So it's OK 4 the West but .....
So it's all good if the West shows 'strength and power' by illegally invading other nations under false pretences, nations who clearly don't have the military might of the combined West(American Military/Industrial Complex), not to mention the West's constant interfering in other Nation's elections for decades, or the fact that Politicians are where they are because of their ability to manipulate facts to whatever they want you to believe (but so many of you STILL believe they aren't lying to you).
All I see whenever Russia, or China are mentioned in western Media, is Western MSM-led, jingoistic, anti-life, anti-peace, anti-human, pro-eternal-war, and pro-destruction of our World. So much is made of Western 'Fairness', which is nothing but a cover to be less fair than others, in order to justify taking what is not theirs in the first place, by force.
Simple, logical facts......It is The American-led Military which is surrounding Russia, & China. The US, by far, has the LARGEST, MOST EXTENSIVE reach (caps for emphasis only), IN ALL HISTORY to date, a number which dwarfs ALL of the other World's Military combined (and a lot of dead people to their despicable credit). Of course Russia and China are getting worried. Wouldn't you if the roles were reversed?
America is just Like The Roman Empire of old, except with fresh 'paint', and a MUCH larger Military Industrial base, kept afloat by utterly corrupt Bankers, and Banking Families.
Trump is only different in that he is outside the normal accepted 'circles of power and control' (in his mind), he is a maverick card, played to keep your attention on him, rather than on the hijack of our Historic ruler-ships, principally and on the face of it, by American Corporations, the largest of which is America itself (The US is a For-Profit Registered Corporation is the UK and others).
You can argue all you want that Putin is this or that, or Trump/May/Merkel/Macron etc., are better or worse, but none of that is stopping the Global Take-over of Earth, not by Aliens, but by those whom we have greedily and lazily given our power to.
It's really simple at the end of the day, and nowhere near as complex as others would have us believe.......if you undeservedly punch me in the face, you'll get it back with interest. If you undeservedly punch me in the face, and are holding a huge threatening-stick too, I'll think twice about punching you back in the face immediately, but you'll still get that 'punch' back in a different, but equally effective way (preferably in a way that disarms you of your large stick). It is no different for our organisations or nations, if a corporation can be a person...a Sociopathic person I might add, then our nations and all our organisations are Persons too (by dint of them being comprised of us persons).
Oddly in many cases, such 'Persons' behave exactly like utterly spoilt, uncivilized, combative children, that actually belies the fact they are compromised of many highly educated and civilized peoples.
If we as peoples believe in Fairness, and the punishing of Theft, Murder, and general Harm-causing as our basic Laws Suggest, then it is time for us to damn well demand, and enforce it in our own institutions and governments, and stop the self-deceptions we are all guilty of.
It seems to me everyone is an 'expert' in calculating how much money and power can be derived from destroying unity, and embracing destructive ideologies, but very few actually spend time working out the fact that there is even more to be gained by co-operation (I mean substantially more to be gained for the entire planet and Humanity). I believe that Vladimir Putin (regardless of his past, or because of it) understands this principle.
Russia/China's only real defence are it's Nukes. If you want so badly to feel what Russian/Chinese Nukes look and feel like in operation, go ahead and have your most cherished dream of an American-only-led World, it will last exactly the amount of time it takes for their Nuke's destructive power to be delivered from there, to a place near you (4mins?...I think less these days). Planet America is not only deeply undesirable, it is the end of this World, same as it would be if it was Planet Russia, or China, or Planet The Kingdom of Bhutan.
If you know your history, then you will know that it has ALWAYS been considered an act of aggression, and a provocative prelude to invasion, when a Nation builds up it troops and weaponry on the borders of another nation. It is in fact still currently ILLEGAL to do so under U.N. Auspices, but hey...America, the UK, and others (following the U.S. Example) have shown that when it suits them, they will ignore International Law, and make up lies, in order to justify what should not be justified under International AND domestic laws, in order to take what is not theirs.
Trump and Putin are not puppet and master, both are under extreme pressure from hidden sources, and are both, it seems to me, trying to wrest power back from those sources. Putin's U.N. speech, clearly showed that he was aware of these powerful sources, and that Russia was going to try and extricate itself from the control of those sources. Trump too, I think is after taking back control from these powerful people, but he is nowhere near the trained and capable a Statesman that Vladimir Putin is, and thinks, and behaves just like you would expect, someone who until now hasn't really needed etiquette, or a comprehensive knowledge of Our World.
Putin and Trump are not Evil people, the evil ones are those who were not elected/accepted to rule, and who regardless, use their money and power, to enslave us all into fear, arguing amongst ourselves for no other purpose than to create division, distraction, and destruction.
I appreciate that there will be many who won't like what I've written, but wouldn't it be a shame if the very nations who espouse freedom of thought, speech, and critical thinking, were the ones who dropped the Torch on it? ... I think that is already happening in the West, and the East is now picking it up, which is a shame, because it would be better for all of us, if we all picked it up that torch together.