Re: Religion in the UK?
It was the R.Cs.. who had the hissy fit.! The corrupt portion stayed and enjoyed little boys.!
24 publicly visible posts • joined 23 May 2018
Exactly. Dover has the 9th largest passage of cargo in the UK, of its 120 commercial ports. Immingham takes more than twice its import from Europe. Dover is more a passenger ferry port with some cargo reflected in its being the busiest one.The other ports on the east/ south coast in total take far more than Dover. Playing games I suppose.!
Your knowledge of Air Legislation is to say the least very basic. It was never designed to tell you what to do so.It tells you what you cant do. That way they are free of all blame in a disastrous event. Think how many the FAA wriggled free from over the last 50 years.
Airlines will have more rapport with the manufacturer and spares than with their regulatory body as their knowledge of aircraft will be slim, their only concern is that the paperwork is complied with! Very easy but boring job.
That the CAA cant reboot to former glory is beyond belief especially now when BA is letting go the type of stafff they need.People with experience of aircraft operation would fill them with dread I suppose., so cant be done.!
Maybe tying in with the FAA is not a bad idea as most of the British and Irish (based in UK) fleet is Boeing and therefore can be at the whim and fancy of the EU. ( Aer LIngus got 30 million euro from EU to build a hanger but didnt read the small print. They had over a few years to rid themselves of Boeing aircraft and buy Airbus).
Writing and certifying for 500million ?.....Not written for them ,only the airline industry and so everyone in the world benefits. Hence Faa ,Caa and Easa regulations are one and the same thing and are recognised so . EASA not recognising CAA and FAA regs. would be unthinkabe as these are not jingolistic nationalist rants but safety procedures for airlines , aircraft manufacturers and airports . Granted CAA are only one input but a large one at that as they do manufacture and build aircraft and engines of quality. EU will push you around IF you let them.
That was an upgrade from the original 747.! Previously you inputted your waypoints manually into the INS from the Jeppeson manuals. The floppy presented all the info on the screen and you selected and downloaded your flight plan to the INS. (Inertial Navigation Systm.) and then a catering truck jolted the aircraft and you had to start initilising the system again! Happy days.
By the way no more millers in the Republic . Closed by EU like the sugar factories. + factor look at all the employment a border generates! Like the" just on time"in the motor industry with bits and pieces to and fro across the EU adding to cost but generating useless/ not necessary jobs
EU regulations are not special,take Wicklow Chicken from Brazil sorry corrected now in a hurry to Netherlands.
Blame seating difficulties on the airline not the manufacturer, so therefore saying a 380 is more comfortable/better than a 777 is nonsense. In fact the 777 is the best maintainance friendly a/craft being designed with the help of ramp engineers for a change instead of desk bound designers. Dont know anything about the 380 but would imagine that in line with the 747, both being large aircraft there is plenty of room everywhere for both passengers and engineers.