few minor parts, gasket, switch, modulator ?
flux capacitors were sold to an unknown movie supply house
9 publicly visible posts • joined 29 May 2018
ahh yes, I have a huge screwdriver with a bit of foreign metal fused forever on its tip.
in the 60's, living in the south (north carolina), my wife and I scraped and saved up to buy a window air conditioning unit.
The day arrived... we went to Sears, laid down our hard earned cash, rushed back to the apartment. After getting the unit secured in the window frame, looked down and saw that the wall outlet was different. I went down to the basement, unscrewed the fuse for that circuit, went to the hardware store and returned with the proper outlet. down on my hands and knees, removed the cover plate, popped the first wire off, went for the second one... Blinding flash, very loud pop... I am now sitting on my ass two feet away, with my rather large screwdriver welded to the socket.
Wife comes in and asks "Did you turn the power off just now?"
Moral: take little round fuse with you, til you are ready.
yep, still use the screwdriver, could clean up the spot weld I suppose, but it is a reminder of "bad things happen"
growing up in the mainly southern parts of the US... learning to never trust politicians, bible thumpers, so on and so on... Huawei must be the original pig with lipstick... I apologize if I offend any one... but for a company that big, in China, with all its goodness.... aw hell no matter what all the libs say... a pig is still a pig.... just like in my country... you don't get big by smooching, you gotta be sucking someones (in this case CHINA) tallywhacker. They are surely doing the devils work.. we should all beware
"A number of complaints scold Comcast for lost revenue while others criticize the company for poor support."
I realize that quite a few customers did not choose Comcast because of buyouts, mergers, but the vast majority DID choose Comcast for their business communications needs...................... Comcast = Support... not in this lifetime
Was there no due diligence prior to the decision. Or was support not key to that decision making process? What a bunch of Maroons..... nyuck, nyuck