How about....
does anyone remember 'The Sega channel' - not quite the same thing at all, but probably about the same life expectancy !!
12 publicly visible posts • joined 29 Aug 2007
That I can sue the guy / girl who outbid me 0.0000000001 nanoseconds before the auction ended ?
Seems like people could easily start adopting the 'if in doubt, sue' approach america has created over the past few years "I'm suing McD's, yes I'm obese, but they sold me the 20 cheeseburgers, but gave me a normal coke instead of diet"
Get a grip people.
P.S - Please don't sue me for posting this comment, it could be construed as negative, it's all the reg's fault, they made me say it all.
P.P.S - Paris ?! Why not...
Although it would be difficult to prove that apple intentionally bricked the phone, the point I think they are going for is they released an update to specifically ( amongst other "features" ) re-lock the phone, whether it was to actually relock the phone or brick it is debatable.
Therefore they do have a reasonable case, they are fighting against Apple not playing fair to consumers and other operators as such as per californian law. not whether they intentionally damaged phones.
If i misinterpreted sarcasm, it's probably because there was a lack of it, it was definitely the rantings of an apple fanboy
don't get me wrong, the Apple vs PC is an unending one, and i have my favourites on each side, but when it comes to it, apples can do superior things in certain areas, other areas, it just has to be a PC
The same goes for phones, at the end of the day, it's an overpriced, restricted phone, if you want one, buy one, if not, buy something else.
Quoting 'Ogdru'
"You are the same people who ruined AppleTalk (the best networking protocol ever invented ) by adopting TCP/IP just because it's open, fast, functional, and actually works as advertised."
How can you say AppleTalk was 'the best ever invented' when it failed miserably, against something, you yourself stated was fast, functional and actually worked ?
A dumbass point of view on any arguement is bound to cheer up anyone's day !!
I have to say though, chances of me getting an iPhone are very high, IF, someone happens to give me one, with the best call package on the planet for a monthly fee of £0.
Otherwise, not a chance !