* Posts by Mark Nelson

35 publicly visible posts • joined 27 Aug 2007

Microsoft switches Edge’s PDF reader to pay-to-play Adobe Acrobat

Mark Nelson

Re: I don't understand why we still use PDF

maybe because pdf was developed as a format for long term archiving originally.

Literally braking news: Two people hurt as not one but two self-driving space-age buses go awry

Mark Nelson

What kind of bus size was used? The small one used for example to take someone from an assisted living facility to a Drs. Appointment and back or a larger one the size of a School Bus .

WikiLeaks boss Assange acted as a foreign spy, Uncle Sam exclaims in fresh rap sheet

Mark Nelson

Re: But he's not American

And the Charge is not Treason but Espionage. Treason is done by a Citizen giving Classified documents to a Foreign Power. Espionage is a Foreign Agent Acquiring by whatever means Classified Documents

Cameras for hacks: Idiot-proof suggestions invited

Mark Nelson

Try DroidMaxx, fits in your jacket pocket 24hr under normal use battery, decent phone so you can call that professional photographer if you need one.

Ouch... right in the Androids! Google hit by another antitrust sueball

Mark Nelson

well they are lawyers after all. And dumb ones at that. Everyone has a choice on what search engine they use. ALTA VISTA is a good one I hear, so are others that are not in the Good ole USA. Too bad that Google is the most popular currently. Also too bad that the plaintiffs do not know anything about how Internet and Internet Search work.

BOFH: He... made... you... HE made YOU a DOMAIN ADMIN?

Mark Nelson

Re: The BOFH is slipping

More like he is setting the Boss up for something NASTY.

Bloke ordered to remove offensive numberplate

Mark Nelson

So return it and take ROYAL 1

And then watch the fireworks

Head-cam video used to OK Arkansas cop kill

Mark Nelson

Re: Justified Shooting???

If we on this side of the pond find that there was not a good reason for shooting the cop will wind up in jail for murder. And think about this if a police officer either British or American winds up in jail they will have people to deal with that they might have put there.

Buddy, can you spare a PC processing cycle?

Mark Nelson

Re: Rosetta@home; Climateprediction.net; and Africa@home.

Why go to Facebook? Just go to http://www.seti@home.com download the Boinc Client and add these projects.

UK space programme suffers serious setback

Mark Nelson
Black Helicopters

Rule #2 for model rocket enthusists:

Always put on anything you launch your address as #10 Downing Street or Buckingham Palace. If launching in the USA put your address as 1600 Pennsylvania Avenue, Washington DC.

Russians demand flying cars and telepathy

Mark Nelson

@ El Reg

I want an Infinite Probability Drive.

Lawyers claim ringtones are public performance

Mark Nelson

Actually Orlowski

The EFF are just doing their job. Now if ASCAP and RIAA and MPAA and all the other outfits would directly pay the creators a decent wage we might not have this problem.

US issues revised e-voting standards

Mark Nelson

How about a rock?

White rock for Democrats Red rock for Republicans and then just count the rocks. Joke alert for obvious reasons.

Pensioner gets apology over S&M smut filesharing threat

Mark Nelson


Maybe he should invoice them with a devils contract. Pay me this amount in 15 days or I automatically take sole ownership of your company and all client companies.

US killer robo-plane makes strike without remote pilot

Mark Nelson


We would not have this problem if the USAF would respond promptly when the guys on the ground called for help.

Mark Nelson
Black Helicopters


So much for Pilot Arrogance from now on.

Windows 7 fast track alarms technical testers

Mark Nelson

@Kevin Bailey

Actually your list of requirements can be filled with just about any LINUX distribution. Let the flames begin!!

Accused Scareware mongers held in contempt of court

Mark Nelson

Ever hear of extradition Dapprman?

Because that is one way to get at them.

BOFH: The unwanted software compo

Mark Nelson


Quid if I recall correctly is a Britishism for their equivalent of a dollar bill. Boffin = scientist.

Amazon smacks little people with BookSurge

Mark Nelson


If you think it is not a APRIL FOOLS JOKE then I feel sorry for you.

