* Posts by ymjir

5 publicly visible posts • joined 25 May 2018

Uber jams Arizona robo-car project into reverse gear after deadly smash


Re: Autonomous vehicle safety ignored

I think the issue a lot of people have is that Autonomous vehicles as there are, currently are just that. Automatons running off a pre-determined list. A script of nested if statements. If any part of the system is compromised ( missing/less sensors then as designed originally) then the system will fail to "see".

A robot wont tire yes, but a robot is currently incapable of intelligent decision.

A trainer of a Human learner driver is usually experienced enough to gauge how ready the learner is.

The caretakers of these bots seem to have a problem with this specific point.

Microsoft gives users options for Office data slurpage – Basic or Full


Re: Corporate users?

All well and good till Microsoft decide to deprecate the Group Policy Object in question, which they do have form for. From windows 1607 - 1803 The option to customise /turn off settings in the notification center, changed its name or was removed completely. This can make changing settings in GPO a bit useless at times when the target is constantly moving.


Re: Dear Microsoft

Maybe there is hope for the world, I've had clients stating they prefer libre office over Microsoft Office, AND actively using libre for their day to day document needs. Shock horror, but Microsoft are doing more to damage their own product then the competition could ever dream of.


Re: Dear Microsoft

Double whammy, isn't it? They do all that, and yet still charge you full price for the OEMs. Pretty cheeky.