntu can't access internet



The story is:

Woman gets sent wrong item by Dells/Her error.

Woman tryes to sort this out with Dell.

Person in call center tryes to stop this as this is what they do.

You post it on El Reg so people can go "look. What a looser. She dosen't know how to use a Linex PC. Haha."

So? Can you strip down and re-build your cars engine? I bet half of you couldent even chainge the oil. Loosers.

Phones don't cause eye cancer, finds study



But how can you be SURE.

First case of sleep emailing documented


RE:Not as suprising as one might think

"Sadly, my coworkers comment that my best code is the code I don't remember writing."

Sounds like a good reason to be drunk at work. "Shory guuuysss I need to be dunk. I work besst thish way."

Lords, MPs go down on to the Erotic Awards


Isnt that the point...

"Because at present, almost the only people prepared to put their necks on the line for topics that won’t play well with the Daily Mail sit in that House, not the Commons"

That is the reason we have a house of lords. The only time people want to get rid of them is when they stop something those people think is a good idea, even though it is a monumentlay stupid one.

It is also the reason we should keep hereditary members of the house of lords. They are beholden to noone, not even a sense of guilt/duty to whoever gave them the "job".

US teen clocks up 14,528 text messages


You all sicken me...

Emailing. Phoning. I bet you don't even own propper writing paper. The art of writing has been lost.

Israel hacks Arab TV station


RE:Olmert should be tried for war crimes

I sugest you go and look at the excelent artical on the BBC looking at the legality of the situation. Basicly the Hamas attacks are clearly war crimes, but the attacks against them are a much more gray area. They are not 100% right, but the situation is far more complex that you seem to think.

MoD tops lost security pass league


What is counted in these...

Are the armed forces counted in the MoD? I suspect that if this is the case then I imagin that it is alot easyer to loose a security pass in the bottem of your bergan on the way to Helmand than it is for you to loose it in your brefcase on the tube.

Terry Pratchett knighted for services to literature



Odd that... Most of the litterary establishment disagree with you, as do educators, his books sales and the Queen. Most people, both those in the know and not think he is one of the best authors of our time.

Good on him.

Scientology refuseniks sue over compulsory workplace courses


First Amendment

"Disklabs argues that religious instruction in the workplace is protected by the First Amendment, making the proposed sanction unconstitutional."

When will people learn that to have fredom of speech you must also accept peoples right not to listen.

Corrupt cop abused police database to blackmail child abusers



So are we no longer alowed to change the language at all? Must it for ever remain the same? At what point did English become English? I say we should stop all new words as of 3.22 PM (GMT) on the 13.11.1973. All words in use at that time are fine. any after then are bad words and must not be used.

Tesla takes Top Gear test to task


After all of the problems the BBC has had...

I cant help thinking that Tesla may be the ones telling porkies here, as I don't think the BBC would dare. Itll be interesting to find out, but then I am sure it will just be a pointless argument as noone will be able to prove either way... Unless there is film of the car being pushed off the track in which cas Teslar is fighting a losing battle

Virgin Media to dump neutrality and target BitTorrent users


Why on earth

Do Virgin et al not just try and educate users?

They should introduce a limited service rather than this "unlimited" rubbish. Oh ye... They cant. I clearly remeber AOL having adverts where they scared people in to getting unlimited by showing people downloading a few photos and then "running out"

Personlaly I have no problems with my 8MB BT conection, with a 2G limit. I play WoW most nights, use the internet all the time and get 6MB-7MB most of the time.

Top UK cybercop dreams of PC breathalysers


Im sure lost of people

will freek out at this, but if I read it correctly it seems like a good idea. Im sure some people will say Im wrong, but what he seems to want is not so much something to analize for evidence, but like a breathaliser, sothing that will give an indication as to wether it is worth further tests.

FCC boss gets knuckle-rapped



"We at The Reg hope the investigation goes forward, if only so we can find out what "certain local television programming" was so important to the White House"

The Telly Tubbies?

Also, RE: @Herby


Hubble sniffs CO2 on far-flung 'hot Jupiter' planet


I for one...

Welcome our Gravity enriched super overlords. (Sorry)

Pilots survive night on Hudson Strait ice sheet


RE:I wonder

"I wonder what the boat was doing that could be discarded so quickly."

Fishing? As it is a fishing boat. It may be law, im not sure, but it is certanly normal that at sea a Mayday call is answerd by anyone in the area, not just the coastguard.

Barrow boy Microsoft flogs nostalgic tragic t-shirts


Please please please

let us know when something is NSFW...

Amazon parks human genome on cloud



I am sorry to say that this is a realy annoying merkin habit... I have seen it alot in books where, so as to make it clear to all they are NOT AT ALL SEXIST. They will switch gender, somethimes mid sentence. I have often thought about complaining as it is very confusing for a Dyslexic like me, but then im also lazy.

Tell Santa to bring more assault rifles



"People are buying guns because they have seen too many constitutionally guaranteed rights taken away, as with wiretapping phones under the premise of searching for terrorists"

So the Republicans take away rights, the democrats want to give them back and this makes the democrats a threat how?
