No, there's not something for everyone
(Incoming downvotes no doubt...)
Shurely with Win 10 about to hit the bottom of the midden, and W11 unliked or uninstallable, a key requirement (I nearly said marketing requirement, and that's probably true) should be to roll out a distro and desktop that becomes much more standardised and newby-friendly. And also key, one that is stable enough and with a growing user base of Ordinary People that apps developers start porting their apps to Linux.
I would dearly love to move to a Linux and kiss Microshaft goodbye, but at the last count I have 15 important (to me) apps that have no Linux version nor Linux equivalent (and I and SWMBO already use Tbird, FF and GIMP with the occasional document rescue via LibreOffice). The other option of running WINE is notoriously iffy, and perhaps another thing to get fixed (or even built in?!) in Linuxland.
Pleeeeease, Linux Community, focus on building users and simplicity, easy support and Fixing Things, and not continuing to put them off with a zillion options which are great for experts but not for ordinary peeps looking to escape the Microshaft net. And preferably before I die (probably not far off now).