When you have to keep'em dumb, so they won't revolt ...
… but Musks's robots ain't there yet.
891 publicly visible posts • joined 22 May 2018
Take any piece of technical equipment and check out where it was made. Then unscrew it and work out where the individual components were made. If there is even one piece of "high technology" that was NOT made in Asia, light a candle and have a minute of silence.
Now ask yourself WHERE the mentioned difficulties for Russia should be coming from?
Iranians are overwhelmingly selfless. I could drop you by parachute anywhere over Iran and they would provide for you, at their own expense, and organize and pay for the return flight themselves. Even the poorest would make sacrifices to help you.
The (current) Iranian leadership would like nothing more than to isolate its cosmopolitan population. The Iranians always manage to bring real reformers to power. Unfortunately, the U.S. then comes along and bombs away until the muftis are back in power. Coincidentally, it is precisely those who shout "Death to the USA!" the loudest, who are playing for the same.
By now you should have managed to figure out that if you rely on anything by Google, you are a fool. I'm sure that they can cancel the entire service yesterday, without their customers being able to do anything about it. There's likely something (illegal) about that in the fine print.
If I were to post a list of all the services they killed over the years, you'd have to scroll.
Under the pretext of “fighting terror” the US stole MASSES of intellectual property from their European “partners”. Companies had their inventions patented by US companies, using THEIR OWN pictures intercepted from faxes. This is how long it dates back. When those companies sued, with the clear proof of their pictures in the US patents, US courts simply threw out the cases.
Thanks, but China has NEVER been this bad to us.
Damn all those thousands of researches who did the studies before, over decades and decades, all over the world. I'm so glad that the - not paid and bought by you-know-who - “Cambridge Universities Hospitals UnTrustWorthy” has shown them to be all idiots.
I'm waiting for their new mask studies on how to filter out the CO2 from the air. ;-P
Those masks were not invented yesterday.
You are imputing incompetence to those who have studied this stuff for decades. You are pretending that they put it on these things for the fun of it. No, they put it there after being sued by morons who seriously believed that you could protect yourself from viruses with a rag on your face.
Tip: The body of a healthy(!) person contains more viruses than body cells. How does that work? Quite simple: viruses are DAMN small.
Yes indeed, I had the pleasure too. That thing had “logged itself into the operating system” so deep that a removal resulted in a “non-operating system”.
Both Eclipse and Visual Studio are more of an operating system than just an IDE. Both are extremely clumsy and slow. Other IDEs show that this is unnecessary and can be done much, much better.
While that looks like a fair assessment, it is not how humans (and other animals) work.
Suppose, you had the job of pressing a red button, once a red light in the upper right corner of the screen comes on. Suppose that nothing ever happens. You will then likely fail to press the button in time when the light comes on, as time has taught you not to pay attention.
Note that this happens at an UNCONSCIOUS level. You can exercise a strong discipline to keep yourself “awake”, but ultimately you are rolling the boulder uphill here. Sooner or later, this is bound to fail.
“China's cold war with the US on chips”
Last time I checked, it wasn't China that was pushing for war. This has been deliberately worded the wrong way round to make it seem like China is the culprit.
Nice try, gooner. :-P