* Posts by Ryan D

48 publicly visible posts • joined 7 Jun 2018

After clash over Rust in Linux, now Asahi lead quits distro, slams Linus' kernel leadership

Ryan D

Thank you for your service. Without folks like you I would never have learned to code. But more importantly, I would never had learned how to debug.

Ryan D

Thank gods

“I learned computing with PEEKs and POKEs on the Commodore C64. We had printed magazines with listings of games that we entered by hand : one guy reading and the other entering the text.”

Thanks gods someone else remembers this. For me it was a Vic20, but damn was that the way to go back in the day. Pick up the magazine when it hit the newsstands and would be hitting the keyboard right quickly thereafter.

Sigh. Yes I’m that old.

Cruise robotaxis parked forever, as GM decides it can't compete and wants to cut costs

Ryan D

Ladies and gentlemen may I present to you: The Future

We envision having flying cars in every driveway shortly…. Signed the 1950s

“They promised us flying cars!”

Boeing busted by employee over plans to surveil workers, quickly reverses course

Ryan D

Re: don't go giving them ideas

Max Headroom reference.

20 minutes into the future, please accept an upvote and pint. Well played.

Google offered millions to ally itself with trade body fighting Microsoft

Ryan D


$100 million = first hit free

Sure, what could go wrong.

Trump tariffs transform into bigger threats for Mexico, Canada than China

Ryan D

Canadian thoughts by Johnny Canuck.

Can Canada begin to charge an annual monster sized fine for all gun manufacturers in the grand old US of A for all the illegal guns crossing the border?

I’m thinking an annual fee of a few billion. Or maybr withholding electricity and fuel distribution. But we won’t call it a tariff.

AWS boss: Don't want to come back to the office? Go work somewhere else

Ryan D


“Which organization wants to piss off their employees this week with an RTO demand?”

Alexa:”I’m sorry Dave, I can’t provide a list this long. Would you like to order the official biography of Jeff Bezos on Kindle instead?”

Now Dell salespeople must be onsite five days a week

Ryan D

"The firings/floggings/beatings will continue until morale improves”

It seems to me that these companies are oblivious to their workforces and have distanced themselves so far from reality that they no longer see the employees as a source of their continued profitability.

At some point, losing their high performers will end up with them having a mixed bag of middling management and deadwood/ deadweight to run the show. That can only end well /S

Did you hear the one about the help desk chap who abused privileges to prank his mate?

Ryan D

Back in the early days

I was working for a large telco with a team of support folks who oversaw the local servers in each department.

We had a horrible habit of using Telnet to jump on to boxes to do remote work and patching, as well as messing with each other’s kit. It would happen on a rather frequent basis that we would jump to one of our peer’s boxes and reboot it while they were up to something. This was our little in joke to get a person’s attention when it was time to head out for coffee , or more often than not, the pub.

Ah, the good old days.

Feds urge 3D printing industry to end DIY machine guns

Ryan D

If I recall correctly

One of the challenges faced by some countries was not the printing of a complete weapon which could suffer from tolerance issues in printing, but that component such as the upper receiver and frames while buying easily accessible components which are not controlled or are loosely controlled such as trigger blocks, bolts, barrels etc. This means that you can print a solid and relatively reliable short term use firearm and recycle parts as needed.

Nasty business.

Gartner mages: Payback from office AI expected in around two years

Ryan D

Re: So are these 2 “Real” years…

Probably about the same as those flying cars people in the 50’s have been waiting for all these years.

Twitter tells advertisers to go fsck themselves, now sues them for fscking the fsck off

Ryan D

Play stupid games…

Win stupid prizes. Melon has essentially proclaimed free speech for me but no for thee. A prime example of the tool not getting it. What he really wants is his own personal echo chamber to bounce his idiot ideals around in.

Yes, I am being intolerably smug – because I ignored you and saved the project

Ryan D

Documentation and a cheap label maker

Will save the day more often than not. I have always found it useful to label the cable and backplane as you go to prevent hours and hours of “fun” (and by fun I mean really putting the FU back into it).

Patch management still seemingly abysmal because no one wants the job

Ryan D

And get it done by yesterday

From the front lines, true story.

I constantly hear the demand to patch faster and to get it done is as short a cycle / cadence as possible. Why give us 7 days when they can demand 5 instead.

I mean, what could go wrong with rushed, under tested patches?

Oh, and do that in our two production environments which are mirrored and need to stay live 99.999999% of the time and , and , and. Yeah, 2500 servers (mostly RHEL, but yes there are Windows boxes in the mix) with varying support from the LOB app owners. Who need to sign off on every damn one before we can do final packaging and predeployment. What could go wrong?

Oh, and for bonus points, do this while being audited for PCI compliance.

Brit council gives Oracle another £10M for professional services amid ERP fallout

Ryan D

Giving Oracle more money…

What could go wrong this time /S?