Top security firm: Phorm is adware

Mark Nelson
IT Angle

IF COMCAST want to give me a OCR999 Internet Connection FREE

Then they can send me all the ads they want. But as long as I pay for the connection whatever it is PHORM can go jump in a lake with a Aircraft Carrier Anchor attached to their waist.

Alabama admits developing country status

Mark Nelson

The main problem from what I see is $$$$$$$$$$ from the state.

Most High School teachers make about $20,000 a year and that is with 4 years seniority. The parents typically have to buy their kid the following: Pencils, Pens, Books, Toilet Paper, Art Supplies. You know all the stuff that the school board supplied back when we were kids. And that is in the cities that are wealthy in the state. In the poor counties they have even less.

Mark Nelson

Without ALABAMA we would never have gone to the MOON People.

Because Marshall Space Flight Center is in Huntsville Alabama. Along with NASA. During the APOLLO Project years the test firings of the Saturn V engines would shake the windows where I lived about 15 miles away from the test stands.

Hacker holds onto ill-gotten gains thanks to US courts

Mark Nelson
Black Helicopters

So if they can not get him for one thing then they will send him to Guantanamo.

And he will never get out alive until he gives them the $300,000.

DHS official moots Real ID rules for buying cold medicine

Mark Nelson

I tried to report for jury duty but you would not let me

Because the moron at the gate would not recognize my ID. Therefore your honor I am not guilty.

US Army struggles with Windows to Linux overhaul

Mark Nelson

Good maybe things will improve

Once the ARMY no longer uses MS.

'Crash tested' e-voting machines spread doubt on Super Tuesday

Mark Nelson
IT Angle

So use the most reliable system of all namely rocks

White rock for Hillary Black rock for McCain and total up who has the most rocks afterwards. No fraud possible.

BOFH: Balancing the budget...

Mark Nelson


We have that in my workplace starting every September 1. We call it End of the Year Madness. The Budget People call it things that turn the air BLUE.

Online sales of stolen gear prompt call to list serial numbers

Mark Nelson
Thumb Up

Re: Ebay should comply with the LAW

Most people on the Internet are nervous about supplying things like Name, Address, Phone Number and email address because these things can be used for Identity Theft and to send you SPAM so they think why should I do something so dumb. If the British Police and New Scotland Yard are willing to compensate them for every time their Identity is stolen because they complied with the law those organizations will go in to receivership pretty darn quick in my opinion. :lol: :lol: :lol:

California court tilts towards mandating web accessibility

Mark Nelson

You ID10T PATEL!!!

If the blind can not use a brick and mortar store is one thing but a website? Now if the plaintiff had stuck to ADA claims there might be a possibility to work things out but now either target will pull the site which is bad for all users or they will outlast you id10ts on appeal.

El Reg deploys (extra) comment icons

Mark Nelson


There has to be an icon for the BOFH so all the admin types can have some lovin.

The RIAA will come to regret its court win

Mark Nelson
Jobs Halo

Another good reason to buy the book is convience

I have a howto in pdf form entitled Dont_Panic_v1.5.2 on my desktop that I got from nwvault.ign.com it is 132 pages long. If it was in book form I would probably buy it for the convience of always having it available to me.

PC superstore puts Microsoft on sale for under £150

Mark Nelson
Thumb Up

Who wants them??????????????

If Marvin the Martian wants to take them back to Mars with him then I say good riddance to bad rubbish(The rubbish being Microsoft not Marvin) and give the person (Marvin) who gets rid of them a promotion for such trash removal to a HAZARDOUS WASTE DISPOSAL AREA

BOFH: Skip diplomacy

Mark Nelson
Thumb Up


Why bother just do an office move and it all gets lost. Lots of fun buying new stuff.

Teen sticks Xbox 360 power supply in bowl of water

Mark Nelson

Actually Mr. Philip Rhodes

Here in ALABAMA they are called <B>THOSE DAMN YANKEES</B> or other things that are very derogatory.