* Posts by BGatez

289 publicly visible posts • joined 30 Apr 2018


Ofcom measured UK's 5G radiation and found that, no, it won't give you cancer


Of course while many things don't cause illness outright, their addition to the cumulative effect is never taken into account. Does anyone believe those non-toxic labels on some products means it's OK to eat them?

Among those pardoned by Trump this week: Software maker ex-CEO who admitted hacking into rivals' systems


A very stable financial genius

Call us immediately if your child uses Kali Linux, squawks West Mids Police


Puts the "plod" in plod

Don't break your swanky new Motorola Razr, you probably won't be able to get it fixed


Yet another POS device from people who could care less

Can AI-enhanced virtual sports presenters do the job? It's a big ask


Re: To be fair...

They need to get a "smart" sweater (jumper to you I guess).

Not a Genius move after all: Apple must cough up $$$ in back pay for store staff forced to wait for bag searches


Nice to see Apple f***ed for a change.

In a high-security preview, we got our claws on Samsung's Galaxy S20 and S20+... which are annoyingly good


Easy to replace battery? Costs less than a good laptop? Super de dooper CPU not throttled due to overheating? Didn't think so.

BUT- idiots will be able to walk into you, block sidewalks and stairways while downloading crap even faster.

Crazy idea but hear us out... With robots taking people's jobs, can we rethink this whole working to survive thing?


Re: Economic Basics

Libertarians = I got mine


Re: They toooock ewre joohbs!!!

So no living wage, cool. Mop your own damn floors.


Soylent green will even replace funeral directors


lotsa jobs

At first many jobs lubricating robots until they make robots to do that. Finally everyone's job will be to order crap from Amazbot.

Built to last: Time to dispose of the disposable, unrepairable brick


Re: Reduce, re-used, recycle

or a sweatshirt

Meet Clippy 9000: Microsoft brags about building Earth's largest AI language model, refuses to let it out of the lab


And thank God for that

Let's pray it's air gapped.

Astroboffins may have raged at Elon's emissions staining the sky, but all those satellites will be more boon than bother


More of the ocassional load of BS to come from the Reg

A ton more space crap to run into with no way to retrieve. Yay!

Xiaomi what's inside: Wow, teardown nerds find debut smartwatch isn't actually a solder-and-resin nightmare


biggest smartwatch problem

The boxes are too small to play in after the 15 minute thrill wears off.

Flipping heck: Footage leaks of Samsung's upcoming bendy smartphone in action


What desperation smells like. OTOH to paraphrase "No one ever went broke underestimating the intelligence of ..."

AI snatches jobs from DJs and warehouse workers, plus OpenAI and PyTorch sittin' in a tree, AI, AI, AI for you and me


if it were really intelligent it wouldn't play the crap that company pushes anyway

Facebook campus death plunge: Cops say man jumped from 4th floor in apparent suicide


Which orphaned IoT device controlled the window locks?

Chrome suddenly using Bing after installing Office 365 Pro Plus... Yeah, that might have been us, mumbles Microsoft


enjoy the big pos

Yes it's crap and relentlessly violates your privacy BUT it is "popular"

Don't mention the seam! Microsoft releases Surface Duo Android SDK, more on Windows 10X


2 pounds of s*** in a 1 pound bag

Windows 7 back in black as holdouts report wallpaper-stripping shenanigans


MS conspiracy

Author is correct, MS too effing stupid to pull this off on purpose, just usual putzing around

Guilty as charged: Apple confesses some Smart Battery Cases are having 'issues', offers replacements


f*** a bunch of apple

Are you getting it? Yes, armageddon it: Mass hysteria takes hold as the Windows 7 axe falls


Re: one would think

Win 10 IS the problem

Microsoft wields ML to catch child predators, city drops 7-year facial-recognition experiment after no arrests...


not cortana !!!????

Pity those so disabled they must depend on cortana, alexa, siri or any of those pathetic spybots

Love T-shirts, but can't be bothered to wash them? We've seen just the thing!



A match for that new Taco Bell that will take ten days to pass through your colon.

Eggheads have crunched the numbers and the results are in: It's not just your dignity you lose with e-scooters, life and limb are in peril, too


check your walk speed

A 15 minute mile walking is a pretty brisk pace (try it yourself) and a few miles (maybe each way) is healthy but time consuming and sweaty. 8mph isn't hazard speed on a scooter and if you need to get somewhere on time, makes a difference.


danger Will Robinson

Statistics on reported road casualties in Great Britain for the year ending June 2018 shows, there were:

1,770 reported road deaths

26,610 people killed or seriously injured

165,100 casualties of all severities, a decrease of 6%

Statistics on reported road casualties in Great Britain for the year ending June 2019 shows there were:

1,870 reported road deaths

a slight increase compared to the year ending June 2018, however, this change is not statistically significant.

