is it just me ?
473 publicly visible posts • joined 15 Feb 2007
that there will be alot of people cut off. Working in credit control I know that you do get people (mostly little old ladys) that will send a cheque for there bill to the company.
It will be In an envolope to the head office, marked "To Paul" or whoever the talked to last.
It will have no infomation on it about who its from or what its for, just "Mrs Smith" as the payer name.
These people will be hit hard if the changes to meter disconection go through, as the companys will just cut them off without looking for there payment. Yes these people are a pain (They think that everyone in a company with 200,000 cusotmers should know who they are when they phone up saying "Hello. Its Mrs Smith." and get anoyed when you don't) but they are cusotmers, and you should try and help them.
Yes strictly "innocent". You don't dicide whos guilty, nither do the CPS. No trial. Person is innocent. Simple realy. And if you think that is up to the police to dicide then Im glad you no longer work for them. You seem to be one of the people giving the police a bad name. "I got im for being black in the wrong place. The blood is from where he resited arrest. He said "it wont me that done it" then I 'it 'im for lieing"
Please go and write out 100 times "Innocent unless proven guilty" untill you learn one of the basic pemises of UK law.
"If they never commit another crime they shouldn't have anything to worry about..."
Is your DNA on there? And that is not the point, the point is the attitude of people like you, and the government, to treat everyone like criminals. Keep them living in fear and guilt at all times. This will do nothing but keep them unhappy.
Just makes it worse. There is no longer the "just incase" argument they used to have. The 6/12 year split highlights the feeling that this mad bint thinks that no-one arrested is inocent, and it is just a matter of getting more evidence next time.
I do hope that the EU don't cave in this one.
realy dont get it do that...
For a start personal tax is not the same as corprate tax. Just because you pay 50% tax it dose not meen a company dose. Infact that is an indecator that you are paid more, because the company can afford to.
Also, small countrys can have low tax because they are small. They lower there tax and lots of companys move there for tax reasons, so more than make it up. Litchtenstine (SP?) has more companys than people. Big countrys cannot do this because they cannot attract enough companys to make up the loss.
All the US wants is companys to play fair and not game the system.
How about the UK bomb the hell out of the country funding terrorisum in the UK for the past 30 years? Pick up and tourture whoever we like because they "might" be terrorists? Violate international law and our own law to do this?
Itll probably never happen because I can bet there is a lockout on the Trident targeting system preventing them being fired at the US.
You still beleave the "beancounter" BS? My, your boss has got you well trained. Go have a look in to it. Finance will tell people how much they have to spend, then your boss will have dicided that him getting a new BMW was more important than encription. Finance don't ever get to tell people what to spend money on, only how much the company can afford to spend. They don't actualy care what the project is, its up to upper management to dicide if something is worthwile spending the money you have on somthing.
This is utter rubbish for two reasons.
1) The Data should only be "lost" if someone dosent back up there data. Not a difficult thing to do, and somthing you should always do if your carrying around that much infomation.
2) Are they trying to claim that the avrage stolen laptop is taken by someone who cares what is on it. Most theifs will look for "like bank info and stuff", but your avrage laptop stealing scrote woulden't know what to do with even that.
Should probably start acting like buisness people and not a trade union:
"The FSB welcomed the increase in capital allowances but regretted that nothing was done to combat late payments. The FSB wants Companies House to name and shame firms which do not pay on time."
Companies house don't have this data, and there are plenty of companys who do sell this data (£10ish a pop. Not much realy). Also, it would be illigal under both UK and EU law for the government to get involved in this.
Yep. And they were SOOO proud to be using the same system as lots of big companys. The never thought to stop and ask some people about it. If they had someone would have told them SAP is not an accounts system and is no good for them because the dont "sell" anything and have no product things would have been much better.
I agree!
Ok.... A little more.
Two things you say are things that realy get to me.
1) Companys and people saying how "green" they are, yet happily eating cod, not because of cost, but because they think its fine.
2) Passing on the costs and damage, not to great great grand children, but to there children. So many of the people you see campaining about green issues are people with time and money, who made this in the 70s and 80s. They expect there children to pay the costs, the ones with little time and money. The one example that most anoyes me is recycling. It is all build on the assumption that you have room for three bins, both in your garden and your kitchin, and that noone lives in a flat, yet we are forced to live in a small flat BECAUSE the same people who bang on about this are the ones with nice country homes who don't want any building near them, so we are stuck in a flat that costs more than my parants genaration paid for there house (alowing for inflation of course)
It dosent take that much. Sell a million copies of an album and is doing ok. Selling 10,000 of a book cam make it a huge hit.
There is a huge problem with piracy in book publishing at the moment, and this will only get worse as e-paper becomes more and more prevalent.
Unfortunatly WotC tryed to do somthing clever, and it went wrong for them. There is now way people can use the excuse "well I wanted to have a look befor buying" with books.
@the other Paul.... I think it is more a case of a group buying one set of books and others downloading them, but then how many groups have ever used more than one set of books? We have 1 set of the books we want to use, plus 3 PH's and thats it.
There remains the problem that, as an unreleased film, this may fall in to the catagory of theft and not copyright. Whilst it may not have any value as such, it can be argued that he was a party to the theft of a film not ment for public viewing. This is not an "on the market" film, but some rushes.
Rather than all this rubbish about "they should have checked" "no they shouldent" we should look at the fact that a child died. Others will have been off ill, with good reason.
The Head should have at least known about ones that died. All it would have taken was some basic thought to have run a report with the letters and checked this. They should ahve had a list of pupils who had left or been cronicly ill that year to check against. 150 lines? I have just checked my SAP reports and that is about 2 1/2 sides of a4. Not much to check against a list of probably 10 people at most.
Infact I do the same sort of thing morning.
The other day...
I was watching a program on BBC 2 about Alan Davis and maths. They talked about school maths being like Gramma, and real maths. Perhaps it is time that we started teaching there big ideas in Maths and science, as we do in English. I am not sugesting we scrap the basics, just add in some disscution and interest. Tell the children about the theory of Space Time, or the concept of Bran physics. Use infomation about the LHC. Even basic stuff like building model bridges and the like rather than just sitting copying off the board. Perhaps then we would not just get more of them interested but also remove some of the fear of science (Ohhh... EM radiation. Its radiation. BAD!!!!) from the world.
"Well lets face it the solution is to ensure that MP's use Mac's.
Totally impervious to current hacks and will also mean that IT staff in parliament are out of a job!
Saves money in the long run 11"
Hahahahahahahahahahahahahahaaagagagasewerffwefno.... Ha...
Please go to the top of the page.
Search for pwn to own.
Come back and say sorry for saying somthign so stupid/
"It is standard policy in many large corporates that machines are left on so that software patches and virus updates can be remotely installed while the machines are not in use."
It just seems like a soding lazy IT department. I have never worked in a company that dose this.
1) When will Scots realise we are one nation.
2) When will you realise that you will not get the Gas. Under international law it will be split. Oh, and Shetland (and most of the gas feilds are in there water) don't want independence, and if it were to happen they would want to remain part of the UK as they consider Scotland to be staling there gas because of the way the Scots and gas companys have treated the locals.
Did he write to them and royal mail work out who he has, in the past, used for legal advice, or did he get a solicitor to write to them demading money?
It seems like the second, and he deserves a responce like that. I don't doubt it was a nice act, but he got exactly what I would expect in that situation, the driver said sorry and thank you, and nothing more was said. He has probably got the driver fired now.