* Posts by Joey

251 publicly visible posts • joined 26 Aug 2007


iPhone 4S pre-orders obliterate sales records


What I get out of this article...

... is that the 'tecnocrati' who said 'meh' haven't a clue about what *people* want. They know what *they* want but they just overvalue their own opinions and when they see somebody else getting it right, they have a hissy fit. Technology should be transparent, it is only a means to an end. No matter how many 'features' a phone has, the user has to find them useful and be comfortable using them. The trick is knowing what to leave out! That's why Apple get it right.

Gay-bashing cult plans picket of Steve Jobs funeral


God hates?

Hate is a human concept. In fact, most of the traits attributed to God are human ones. Even the 'He' part. How can God have a gender? Why would an omnipotent super-being feel the need to be worshiped or praised. Surely that is only for egotists - humans.

The fact is that God was created by man in his own image - not the other way around!

When people don't understand something, they make up explanations, and then stand around nodding in agreement. I wonder if earthworms have theories about motor cars?

No pain, some gain: Ubuntu Oneiric Ocelot examined


Headless chickens

... or monkeys with typewriters come to mind! This is going nowhere.

Apple rumor mill predicts 'all new Mac'



... a touch screen interface and keyboard. It has to happen.

London rioters should 'loose all benefits'


I would...

... put them on treadmills and make them generate electricity!

Apple to release Mac OS X Lion on Wednesday


Word is...

..that Lion will launch at 8:30am Cupertino time. That's 4:30 in the UK. Interested to know why they don't stagger the launch across the World instead of having EVERYBODY in a massive Denial of Service attack!

HTC loses prelim patent ruling to Apple, takes stock hit


Patent sense

The trouble is, if you don't protect your patents like this, somebody else will claim them and if you have not challenged their use, you are on shaky ground thereafter. Much as I hate to see the legal leeches cleaning up...it has to be done.

'Lion' Apple Mac OS X 10.7: Sneak Preview


Dual boot

I have four multi-partition 1.5 Gig hard drives in my MacPro. When a new OS comes out, I dupe my current main drive using SuperDuper into a fresh partition and then install the new one. I can always go back to the older system using Startup Disk. I still have a few apps/drivers/plugins that need Rosetta so I will need to go back to 10.6 occasionally. If you don't have multiple internal drives, you can still dupe onto an external and boot from that if you need to.

Samsung runs to the ITC to seek Apple ban



An original idea from Samsung is very hard to imagine. The only Samsung product I have is a AV amplifier and it is rubbish in every respect!

Apple's MobileMe has a wobble


System Status

MobileMe Mail

<1% of MobileMe members may be unable to access MobileMe Mail. Normal service will be restored ASAP. We apologize for any inconvenience.

Woman dies of heart attack at own funeral



I've heard of 'born again' but this 'dead again' is something new.

Apple iMac 27in


Price comparisons...

The other thing that you have to factor into your iMac/PC price comparisons... what will you be able to sell that similarly specced PC Frankenstein for after four years? Nothing. The iMac will still command a good second hand value. Now, subtract the second hand value from the new price and that's what you actually pay! The iMac is cheaper.

X-51A hydrocarb scramjet flames out in second test

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"attempted to transition to JP7 fuel operation". It really annoys me when people use nouns as verbs - just like the verb 'to leverage'

Apple worth more than Microsoft and Intel combined

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Macs are not expensive

Since 1984, I have run my business on Macs. I've had about 40 over the years. In all that time, I have had one power supply failure and one Powerbook screen go stripy and had to be replaced. No old Macs were scrapped, every one was sold-on and got a good 'used' price. I have never needed 'support staff' to maintain them. I have never had a virus or other malware.

They might cost more at the outset but that does not mean 'expensive'!

Spear phishers target gov, military officials' Gmail accounts



...because they are 419ers! Emails from the CIA, FBI and Nigerian Central Bank all come from hotmail, yahoo or gmail addresses!

Ten... DAB kitchen radios



Why, in this day and age, does the DAB/NET radio have to look like it comes from the '60s? I would not buy any of these because they all look c**p! Why not a touch screen interface like an iPad Touch with decent size letters and numbers?

Credit processors targeted in fight against spam



...did it take them so long to work this out! A chain is only as strong as its weakest link!

