If they are using legacy software from that great power house in the UK market, it is no surprise that the support has gone to india... Thats where 90% of R&D has gone.. The Focus is no longer Micro but firmly turned towards the $... Margins are not low in SW support or at least not in legacy
Posts by MedievalMalta
3 publicly visible posts • joined 16 Mar 2018
McDonald's tells Atos to burger off: Da da da da da, we're lobbing IT ...
Tech’s big lie: Relations between capital and labor don't matter
Underpaid overworked outsourced idiot
Agree with everything..however... The old ones that stay in the big SW giants are snakes and would have back stabbed their way to stay. Outsourcing to idiots is a corporate decision made by money men for return...We are not all idiots but agree the level is appalling. The customers know it, we know it, the money men know it. We have no input into changing things we are just put on to do everything that higher paid insourced idiots didnt do to start with otherwise the business wouldn't have to cost cut.
Unions can protect, but wont stop the products going out of date. They wont stop people from being lazy. They wont stop disruption.
Trump’s immigration policies costing US tech jobs says LogMeIn CEO
Story of HyPEdra
Erm did nobody notice this before? The nearshore/offshore is purely built off lower costs, nothing to do with expertise. It is more often than not related to Business tax incentives, so the workers COGs are not even in the equation...they remain at 0, gradually increase to 0*1%..then when the loophole is closed or something happens they move their business to another place. Being told that profit margins on IT support were 97%, doesn't motivate the outsourced...The just do it as a gig...no investment, no interest