Re: I don't understand why we still use PDF
maybe because pdf was developed as a format for long term archiving originally.
35 publicly visible posts • joined 27 Aug 2007
well they are lawyers after all. And dumb ones at that. Everyone has a choice on what search engine they use. ALTA VISTA is a good one I hear, so are others that are not in the Good ole USA. Too bad that Google is the most popular currently. Also too bad that the plaintiffs do not know anything about how Internet and Internet Search work.
If we on this side of the pond find that there was not a good reason for shooting the cop will wind up in jail for murder. And think about this if a police officer either British or American winds up in jail they will have people to deal with that they might have put there.
Most High School teachers make about $20,000 a year and that is with 4 years seniority. The parents typically have to buy their kid the following: Pencils, Pens, Books, Toilet Paper, Art Supplies. You know all the stuff that the school board supplied back when we were kids. And that is in the cities that are wealthy in the state. In the poor counties they have even less.
Most people on the Internet are nervous about supplying things like Name, Address, Phone Number and email address because these things can be used for Identity Theft and to send you SPAM so they think why should I do something so dumb. If the British Police and New Scotland Yard are willing to compensate them for every time their Identity is stolen because they complied with the law those organizations will go in to receivership pretty darn quick in my opinion. :lol: :lol: :lol:
If the blind can not use a brick and mortar store is one thing but a website? Now if the plaintiff had stuck to ADA claims there might be a possibility to work things out but now either target will pull the site which is bad for all users or they will outlast you id10ts on appeal.