Re: Any MS devs looked at this?
Good question @sabroni - lots of haters here. It's clear from the negative posts that many have never tried using the latest MS tools to build for for Linux, and none have persevered. So they are just ill-informed opinion. I see the poeple who have tried it are positive.
I build and support .NET Core APIs and Apps which all run on Linux, both natively and in containers, and it works brilliantly - easy dev environment which lets you focus on the work and deliver working code. Microsoft's dev tools work well. Yes, Visual Studio doesn't run on Linux, but the deployment is easy. The "friction" is no greater than getting setup with Java (which I also use) - probably less if you take fiddling around with Maven files etc into account.
And those slating VSCode are stuck in their ways and missing out - what a fantastic tool for just about everything I do. Look at the numbers - fastest growing dev tool by miles for the last few years. Even ignoring it's main focus (node, html, javascript, typescript) - look at the extension installs: 55,000,000 python extensions, 19,000,000 Java, 16,000,000 C# (less than Java! - indicator that Java IDEs are rubbish compared to Visual Studio?) 11,000,000 Go etc. Even if lots of people install extensions and don't use them, those are big numbers. Much of the power of an IDE in the feel of an editor.
Have fun and don't be put off!