What a load of balls
There is yet again more tripe from Linux Fan boys on here!
.NET = Simple, Quick, Easy, Faster to make!
That is why people use it, features!
Yes we pay for them to Microsoft, but to be fair if someone had something as easily adoptable we'd pay them.
C++ what the f**K has that got to do with .NET? Who the hell uses managed c++, you use .NET for c# and vb.net. and condering its global update it would suggest other feel the same too.
As for linux on a desktop, 1 million pc's you say lol. Good god, thats a lot is of ASUS junk people have bought.
I could also add if you have 50 million downloads of some linux distro in a day, I bet half never get installed and the rest get uninstalled after a week lol
Why? Linux = Utter Crap for Morons with no life, unless its used where Unix/Linux should be on a server