Enterprise LTSC usually available from Windows resellers. May be special order and 300 beans US but soooo-ooo worth it.
NO cortana, edge, xbox, store and the rest of the rubbish
289 publicly visible posts • joined 30 Apr 2018
China, very wisely, has looked at smog choked cities and 10 lane highways with 3 day traffic jams and made it much harder to get a car license. On the other hand electric bicycles, scooters and even three wheeled vehicles are EVERYWHERE and used by all ages and sexes for just about everything, from commuting, to taking the kids to and from school, to shopping and errands.
In what way can Windows Pro 10 be described as business ready? Aside from the slew of trash game crap there is, as always, the unwanted "update" that cripples your machine (especially amusing on those business trips), and the unavoidable spying. When you're say, testing a new software and have had to sign an NDA forbidding even the mention of it's name, but your OS cheerfully uploads info about all your installations, could this be a problem? To say nothing about passwords, SS numbers, credit cards, banking info... exactly how much of your data is being uploaded? No way to know.
Spoken like a smug ass who sees a few cities / manufacturing centers (if you've ever been) where some are rich and some get by and many live like dogs. You don't see homeless because they're swept off to "camp". Meanwhile in Britain, a country of 8 million population, the UN estimates 870,000 children alone do not get enough food. Throughout the UK, some 4,700,000 people extremely food insecure, meaning often not eating for a day or more.
Fairly hilarious, both the article bias and what seems to be a near consensus of commenters, that people questioning 5G safety are just a bunch of nuts. How similar to climate change deniers who can't see or smell it and aren't dying straight away so it must be nonsense.
From that whacko publication Scientific American -
"New Studies Link Cell Phone Radiation with Cancer
Researchers call for greater caution, but skeptics say the evidence from rat studies is not convincing"