* Posts by GGoo

1 publicly visible post • joined 12 Apr 2018

eBay has locked me into undeletable Catch-22 trap, complains biz bod


ebay are quite possibly one of the worst companies to try and deal with to resolve this sort of thing. A similar thing happened to me too.

I had been selling a lot of items over a few months and one day got notification that my selling rights had been removed.

Upon speaking to ebay support, they claimed that it was due to my low DSRs (detailed seller ratings). I had 5 star DSRs on each category. When explaining this to support, they said it was also based on Feedback - of which I had 100% positive! I argued the case for a few weeks on and off, via telephone, email and twitter to no success.

I later requested my account to be deleted, only to be told that wasn't possible.