bb will just place its servers in uae
then the uae spooks can spy on the small guys (aka potential terrorists) but not the big guys who are supposedly less
56 publicly visible posts • joined 28 Aug 2007
Is to involve the user more determining what master certificates are being used - instead of pretending that the browser maker knows it all.
one stab at this was mention above, but you can think of a variety of others too.
"Perhaps our browser needs some kind of "trust mode". When in "banking mode" it will not trust domain validated certififates. When in "Dissident mode" it will drop trust in Chinese certificates or whatever local regime I do not trust. Etc."
I once saw a group of women crushing grapes with their feet on the flat roof of their village house in the mountains of Cyprus. The juice simply ran down the normal rainwater drainpipe and into a bucket which was frequently emptied into a vast circular stone pot, about 1.5m across at the belly, half embedded in the floor of one of the inner rooms. The process was simply then to wait a year until the wine was ready to drink. Absolutely nothing was done to it apparently. I had some from other house nearby - too sweet for my taste but the simplicity of the process was unforgettable.
Cloud providers could convince insurance companies that they are a good bet/pay them reasonable premiums and offer their clients (the cloud consumers) compensation if and when things go wrong. To keep things simple, the compensation can be for a given amount instead of being unlimited and related to consequential losses.
In the "fictional" novel "Dubai" published maybe 30 years ago all the tables in the only decent club/restaurant in the city at that time and which was therefore where a lot of business was talked over were bugged. Apart from the novel, in real life for many years there was gossip that all the (mandatory government supplied) telephones were microphones too. A pattern is forming.
C++ is on a roll these days with a truly usable free cross platform IDE from Nokia/Qt creator. Java is a fat pig, lost its thrust a while ago is just coasting up in a parabola now soon to start its downward decline just like cobol did in the days of yore. C is the unchangable rock and C++ looking like its unshakable coating that makes it usable by ordinary mortals. The idea of teaching C++ programmers to stay away from the C bits makes C++ a usable language. If something doesnt have multiple implementations then it will NOT stand the test of time. Invest your time in C++. It will be around for 50 years.
our instructions for all new systems
* Login as Administrator
* Open the Run dialog box ( [Windows] - [R] ), then type gpedit.msc, hit [Enter].
* On the left pane, click "Administrative Templates", then "System".
* On the right pane, locate "Turn Off Autoplay" and double-click on it.
* Set it to "Enable" and choose All Drives
Vigilantes are the "useful idiots" of today - look it up. However, looking ahead I wonder if one will ever have to declare usage of vpns/encrypted channels. There could be random inspections and penalties for failing to declare to ensure general compliance. Then slowly the screws could be turned to reestablish state purview over all communication. vpns must stand out like beacons in the night at the moment. Steganography perhaps will come in vogue - inside video streams perhaps.
Re: "The state must declare the child to be the most precious treasure of the people. As long as the government is perceived as working for the benefit of the children, the people will happily endure almost any curtailment of liberty and almost any deprivation." - Adolf Hitler "Mein Kampf"
Only the first sentence is from Mein Kampf. The second seems to be by a Rabbi.
Since an Australian was arrested by British (hmm) police in Heathrow on a German "EU Warrant" for something which is totally not an offence in UK (along the lines of "publishing deliberately untrue historical information") these German attitudes are going to affect us all although I assume if it was a Brit being hauled off to a German court people would have something to say about it.
Google funded firefox has turned into a nightmare for Google. They left their foot on the accelerator too long and hopefully for us end users FF is out of anyones control now. The ease of writing and delivering addons for developers and the ease of finding and installing addons for users makes FF a real user orientated thing.
Combine that with addons that manipulate and control the web pages before representation on the screen, eg CustomiseGoogle that do interesting/useful things like automatically extending the google search page as you page down without requiring click on Next page, FF is truely dedicated to the interest of the masses instead of its maker.
For Microsoft the web browser was the next level up threat that commoditises their operating system. For Google the addin is the next level up threat that will commoditise the browser. Their best bet is to portray addins as wild untrustworthy things that one must fear. I think you can see this approach in their cartoon.
Their choice of the name Chrome is an evil attempt to destroy the guts of Firefox which is also called Chrome.
"For an educated man should be able to form a fair off-hand judgement as to the goodness or badness of the method used by a professor in his exposition. To be educated is in fact to be able to do this; and even the man of universal education we deem to be such in virtue of his having this ability."