Us locals (although not so local now) generally see Aberporth in West Wales.
Posts by TrickyT
3 publicly visible posts • joined 1 May 2018
An Army Watchkeeper drone tried to land. Then meatbags took over from the computers
I've seen the future of consumer AI, and it doesn't have one
Take-off crash 'n' burn didn't kill the Concorde, it was just too bloody expensive to maintain
Tuesday 1st May 2018 13:42 GMT
Ahh, brings back memories. I started my career at DEC (which morphed into Digital->Compaq->HP :-( I got out during the start of the HP session) at the facility in Ayr. Concorde used to regularly test at Prestwick Airport (a few miles away), assume pilot training. It was the norm for the offices to take a break and go out to watch Concorde circling above, or flying out over Arran. We knew it was testing due to the noise!