Also, there were:

27,820 people killed or seriously injured

157,630 casualties of all severities, a decrease of 5%

GSMA report: Sorry, handset makers, 5G is not going to save the smartphone market


el reg is overpaying methinks

"retails at a perfectly palatable $520." Not sure what qualifies over $500 as "perfectly palatable" if you're paying and not your employer, especially if you need phones for the family.

Latitude 9510 lappy has a speakerphone so you can tell the conference call all about your 30-hour battery


Typical of Dell is the reasonable price posted will be the most under powered version where the "suggested" configuration will amount to techno-rape.

How do you ascertain user acceptability if you keep killing off the users?




iFixit surgeons dissect Apple's pricey Mac Pro: Industry standard sockets? Repair diagrams? Who are you and what have you done to Apple?


It's Apple to blame for the BS of "slimmer and mo' beeyou-tiful" that we have to thank for the spate of non service-able phones and laptops without even a remove-able battery. How does one replace or install RAM or drives (as many laptops enable end users to do) without the ability to de-power the machine?

Cool 'joke', bro, you could have killed someone: Epilepsy Foundation sics cops on sick flashing-light Twitter trolls


Considering the toxic nature of twitter today it seems like function following form.


You're a f***ing moron- IMHO

Creative cloudy types still making it rain cash for Adobe


F*** adobe


How many steps was that, then? Uncle Sam's lawyers, watchdog race to probe Google's Fitbit gobble


Thought the Orange Orc loved fitbit as it reports his big mac consumption as an arm workout

How much cheese does one person need to grate? Mac Pro pricing unveiled


Re: Use

How about for cheating their customers with generally way overpriced and shoddily implemented products? For no real diagnosing of hardware problems, insisting on absurd repair costs or total replacement for things requiring 20 minutes and a $100 to fix from a real technician?

Revealed: NHS England bosses meet with tech and pharmaceutical giants to discuss price list of millions of Brits' medical data


gird your grids you poor bastards

US here with healthcare envy. As you know your political leaders will f*** you at will for $. Good luck.

Join us on our new journey, says Wunderlist – as it vanishes down the Microsoft plughole


Anyone recall Creature House Expression?

Very cool vector software, bought by MS, rebranded Microsoft Expression and left to wither. Or TruSpace, an inexpensive yet useful 3D software, again bought by MS and promptly killed.

Google ex-employees demand retribution for Thanksgiving massacre


Re: I don't like to judge people based on their appearance...

f*** a bunch of google - wrapping itself in righteousness while pillaging the web

Bose customers beg for firmware ceasefire after headphones fall victim to another crap update



could the real problem be headphones that require firmware?

We know what you want to write: Google injects more AI into G Suite



'Literally a paperweight': Bose users fume at firmware update that 'doesn't fix issues'


reviews on Amazon US- heh



Re: There’s a reason people say

It"s the Benjamins

Can't you hear me knocking? But I installed a smart knocker


perfect accessory for freezing to death when a storm cuts the power

Is this paragraph from Trump or an AI bot? You decide, plus buy your own AI for $399


donald or ai?

At best don the con is an artificial intelligence and a vivid example of GIGO

What is this, 1989? Laplink is still a thing and wants to help with Windows 7 migrations


the cloud???

Trusting data to the cloud = "gosh it got poached", "sorry it got lost", "sorry we gave it to the NSA"

PowerPoint! Word! Excel! Lens! By your powers combined, I am Captain Mobile Office



ugh, just ugh

Boffins don bad 1980s fashion to avoid being detected by object-recognizing AI cameras


Re: The bigger problem at airports...

Not only airports, covers even phone support

Not just adhesive, but alcohol-resistant adhesive: Well done, Apple. Airpods Pro repairability is a zero


Apple standard POS

F the environment, it's making your wallet sooo-ooo much slimmer

The sound of silence is actually the sound of a malicious smart speaker app listening in on you


A special danger to the people in need

Friends have purchased these things to help aging parents who have difficulties seeing and /or getting about easily. Often the same people who more easily fall victim to scams whether by phone calls, emails, or now, their personal "assistants".
