Re: @mpentler "..... but your ideologies can't even fathom that possibility..."
I can't understand the hate towards Microsoft on The Register. There are different tools for different jobs, and Linux is great for servers and certain other tasks where you might want to write scripts for example while personally I have been impressed with Windows 10 and prefer to run it on the desktop rather than Linux. If you want to run Linux on the desktop then you have that choice.
In terms of why people pick Windows, sure there is inerita and critical mass, but there is also the the fact that is is easier to use (i.e. everything has a graphic in the consistent way in the GUI which Linux still struggles with, and certain troubleshooting always comes back to text files), has Office which is better than the open source alternatives for business (sorry but if you are a power Excel user than Libre is not good enough) and as well as good consumer hardware compatibility.
It just depends what you want from your OS, and we are all free to pick.