Microsoft bigwig says the Feds catching Chinese spies in Exchange Online is the cloud working as intended

Ryan D

I was expecting the upsell

Seriously MS, missing the opportunity to upsell a client?

Member: "what are we paying you for?!"

Smith: "Hosted email services."

Member: "So why aren't they being managed?!!!"

Smith:" I guarantee they are indeed managed. Your people can login and receive send email just fine."

Member: "WTF!?"

Smith: "Now, let me tell you about Defender for Outlook online and what it could have done for you in this case..."

Study finds 268% higher failure rates for Agile software projects

Ryan D

One practice to rule them all!

Agile, for when failure is an / the option.

After watching several agile implementations and subsequent projects collapse, I have yet to experience the wonders and miracles of a successful one. I have also not yet seen a unicorn, but I am certain they both exist /s

Dell to color-code staff based on how hybrid they really are in RTO push

Ryan D

Maybe they are trying to compete

With DHS and other 3 letter agencies?


Europol op shutters 12 scam call centers and cuffs 21 suspected fraudsters

Ryan D

Random thought

Is it just me or would it be absolutely killer if Europol sicced those strange evangelical call center types who ring you up at random and ask if you have found Jebus as your saviour while at you are trying to have supper,

On these fiends. Ring them up very five minutes trying to get them to subscribe to watchtower magazine. If that doesn’t kill off these call centres I don’t know what will.

Tech industry sheds some light on the planet's situation via LinkedIn

Ryan D

My favourite part

Is how this satchel of Richards comments on this from his flight to India. I keep wondering why it couldn’t have been an email or conference call instead? Nope, fuel up the jet, he needs to spend some “quality time”’in Bangalore by way of Goa.

IBM to acquire Hashi for $6.4B, hopes it will boost software biz and Red Hat

Ryan D

Pack it in already.

Once big blue balls gets hold of this, it will signal the migration away from terrorform and packer. And then what? I hear opentofu is rather good now. Only the biggest players with massive investments and are use to being abused by IBM will stick around. <Sarcasm>This can only end well </Sarcasm>

Support contract required techie to lounge around in a $5,000/night hotel room

Ryan D

Years ago

I had a grand splurge on the company’s dime some years back. We were in the process of building out an office for one of our core ops groups. This required building out new offices and cubes, new cabling and networking etc. During the week long slog, just as we were coming up to critical time, we got hit by a once in a century snowstorm. The PTBs decided they didn’t want my team to get caught up by traffic and transit snarls so put us up in the highest end hotel in the city.

The funny thing about all of this was that this was an entertainment company so while they limited our expenses for things like taxis etc, they gave each manager $2500 per diem for entertainment purposes. For every staff member a a manger had with them we could apply an additional $500 per. I had 3 team members with me and we were also joined by two other managers. So between the six of us we had access to a rather sizeable expense account. With the weather impacting access, we had the rooftop bar and restaurant to ourselves. That was fun.

Sadly events like this tend to be once in a career. If you find yourself walking into one, enjoy it to the limit.

Chrome Enterprise Premium promises extra security – for a fee

Ryan D


Now being paid to take and resell your corporate data.

Oracle Cerner system implementation risks future patient deaths, coroner warns

Ryan D

Why Cerner?

Because, as my old catholic nan would say, we all need to suffer to show our penance.

Cerner is a blight on EMRs globally. Not that Epic is bullet proof (and possibly a cult, IYKYK) mind you, but you must have a serious hate on for yourself and your patients if you sign on with the red devil (big red).

Chinese 'connected' cars are a national security threat, says Biden

Ryan D


Does Volvo now qualify as Chinese?

If so, when will other nations fall under this type of thing? Just thinking how odd it would be to have players like Tata or what not under suspicion considering the impact of their brands globally.

Tesla owners in deep freeze discover the cold, hard truth about EVs

Ryan D

A recent review from Canada

Saw this the other day and it does give an interesting view of what we deal with temperature wise in our neck of the woods. Currently -25 without the wind so I’m told. I’m not crazy enough to head out and check.


Share your 2024 tech forecasts (wrong answers only) to win a terrible sweater

Ryan D

Government gets it right

I predict that government IT spending will be balanced and all vendor contracts will provide guaranteed ROI and provide flawless service. That and all vendor contracts will be legit and free of graft / gaffs.

Britain proposes 'super-complaints' to help keep the internet safe

Ryan D

Karen protocol initiated

Because nobody complains better than a Karen.

Lawyer guilty of arrogance after ignoring tech support

Ryan D

Re: @Doctor Evil: Clicking on "close window"

Always thought it was the modern version of that old chestnut “abort,retry, ignore”.

Florida Man and associates indicted for conspiracy to steal data, software

Ryan D

Wow, just wow.

Apparently today must be a special day. It seems AC is now a euphemism for Arse Clown(s)

Microsoft whips up unrest after revealing Azure AD name change

Ryan D

Brought to you by

The genius team behind windows 8 (at least that would be my guess)

Gen Z and Millennials don't know what their colleagues are talking about half the time

Ryan D

That first paragraph brought me back

Ah, that paragraph reads like something cooked up by the vultures at the Strategy Boutique.