Ten... fantasy gadgets you wish you owned



Haven't you ever wished you could park your car 9 feet in the air out of reach of the parking warden. It would just hang there - like bricks don't!

Google was 'warned repeatedly' about rogue drug ads



Why don't they go after the credit card companies who process payments for these crooks?

Apple, Amazon trademark spat turns surreal


To digress...

Seems that now God can be sued for throwing Thunderbolts

Survey shows slab-fondlers are loving their iPads

Jobs Halo

Thumbs up

In a meeting last week, the guy next to me offered to look something up on the web. He had an Asus Netbook. While he was waiting for it to book, I whipped out my iPad and had the information to hand before he even opend his browser!

Kodak wins round in Apple patent brawl


Y a w n ...

...need I say more?

DARPA, NASA look to spawn STARSHIP enterprise


Job going?

I have, in the past, written science fiction and would like to offer my services as CEO of this organisation.

Apple refreshes iMac with Thunderbolt, Sandy Bridge


Takes all the fun out of peripherals...

...I really miss my SCSI chain

Amazon refudiates Apple 'app store' trademark suit



...is a generic word too!

Apple seals $66bn in Jobsian wallet


Re: Can someone answer me a question?

Simple, the value of the stock goes up so if/when you cash it in, you have made money.

Apple Digital AV Adapter



Yes, the adaptor IS expensive. Tell me where I can get a cheaper alternative?

When a white van driver whacked my wing mirror and cracked the glass, Toyota wanted over £120 to 'fix' it. They would only supply an entire wing mirror, which only comes primed, so it has to be sprayed to match. I eventually tracked down a replacement mirror glass for £5.50 on the web.

I can't find a cheaper HDMI AV for the iPad/iPhone adaptor online.


Doesn't work with iPhone

Although this device is supposed to work with an iPhone 4 (with appropriate apps), I can get absolutely nothing out of it through my Bravia TV or Acer projector. Messages on Apple discussion board show that there are other people having the same problem.

iPad 2? Let's be kind and call it iPad 1.5



First, you point out that the iPad2 only does video, not stills, than you bemoan the fact that there is no built-in flash like the iPhone4. WTF! The Register is to technology publishing what Top Gear is to motoring!

Apple to Microsoft: 'App Store name is not generic'


What is distinctive?

'Windows' and indeed the word 'Apple' are generic and there are many other examples of generic words in trade marks going back as far as there were company names. If you register a trade mark and the registration is accepted, you then have the legal right to use and protect that mark in whichever countries the registration has been accepted. The word 'Apple' on its own could not have been trademarked but 'Apple Computer, Inc' is obviously acceptable (in the area of computers) and now that it has been established as a brand, Apple, Inc is an example of a generic word having a particular association that would be hard to argue with. If the concept of 'App Store' was popularised by Apple through usage, even though the individual parts are generic, the phrase has a good chance of being distinctive enough, through association, to be a trade mark. To nail it down 100%, it should be 'officially' referred to as Apple App Store.

iPad 2 launch could be delayed by two months, analyst says


Utter rubbish...

...the iPad2 will be announced on 2nd March!

The forgotten, fat generation of Mac Portables



My first 68000 computer was a Sinclair QL. The assembly was quite different to the Z80 I learned on and by the time I was up to speed, the machine was obsolete. I was able to carry my 68000 skills over to a Mac 512 though and use in conjuction with Lightspeed Pascal.

419ers threaten terrorism charges



Might as well have put "To whom it concerns".

Microsoft vision chief sees world without Microsoft PCs


Never mind the quality, feel the width

How true of Microsoft. Always want to deliver 'more' instead of 'better'. And, to think that Ubuntu is a poor man's Windows!

Apple should buy them out

How average is your sex life?


Doesn't say...

...how many men fake their orgasms!

Gosling blows lid off Jobs Java nonsense

Jobs Halo

Good riddance

Java. Meh. Who needs it. Yesterday's technology for yesterday's people.

Jobs' Lion to marry Mac OS X and iOS

Jobs Halo

App store

This is an opportunity for small developers to get their apps noticed my people who would not normally find them. There must be throusands of little apps, some more useful than others, that are only available through the Kagi Store, MacUpdate or Download.com. If you don't happen upon a review in a magazine, you wouldn't know about them. They are generally freeware or low cost and bundling them together in an App Store seems like a good idea to me. The low price will be counteracted by volume and I'd rather have 70% or 10000 sales than 100% of 100!

