* Posts by Tigger_MK

5 publicly visible posts • joined 5 May 2018

Thank you, Reg Readers: On Call has turned 500!


First thing I look for!

I love both the On Call and Who Me pieces. They are the first item I look for every Monday and Friday before I even consider looking at any news articles.

Do look up! NASA unfurls massive shiny solar sail in orbit


Space Elevator next……

Another idea from story by the great Arthur C Clarke that someone should give a go maybe?

What do you call megabucks Microsoft? No really, it's not a joke. El Reg needs you


Alwasys selling dodgy stuff....

First thing that popped into my he'd

Double Glazing sales men

Unscrupulous people selling Windows!

Boeing boss denies reports 737 Max safety systems weren't active


Blame Game

I spent 22 years in the aircraft industry certifying and delivering new commercial aircraft to airlines.

Whenever an incident like the 737 Max crashes occurred everyone waited to see how long an airline, maintainer or manufacturer would take to put someone in front of a microphone to say "We have complied with all the relevant airworthiness directives". Unfortunately in complex incidents like these, there are always new directives written, that then need to be complied with.

Who is to blame and who, inevitably, gets sued will depend on the final investigation report.

Personally, I don't see Boeing getting through this unscathed!

Google Pay heads for the desktop... and, we fear, an inevitable flop


I use Apple Pay all the time her in the UK, but mostly with my Apple Watch, so easy, double tap one button and your done.

I've also found some petrol stations (Shell), have got rid of the £30 contactless limit for Apple Pay.