Innovative e-solutions to the sound of whalesong. (I miss my old Strategy Boutique shirt).

Mine is the one moving forward in pushing back the envelop of corporate paradigm

Don't turn it off and on again: Expired Cisco cert cripples vEdge SD-WAN kit

Ryan D

I am sorry to hear that I’m not the only one trying to deal with this flaming turd. Your sentiment is shared with my team. Cisco support is basically nonexistent at this point.

This is a class 10 shitshow.

News Corp outfoxed by IT intruders for years

Ryan D

Maybe, just maybe….

They just hated the paywalls ?

And now I’m off to my corner.

Signal says it'll shut down in UK if Online Safety Bill approved

Ryan D

Gives a whole new meaning to BREXIT

Apply new laws, watch companies leave, wonder what went wrong. Repeat.

City council cans ERP project, keeps details of replacement supplier secret

Ryan D

Six in one or half a dozen others. Never a fun choice to make when selecting solutions.

Netflix changes CEO-sharing arrangement, teases paid password-sharing

Ryan D

It wouldn’t hurt if they offered better plans

It would certainly help if they offered better plans.

Want 4K UHD content? Great! Your only option is $23 per month BUT you get to watch on four screens at once and or four devices. Where are the 4K plans for folks with one screen and or device on the hunt for UHD content?

Not to mention, why the huge bump in cost just to get the aforementioned UHD content? I believe they are the only streaming service to charge extra for it.

Bringing cakes into the office is killing your colleagues, says UK food watchdog boss

Ryan D

Oh for the love of kittens

This presupposes that people don’t have the ability to self regulate and make informed decisions. What total bunk. Comparing this to something like passive smoking (which in my part of f the world is rather easy to avoid with all the prohibitions in place)is simply a joke.

Let’s be honest, there are a good many number folks who simply don’t care for the majority of sweets and the like and shy away from them. There are other who will only indulge in the office as they don’t buy them outside / for home, and there are those who just eat anything they get their paws on.

People will be people.

'Multiple security breaches' shut down trucker protest

Ryan D

There are moments like these

That I seriously wonder about my neighbors out west. Sigh, like we needed more of this crap to deal with.

For the record, many people around these parts have termed these folks as “freedumies”. Mostly because they are protesting for nothing. There are no mandates or restrictions anymore, they have nothing to protest about.

But if you must make a nuisance of yourselves, could you please keep it civil?

All the US midterm-related lies to expect when you're electing

Ryan D

I keep hearing the BOFH in the background- American elections =dummy mode on.

Watching these political weasels spout the type of absolute bold face lies just seems to prove that you can baffle them with bullshite.

Mormon Church IT ransacked, data stolen by 'state-sponsored' cyber-thieves

Ryan D

Knock, knock, knock….

Can we talk to you about our recent data and privacy breach?

The Metaverse is the internet no one wants

Ryan D

Re: No second life for Second Life?

Sound application of rule #34 I suppose.

Rookie programmer's code goes up in flames ... kind of

Ryan D

Re: Vital detail missing

I do miss those old Reg posts. Wish they would make a comeback along with the store.

Soaring costs, inflation nurturing generation of 'quiet quitters' among under-30s

Ryan D

Re: Wrong!!

@zack mollusc,

This is so very true. I recall some earlier years I my career where we received 1 percent if we were lucky. By the time I quit some years later, I was making less than when I first started when cost of living / inflation factored in. This is the world we live in when we slog in the trenches.

Source: IBM disguised Watson Health layoffs as a 'redeployment initiative'

Ryan D

Big Blue Balls

Really surprised that after being unsuccessful in court the last couple of rounds they would want to be put under the microscope again so soon.

What the #!/%* is that rogue Raspberry Pi doing plugged into my company's server room, sysadmin despairs

Ryan D

A few years back I had access to my old admin accounts for four years after I left my job.

The scary part? It was a large government........ 'Nuff said.

At last: Magic Leap reveals its revolutionary techno-goggles – but wait, there's a catch

Ryan D

Re: Included in that list..:Microsoft - Hololens, Meta 1 and 2, DreamWorld - Dreamglass

Yuppers. There are a few options all be it ranging in price.

Over here in Canada we have:

1. Hololens - $3999

2. Meta AR V2 - $1980

3. DreamWorld Dreamvision - $399 (USD)

Ryan D

Re: How do you keep an idiot in suspense?

"Given how long this has been going on does it have competitors?"

Not sure if there are any other's out there that are as much smoke and mirrors as these grade school graduates, but there are a few REAL competitors shipping product.

Included in that list would be:

Microsoft - Hololens

Meta - Models 1 and 2 (I actually have the original dev version)

DreamWorld - Dreamglass (Have actually seen them demo the gear) and it ships this month

Magic Leap should just take a leap into the great beyond and call it a day.