Apple to lead fanbois 'Back to the Mac'

Jobs Halo


As Lion is 'King of the Jungle' and you can't go better than that, it would suggest to me that 10.7 is the last 'cat' OS before OSX11 - that's all!

Ruskie gang hijacks Microsoft network to push penis pills


Chase the money

Somewhere along the line, people have to use their credit cards to subsidize 'Canadian Pharmacies'. Making Visa and Mastercard responsible for these criminal transactions would slow this trade down considerably! They should aslo be make to disclose the recipients of the monies.

Jobs takes swing at Google over Android activations



The reason that there is no 1080p, at present, is nothing to do with chipsets, it's bandwidth. Streaming video over the typical 2mbs net download speeds is hard enough for 720p. Even cheap HDMI cables can't handle 1080p from a Blu-ray player to a tv. There will have to be a much faster and reliable net infrastructure before 1080p is going to happen.

Apple inks Ping trademark deal with golf gear maker


Just add a small D to the P...

...and you have Bing. I would say that Bing and Ping are pretty close and could confuse users.

Broadband advertising speed gap widens

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Virgin Cable

In the past few weeks they 'upgraded' my connection to 50mps. I tested before and after with various speed tests and I'm pretty confident that I am getting 'near' 50mps. It's no extra charge for six months and then an extra £3 per month after that. At my end, all they did was change the modem.

I have always believed that people stuck with ASDL should pay 'up to' £15 for an 8mps line, (pro rata 'the promise') then things would improve dramatically.

Cutbacks strip speed cameras from Blighty's roads


Re: Money Spinners?

The point is that the councils don't get to keep the money they generate, it goes into Treasury coffers. Anyway, all they have to do is switch *most* of them off but not say which.

Steve Jobs denies Judas Phone antenna problems

Jobs Halo


Yeh, I bought a bumper just after getting my iPhone 4. Nothing to do with reception whatsoever. I haven't had any reception problems that I can attribute to the phone at all - note, all those people that haven't actually tried. My problem is that I keep my iPhone in my shirt pocket. Several times, with my iPhone 3, I have leaned over to pick something up and the phone has slid out and fallen on the floor. Eventually, the glass broke and I had to have it fixed. £40! So I bought a rubber case which would have softened the fall but hey, the rubber case stopped the phone falling out of my pocket in the first place. Hence, the bumper with my new phone. The slippery iPhone no longer falls out of my pocket. So, the real 'design fault' is fixed with the bumper too!

Vista-hating Microsoft throws poo at Apple's iPhone 4

Gates Horns

Sour grapes

When will they ever learn. I was at the UK rollout of Win95 and Microsoft were equally (if not more) scathing about Windows 3.1. Somewhere along the line, they will slam Windows 7 too - and rightly too.

Miniature Apple display spotted in the wild


To be used in pairs...

iGoogles anyone?

Apple patent seeks to reinvent retail



There's already an app for that - Red Laser - and it works pretty well! I've just scanned the barcode on an obscure book of Chords for Jazz guitar, which just happened to be on my desk, and it identified it perfectly. Supermarkets are not too happy about you scanning their products or taking photos of their shop displays!

Southpaws up in arms over iPhone 4

Jobs Halo

What would I change about my iPhone 4?

I'm very happy with mine - but then I actually have one. The teleport function could be better and the backward facing camera could show a more handsome fellow - but it will do until something better turns up.

Jobs tells iPhone users to get a grip

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I actually have one...

Try as I will, I can't reproduce the problem. Even pinching the bottom left and right black lines together makes no difference to the signal strength whatsoever. Maybe I'm not sweaty enough?

Ubuntu's Lucid Lynx stalks PC and Mac converts


Different planet...

The fact that this guy talks of 'winning over' Mac and Windows users shows that he is totally deluded. No matter how wonderful it is, compared to other versions of Ubuntu. No matter how 'free as beer' it is, it still suffers from the same 'rose-coloured spectacled view' that these people exhibit. It's the 'user experience' that counts and by user, I mean my Aunt Elsa, not some guy with a propellor beanie.
